Nutritious and tasty: how to cook semolina porridge with milk

Semolina porridge is one of the first complementary foods that are given to babies. This diet dish is recommended to be included in the diet of debilitated patients or people in need of special nutrition. Yes, and in itself, properly cooked porridge is a tasty and healthy product that can pleasantly diversify our everyday menu.

General information

how to cook semolina porridge in milk
Cooking semolina porridge in milk requires some skill. First, milk must be fresh. Of course, nothing will come of starting to acidify or turn sour - it will collapse. If whole milk is taken , it is itself sufficiently fatty and does not require additional “dressings”. But if fat-free semolina porridge is cooked in milk, the proportions of its preparation are somewhat different: in the end, you must definitely put a piece of butter. In addition, condensed milk or dry milk powder can be used as the main ingredient. How to cook semolina porridge in milk correctly? It is important that the final product is cool. Thick porridge gathers in the mouth with unpleasant lumps and does not cause positive emotions. But the liquid (freely poured from a spoon, spreads on a plate) and retains nutritional value, and gives a feeling of satiety, and it turns out delicious. They eat it sweet, with sugar, honey, syrup, jam. Usually a little sugar is put immediately, during the cooking process. And to shade the sweetness, some salt is also poured.

Semolina porridge "dessert"

semolina porridge in milk proportions
The dish got this name because one of its components is vanillin (vanilla sugar). It is the simplest example of those that demonstrate how to make semolina porridge in milk. True, quite a lot of milk is needed per glass of cereal - a liter and a half. Otherwise, the dish will come out too steep. Pour milk into an enamel pan and boil. In boiling liquid little by little, in a thin stream, pour semolina. Do not forget to constantly interfere, otherwise the grains will stick together into unpleasant lumps. For the same reason, it doesn’t fall asleep all at once - it would make a big sticky lump. The second subtlety is to make sure that milk does not run away and the porridge does not burn. Remember this if you do not know how to make semolina porridge in milk. Otherwise, no vanilla will kill the unpleasant odor. Therefore, after filling the fire, make it smaller and cook the porridge for 15 minutes, stirring all the time. It should thicken a little, but just a little. Salt at the end, put 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. Eating a dish should be hot - with cooling, the semolina freezes like jelly, and reheating it again no longer makes sense - the taste and consistency will not be the same. Before serving, you can put in the plates of 10-15 gr. butter. It would be nice to sprinkle with grated nuts. Or put fresh berries, slices of fruit, also fresh or candied.

Diet porridge

making semolina porridge in milk
How to cook semolina porridge in milk for a baby and older children - a special recipe. Water must be included in the composition of the components - pure milk may turn out to be too fat and heavy for the infant stomach. It is difficult to digest and even sometimes causes indigestion and frustration. Therefore, the composition is as follows: ¾ cup of milk and ¼ cup of water - 3-4 teaspoons of cereal are taken on them. Pour boiled water into hot milk, wait for it to boil. Pour semolina little by little, especially carefully monitoring the lumps and continuously stirring. Cook over low heat, stir for 20 minutes. Pour sugar - 1-1.5 teaspoons - and boil for another 5 minutes. Vanilla is undesirable to add. But you can put sugar, a little less than a teaspoon. Such porridge can be poured into a bottle and fed to the baby through the nipple, or from a spoon, and even let the child try it for himself.

Eat on health!


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