Strongly "stupid" laptop, what to do (Windows 7)?

To control a complex electronic device, the user must have the appropriate knowledge. And the newcomer will have time to make sure of the truth of what has been said. However, perhaps some of you already have a question: "If the laptop is" stupid ", what should I do (Windows 7 will be considered as a pre-installed OS on board the laptop)? If, for the sake of curiosity, you decided to familiarize yourself with the material in this article, then you are welcome we ask - the time you spent will be more than paid off in the future. Do not take a few minutes, look at the paragraphs. It may well turn out that now you need to heed the recommendations! Otherwise, the fatal outcome cannot be avoided ...

The most important "symptom of electronic disease"

tupit laptop what to do windows 7

It is no secret to anyone that the normal temperature of the human body is expressed by a certain value - 36.6 ° C. Deviations in one direction or another mean one thing - we get sick. It is not difficult to imagine how difficult it will be for the user to work in a hot, not ventilated room. The impact of critical temperatures on the electronic components of a laptop is also fatal. As a result of overheating, any system component of the OS becomes unstable. Perhaps you are familiar with another common expression - "the computer is buggy." Therefore, do not be surprised (wiping perspiration from the forehead) why the laptop is stupid, Windows 7 managed. And even if your laptop is operated in acceptable temperature conditions, being alert is not superfluous. Prolonged gaming sessions, the simultaneous use of several resource-intensive applications are just a few that in one way or another will lead to a situation where the computing power begins to fall, as they say. To avoid this, it is necessary to systematically monitor the temperature readings of laptop sensors (later we will stipulate how degree monitoring is performed). As you know, in addition to the main factor that threatens the stability of the OS, the "machine heat", there are many other "causative agents of digital fever." Read about the ways to deal with them and how to identify the cause of the system glitches in general in the following paragraphs.

Hard frames of “unfavorable” disk space

laptop tupit windows 7

So, after another unplanned wait, you involuntarily asked the question: "When the laptop is" stupid ", what should I do? Windows 7 and 8 constantly freeze, as a rule, due to improper functioning of the hard drive. Usually, a novice user does not suspect that everyday file manipulations: deletion, installation or moving are actions that will need to be corrected in the future. Data located on the hard disk must be periodically defragmented.

The complex concept of "data structuring" and a simple explanation for "hard braking"

In the process of using a disk drive, the inevitable happens - the integrity of the structure of filling the memory cells is violated. Uninstalling the application, we free up a specific area on the hard drive. However, the newly recorded data due to its size may not fit in the vacated sector. Therefore, the OS divides such a file into fragments, thereby violating its primary integrity, as a result of which the process of reading information is somewhat more complicated, and this, as you know, is an extra waste of time. It is for this reason that the laptop is "blunting".

What to do (Windows 7)?

Sometimes the seemingly uncontrolled situation of OS braking can just drive you crazy. An unlucky user, overwhelmed by despair, can even turn directly to an inanimate system ... Agree, it’s not at all ridiculous when the nerves are at the limit. There are frequent cases when a beginner begins to implement a destructive scenario. Of course, “tam-tara-ram” does not solve anything, and after some time (after the monitor stops smoking) the nervous user can only regret ... However, we will not be distracted, we will leave the psychology and move on to the practical part of the story.

strongly tupit laptop

  • So, go to the Start menu.
  • Go to the "Computer" tab in the working area of ​​the window, which displays all the active sections of the used hard drive.
  • Place the marker on the system drive “C” and use the right mouse button to call the context menu.
  • Select "Properties" from the list.
  • First of all, if the laptop is "dumb", what should I do (Windows 7)? The OS offers to use the "Disk Cleanup" button - click on it and follow the further service instructions.
  • After that, go to the “Service” tab in the next window, where, step by step, perform several actions.
  • First, “Run a scan”, which will fix the errors in the disk drive.
  • After rebooting and the automatic correction process, use the button below - "Defragment".

Thus, you optimize the disk space of your hard drive. Now the read head of the drive does not have to wander in search of a “lost file tail”.

