Arboretum of Khabarovsk: description, address and mode of operation

The environmental situation in Khabarovsk, as in other cities of Russia, can be described as tense. However, in most settlements active work is being done to reduce emissions of harmful substances. Not the last role in this work is played by parks, squares and other protected natural oases both in the cities themselves and in the okrug. All squares and parks of Khabarovsk absorb about 1,5 thousand tons of harmful substances and dust in 1 year. Along with the old park areas, in the city only in 2017, 5 new protected natural areas were created. Not the last role in air purification is played by the Khabarovsk Arboretum at DNILK.


The territory under protection is a real natural monument, which contains plants typical for the Far East and the rarest representatives of the flora. The dendroflora gene pool has 386 plant species and is considered unique; it is represented by 102 families and 193 genera.

In the park you can see Mongolian oak, Manchurian walnut, Amur wild grapes, Chinese magnolia vine and several types of vines. One of the most interesting plants is actinidia colomict, this vine has fragrant fruits that taste sweet like sweets. There are plants imported from North America, from the Himalayas and the Tien Shan. And many representatives of the Far Eastern flora are already found exclusively in protected areas.

alleys of the arboretum

History of development

The Khabarovsk Arboretum began its existence in 1896, when only 4 hectares were allocated for the park. In the same year, the laying of a nursery began, and one of the first to plant Ussuri pear and grave pines. For some time, the arboretum moved from one department to another and in 1939 came under the leadership of the Far Eastern Research Institute.

Already in the 50s of the last century, active work began on the acclimatization of plants inherent in the Far East, and it was then that the foundation of the collection was laid.

Today, the Khabarovsk Arboretum is located within the city and carries not only an aesthetic function, but also performs an environmental one. In the protected area, the cultivation and cultivation of seedlings of shrubs and trees is carried out. Also, selection and research work is carried out here. One of the goals of the park is educational work aimed at expanding the knowledge of the population in the field of ecology. The implementation of the function is carried out through excursions, propaganda and educational practices.

child studies nature

A bit about the institute

Institute DNIILH was opened in 1939. The base for the formation was a control-seed station. Initially, the institute had only 9 employees. The peak of development of the enterprise occurred in the 50s. Then the state already had 5 candidates of science and 28 scientific employees.

By the 70s, the institute had become the largest scientific institution with a well-developed network of experimental stations, one of which was the Khabarovsk arboretum.

During the perestroika period, like most enterprises in the country, the institute had to tight. The employees left because they did not have the opportunity to feed themselves and their families. Today it is a small enterprise, where the staff is only 80 people.

Despite all the difficulties, 15 doctoral dissertations and 76 candidate dissertations were defended on the basis of DNIILH. About 100 books and 230 production manuals were issued, 16 patents and 75 copyright certificates were obtained.

autumn in the arboretum

Residential complex

Not so long ago, in the area of ​​the Khabarovsk Arboretum, a residential complex "Arboretum" was built. These are as many as 3 residential buildings with a height of 24 and 25 floors. Residents of these houses can only be envied. The center is only 10 minutes, but in the district there is a beautiful adjacent territory and arboretum, the Amur River. In the park you can walk, hide from the heat and breathe fresh air.

The district of the city itself is fully landscaped, there is a developed infrastructure, there is public transport. The cost of housing in the LCD is also available, and the area of ​​apartments vary from 42 to 108 square meters.

housing complex

How to get there

The park is located on 71 Volochaevskaya Street. To come and take a photo of the Khabarovsk arboretum, take a walk and learn more about the vegetation of the Far East and the world, you can get from the railway station by tram. Trams number 1,6,2,8 go to the park. Exit should be at the stop "Arboretum". If you go from the airport, you should immediately take the trolley bus number 1 and get off at the stop "Lenin Square", and then transfer to the tram.

traffic indicator

Visiting rules and working hours

The Khabarovsk Arboretum is open from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Practical seminars are often held in the park; young biologists in the arboretum gain practical knowledge. For regular visitors guided tours. Pupils of some educational institutions of the city undergo practical training in the arboretum.

It should be remembered that it is forbidden to walk dogs or other representatives of the fauna in the protected area. Shrubs and trees cannot be felled here. You can’t dig in the arboretum, let alone dig up plants, make fires and litter.


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