Means of communication of sentences in the text: examples. Means of communication of sentences in the text, types of communication

To convey to others or themselves personally the meaning of what I want to say, people use a text that can be expressed in written or spoken language, aloud or mentally. Usually it consists of several sentences connected in sense and grammatically. The Russian text in its structure may differ from the presentation and construction of sentences and phrases in other languages.

Text concept

Any text should carry a semantic load and have a clearly traceable line of narration. The subject of the text is what is being discussed. It is created to transmit information on any selected topic, transmitted in the form of separate sentences, united by common semantic content.

Each subsequent sentence in the text may contain a microtheme that helps to reveal the general theme. In turn, a consistent presentation of the main idea reveals the idea of ​​the text, that is, for the sake of which it was created.

The theme and idea of ​​the text are always interconnected and form the content of the statement. The main idea can be expressed in one of the sentences or sound in the heading. In order for the text to be informative, there are ways of linking sentences.

In addition, each text has a clear structure and features that define it as a linguistic unit.

Text Attributes

To determine whether a statement is a text, you should know what is characteristic of it:

  • Firstly, the text is always informative, therefore, whatever the types of connection of sentences, each new sentence serves to reveal the main topic, and not a repetition of the same.
  • Secondly, connectedness, since each subsequent sentence is connected in meaning with the previous ones.
  • Thirdly, integrity, which is created by the unity of the topic and the main idea within the framework of the disclosed content.
  • Fourth, the text has a completeness, which occurs when the main idea is conveyed to the listener or reader.

examples of communication tools in the text

  • Fifthly, the text can always be "divided" into smaller parts, for example, paragraphs.
  • Sixth, the text should relate to a situation, real or imagined, which the listener or reader can understand and understand.

Based on these characteristics, it is possible to determine whether sentences are part of the text or are in no way connected with each other.

Text structure

In the work, the sentences are connected with each other with the help of:

  • local communication, for example, in paragraphs;
  • global communication, which is the perception of the meaning of the text as a whole;
  • contact communication, when complementary proposals are nearby;
  • distant communication, in which the components of speech are separated by explanatory parts of the text.

Another indicator of the text is its structure, which includes the introduction, the central part and the conclusion (conclusion).

Chain linking sentences in text

Ways of communication sentences are divided into lexical, morphological, structural-semantic and syntactic level. At the structural-semantic level distinguish between chain and parallel types of communication. The chain connection between sentences suggests that each subsequent statement reveals the meaning of the previous one. This happens using:

  • lexical repetition;
  • synonyms;
  • replacements for words.

Examples of communication tools in the text:

  • Legend has it that behind a high snowy mountain lies a beautiful city of plenty and happiness. There are no diseases and poverty in that city, and every inhabitant will have eternal life. Eternal life without war, without hunger and old age forced the brave souls to go in search of a mysterious city. The sentences are connected with the help of lexical repetition, in which the main idea of ​​the previous statement is revealed in the next one.

ways to communicate offers

  • I watched a new movie. The comedy was really funny. In this type of communication, synonyms that substitute for each other are used: film - comedy.
  • I read an interesting book. She captured my mind for the next few days. Sentences are related by replacing the word book with the pronoun she .

When replacing words, index and personal pronouns, pronouns and conjunctive words are most often used . Types of sentence relationships such as verbal passages are also often used, for example:

  • It's getting dark. The first stars in the sky . Regardless of the omission of the word, the meaning of the text is understandable and means that when evening comes, the first stars appear in the sky.

Parallel connections

The parallel connection of sentences in the text implies that they are completely independent and are not complementary to each other. With such a connection, they are either opposed, or compared with each other, or are an enumeration of something.

The same word order corresponds to this type of connection, and the sentence members have the same grammatical forms. Most often, a parallel connection of sentences is used by the authors to outline a more accurate picture of what is happening through the description. Since each of the sentences in such a text is independent, they expand the “boundaries” of the event. This can be manifested through various techniques.

Examples of communication tools in the text:

  1. Here was the first cry of a rooster. Here the sky brightened in the east. There is only one star left in the sky. So the morning of a new day came. The same beginning of each sentence combines them into a single text that conveys a description of the event - this is anaphoric parallelism.

    parallel connection of sentences in the text

  2. The first drops of rain fell on the asphalt. Passers-by began to get umbrellas. In this example, the parallel connection of sentences in the text is carried out by combining one phenomenon - rain - this is a logical type of connection.
  3. The car left the garage. The street was still empty and quiet. The sun was just rising over the city. The same type of proposal combined with the help of their affinity.

A parallel connection of sentences in the text can be combined with a chain and form a parallel-chain sequence.

Parallel chain connection

Parallel-chain connection is called when both of these types are used in the same text. Moreover, the second sentence is associated with the first parallel connection, and the third is related to the second and is connected with it by a chain connection.

Examples of communication tools for sentences in the text using a parallel-chain view:

  • The most interesting was the chemistry room. What could be in test tubes and flasks on the teacher's desk? What kind of portraits of great scientists and tables with obscure icons hang on the wall - everything was new for students who came here for the first time. The second and third sentences are connected by a chain connection using the same beginning, while the first and second sentences are connected by a logical parallel connection.
  • It got colder outside. On the thermometer, mercury dropped beyond the number zero. He showed freezing temperatures, and this meant that winter is not going to give up so easily. The first and second sentences are independent, and they are united by one phenomenon - cooling, while the third sentence is connected with the second chain connection by replacing words.

offer relationship types

With this type of communication, there is a more complete disclosure of the described events or transfers.

The lexical connection of sentences

In the lexical form of connection sentences, the Russian text is overloaded with the repetition of the same or root words. A similar style of presentation of the text is characteristic of the official and business style, and in fiction - description. For instance:

  • Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. My grandfather didn’t have children .
  • History is the science of the activities of people in the past. In the past, which existed before the appearance of Homo sapiens, and before the events that took place yesterday, everything becomes history.

The lexical connection of sentences also includes the replacement of words with synonyms or antonyms or their generic relationship. Examples of communication tools in the text:

  • A fortress appeared on the horizon. The citadel became more formidable as it approached. Replacement using synonyms.

Russian text

  • One of the elongated matches turned out to be short. The other is long. Anthonyms are used.

Thus, sentences “cling” to the text using lexical connections.

Syntax Communications

In this type of connection, the sentences are completely identical in their structure. This method is called syntactic concurrency, for example:

- You need to be the best. You need to be better than yourself yesterday.

The consistency of sentences (combining them into a single unit with the same typical value) is used in parallel communication, for example:

- Ducks and swans swam near the shore. In complete silence, the expectation passed when another observer would throw pieces of bread into the lake. Bustle and whine began.

parallel connection of sentences

For syntactic communication, words are often used that fasten sentences in a single text: in this way, as mentioned above, and the like.

Morphological means of communication

When morphological types of communication are most often used:

  • replacing nouns with pronouns - There are many trees in the forest. By which prevail, we can judge its composition. Nouns are replaced by pronouns.
  • verbs of the same time and kind - Suddenly a flurry of wind came up. Umbrella vomited out of hand. Verbs of a passive kind are in the past tense.

connection between sentences

  • particles and introductory words - He was wrong. Consequently, his friends did not support him.

Morphological communication is most often used in literary texts of a descriptive or narrative nature.


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