Gelatin for hair. Reviews after application

gelatin for hair reviews
Thick luxurious hair with the current rhythm of life, ecology and the quality of mass market products is more likely the dream of many girls. It is not always enough time to pay due attention to the hair, while the “benefits of civilization” created for the fair sex, such as hair dryers, irons, curling irons and other things that cannot but affect the quality of the hair, are actively used.

Since ancient times, girls, in order to preserve their beauty, resorted to folk remedies: herbs, infusions, oils. We will not consider ingenious multicomponent recipes, let's recall the simplest, most affordable tool that returns even dry and severely damaged hair to strength, density and silkiness. This gelatin is an affordable source of collagen, which is so necessary for our hair, skin and nails.

What is gelatin useful for hair? Reviews among girls who regularly use masks based on this component show that after several applications the hair becomes more shiny, docile, keeps styling longer, their growth is accelerated. There are many ways and recipes for using gelatin in hair care products. Among them, there are shampoos, and masks, and even homemade hair lamination with gelatin. A photo that clearly shows the effect after applying gelatin lamination can be seen below (right).

homemade hair lamination with gelatin photo
In order to carry out such a procedure, you will need a few spoons of gelatin, cold water (proportions should be 1: 3) and your favorite balm. We heat gelatin swollen in water in a water bath, add hair balm to the same place (in order to rinse off better) and carefully apply on moist curls. It is advisable to additionally warm the head with a hairdryer after applying the mask and wrapping it in a film. We put a warm hat on top or wrap a towel. Wash off after an hour.

Are there any warnings and contraindications for those who use gelatin for hair? Reviews containing negative comments indicate that the mask should not be applied to the scalp, as this causes dryness and peeling. Also, do not forget to add balm, otherwise the gelatin mass freezes on the hair literally tight.

What type of hair is suitable for use with shampoo and masks containing gelatin? For hair (reviews among owners of various types of hairs prove this) both oily and dry. With greasy curls, you can additionally use essential oils with a drying effect. When dry, gelatin does its job perfectly: eliminates dryness and restores a healthy, lively look to them.

gelatin hair balm
It is also worth remembering that masks cope with their task from the outside, while the body inside also needs support and treatment. Many doctors recommend taking gelatin diluted with water inside. This not only has a positive effect on your beauty, but also helps your bones, joints and cartilage stay healthy. Therefore, now all kinds of fruit jellies and homemade, delicious jellies should take their rightful place in your diet.

Now you know the universal and simple recipe for beauty: gelatin for hair. Reviews after its first use will certainly replenish the enthusiastic responses about the gelatin of other girls.

Despite the fact that beauty requires sacrifice, sometimes these sacrifices are useless. Use available natural products to maintain your natural beauty and stay brilliant for many years!


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