Do you know that a laptop is “stupid” from an overloaded registry?

Windows 7, like all other versions of Microsoft operating systems, constantly uses a special database in the process of using it, which records all changes related to the functioning of the OS. The system log - the registry - stores settings and parameters of not only the operating environment, but also all installed software. In other words, all software components work according to a specific algorithm of actions. Now imagine how time-consuming the process of processing this kind of data becomes when the registry is full of various digital junk. In order to simplify the understanding of such a complex process, let's give an example.

very blunt laptop

Suppose you deleted a certain program, but the uninstaller does not always work cleanly. Usually, some data remains in the system registry, which, in general, becomes an obstacle to the effective operation of the OS. If the laptop is very “dumb”, you need to clean up the “digital chaos”, you need to clean, and in some cases defragment the registry. So you can return to your OSes former playfulness and lost productivity.

CCleaner: Safe Registry Optimization

The manual method of editing entries in the system log is the prerogative of professionals. The novice user has only one thing - to enlist the support of a specialized program that is able to automatically fix all problems in the registry of the Windows operating environment.

  • Download and install the above software on your laptop.
  • When you first start the program, the window of the active section "Cleaning" opens. Using this tool, you can free up disk space from temporary and unnecessary files (the standard version was discussed above).
  • The “Registry” tab below is useful for those who are in a panic tormented by the question: “If the laptop is really dumb, what should I do?”
  • After the required window opens, click the "Analysis" button and after a short process of searching for erroneous entries in the system log, boldly activate the "Clear" button.

laptop is very stupid what to do

It is worth noting that it is better not to abuse this kind of program procedure. The registry is a critical section in the operation of the OS, so do not once again “shovel” the parameters and settings stored in it.

What slows down Windows startup?

The situation when the laptop is very “dumb” can be correlated with the picture when the user observes an extremely slow scenario of loading the operating environment. The fact is that the launch of Windows is accompanied not only by activation of system tools, but also third-party software, which is registered in the OS priority list - startup. The larger the “elite price list”, the more significant the consumption of system resources. Therefore, it is recommended to edit the startup section.

  • Press the key combination Win + R.
  • In the check box of the "Run" menu, enter the command "msconfig".
  • Open the “Startup” tab and deactivate (unchecking) unnecessary programs.

laptop is very stupid

Warning: disable only those applications that you know, since deactivating some system services can critically affect the OS’s performance.

Energy troubles

So, we got acquainted with some solutions to the problem when the laptop is very “dumb”. What to do, you already know. Nevertheless, do not forget that, due to its autonomous portability, the stability of the OS is somewhat dependent on the correct power supply scheme. In the case when a balanced power consumption mode is activated on your computer, you are unlikely to be able to enjoy all the delights of a resource-intensive game. This is worth remembering. Perhaps for this reason the laptop "hangs".

Temperature Reminders and Antiviral Tips

We will not return to how dangerous overheating is. We’ll better talk about how you can prevent the catastrophic consequences that will become inevitable if you do not monitor the temperature sensors of your device.

very stupid laptop what to do

  • Inspect the exterior grilles of your laptop’s air intakes. If they are clogged with dust, clean them.
  • If you use the laptop in intensive mode, take care of additional cooling. Get a special gadget in the form of a stand.
  • Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not have a standard software tool for temperature monitoring. However, in BIOS, such information is available to you. By the way, there is a mass of third-party software through which you can control the temperature of the hardware components of the system.
  • Scan the system with antivirus utility. Perhaps the initiator of the braking process is malicious code?


Well, now you know how to prevent a situation when a laptop is very “dumb”. What to do and how to curb the OS is also not a secret for you. However, not everything fit into the scope of the article. Much remained unsaid. However, nothing can stop you from studying the optimization issues in more depth. And the CCleaner program mentioned above is fraught with many pleasant surprises. Remember: Windows is "stupid" for a reason, pay attention to the hardware configuration of your OS. Does the RAM fit the software needs, is the processor weak? Think, analyze and draw only the right conclusions. Good luck


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