Who is choleric? Description of the type of temperament, features and interesting facts

Each person is unique, with its own psychological and emotional characteristics. Nevertheless, based on some generalizing features, Hippocrates identified four key types of temperament. It is especially interesting who choleric is.

choleric characteristic

Comparison table of types of temperament

Coming to a detailed description of choleric, it is worth considering this type of temperament in comparison with others. This can be done using the table.

CholericSanguinePhlegmatic personMelancholic
EmotionalityStormy, changeableSuperficial, short-termUnexpressedDeep inner
PatienceWeakModerateStrongAlmost absent
ExcerptWeakModeratePronouncedIs absent
MoodUnstable, peppySteady, joyfulSustainableUnstable, pessimistic
AdaptationNormalGoodDifficultVery difficult
SociabilityInanimity with peopleSociability without stiffnessModerate sociabilityEnclosure
GesticulationSharp, amplitudeLively, expressiveSluggishTimid

Who is choleric

An unbalanced type of nervous system and a predominance of excitement over inhibition are characteristic of a choleric. People with this type of temperament deal with a strong, vibrant, but unstable emotional background. A choleric person is characterized by a sharp change of mood for no apparent reason. And even a person himself sometimes can not understand and explain the reasons for this condition.

It is common for a choleric to react to what is happening in an exaggerated manner. In this regard, the owners of this type of temperament have earned the fame of evil, unfriendly and quarrelsome people. But it is not so. Choleric temperament enhances any emotional manifestations, which from the outside can be perceived as inadequacy, aggressiveness or hysteria.

choleric temperament type description

general characteristics

A generalized description of the type of temperament "Choleric" can be represented by such signs:

  • Unruly and uncontrollable.
  • The tendency to abrupt and dramatic mood swings.
  • A keen sense of time.
  • The ability to control and manage conflicts.
  • Intemperance and lack of patience.
  • Intolerance of monotonous work.
  • Quickly getting used to changing circumstances.
  • Restlessness, inability to focus on one thing.
  • A loud voice and fluent, clear speech.
  • The imbalance of the psyche.
  • The quick fading of emotional outbursts.
choleric temperament type description

Positive and negative sides

Choleric as a type of temperament has both positive and negative traits. They are given in the table:


- energy;

- sociability;

- initiative;

- the ability to interest;

- leadership skills;

- ability to cope with difficulties and obstacles;

- lack of fixation on negative events.

- irritability;

- short temper;

- excessive straightforwardness;

- intemperance;

- inability to calculate strength;

- the tendency to leave things unfinished;

- talkativeness;

- conflict.

How to recognize choleric in appearance

When considering the question of who choleric is, it is worth pointing out that it can be recognized not only by emotionality and character traits. Type of temperament leaves a certain imprint on the appearance of a person. Here are some of the signs you can recognize choleric:

  • a dry, thin physique that creates the impression of fragility;
  • the limbs are thin and oblong;
  • narrow, flat and elongated chest with an acute rib angle;
  • an oval or egg-shaped skull, narrowed upwards, like a cone;
  • flat forehead, narrowed at the top;
  • the upper part of the head is large;
  • pointy chin;
  • poorly developed, narrow or slightly sloping lower jaw;
  • pronounced pointed cheekbones;
  • strongly protruding nose of "bird" shape (the tip is down, there is a hump);
  • protruding nape with a sharp transition to the neck;
  • pointy crown;
  • long thin neck with pronounced Adam's apple;
  • narrow feet with sharply protruding nodular joints.
choleric who is it

Professional choleric

The type of temperament can say a lot about how a person will prove himself in work. Who is choleric? He is an excellent professional in the field related to the provision of services, networking and personal communication (guide, actor, journalist, advertiser, animator). And all because for the owners of this type of temperament in the first place is the human factor and emotional environment

Nevertheless, the potential leader should know that the choleric as an employee is unpredictable and difficult to manage. His ability to work is very high, but very unstable. In addition, the formation of new skills takes a very long and painful time. Although adaptation to the new environment is almost lightning fast.

Choleric is an extrovert. It is common for him to pay more attention to external factors than to his own inner world. This is an important characteristic for a choleric leader. A strong point is the ability to quickly generate ideas. He can instantly give out a relevant idea in response to a changing situation. At the same time, a choleric can infect others with his enthusiasm and lead subordinates behind him. But choleric, as a rule, is removed from the technical aspects of the work. It is more focused on the human factor.

choleric as a type of temperament

Temperament compatibility

Relations with the opposite sex are directly affected by the characteristics of the choleric. A woman and a man can get along well, and can live in constant quarrels and misunderstandings. Here's how to characterize the compatibility of choleric with other types of temperament:

  • Sanguine. It has a good-natured, lively character. He has a bright emotionality, so choleric with him is not boring. Aggressive attacks of choleric sanguine can smooth out through humor and compromise. Nevertheless, it does not allow you to subordinate yourself. Periodically, the sanguine presents the choleric with some difficulties, without which the latter simply cannot live.
  • Phlegmatic person. The balance and slowness of this type of temperament irritates choleric. And phlegmatic, in turn, tires the hyperactivity of the partner. Such relationships can only take place if people give each other a certain degree of personal freedom and will not try to change something. In this case, a rather stable union will turn out in which the choleric will shine, and the phlegmatic will not claim leadership.
  • Melancholic. He is overly sensitive, gentle and timid. Choleric, as a rule, puts these qualities in reproach to the melancholy, not even suspecting that he mortally offended the latter and inflicted mental trauma on him. This is the most difficult combination of temperaments, which rarely leads to a strong relationship.
  • Choleric. Relations are bright and stormy. Unearthly love and fiery passion are often replaced by loud scandals. Then comes the same violent reconciliation. But such a rollercoaster in a relationship cannot last long. As a result, two choleric can not get along together.
choleric extrovert

How to make life easier: tips for choleric

Choleric - who is it? This is an emotional, unrestrained person who seeks to be in the center of events and control them. At the same time, others see him as aggression and even inadequacy. Therefore, choleric people meet with a lot of difficulties every day. To make your life easier, you need to use these tips:

  • Train the qualities of other temperaments in yourself so that your "inner choleric" does not get the better of you.
  • Do not suppress negative emotions. Release them through physical exertion.
  • Learn to express positive emotions.
  • Do yoga and meditation practices.
  • Learn to consider the opinions of others and look at the situation through the eyes of your opponent.
  • Do not seek to control everything. Learn to let go of a situation if it is beyond your control.
tips for choleric

How to raise a baby choleric

If you recognize choleric in your child, it is important not to let the negative traits of this type of temperament develop as you grow older. In raising a child, be guided by such tips:

  • In case of misconduct, do not scream or physically punish. With a choleric child, you need to talk calmly, demonstrating the correct behavior by example.
  • Take your child to the sport. In training, he can transform hostility and aggression into physical activity and give vent to these negative qualities.
  • Teach your child to draw. Blank paper and felt-tip pens are what you need to control emotional outbursts.
  • Set clear goals that have a clear result. This will teach the child to finish what he started.
  • Make sure your child reads, listens, and looks. Books and media content should have a positive mood, teach the child politeness and empathy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33489/

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