Hassle and hassle are not the same thing

What is hassle? This word is obsolete, but nevertheless it is often found in literary sources, so its interpretation is of interest to many. Close to it is the word "trouble". Details that this is a hassle will be described in the review.

Regional word

In the dictionary you can find three options for the meaning of "trouble". All of them are accompanied by the mark “obsolete”. But besides this, these interpretations have other comments.

Fuck like darkness

So, the first option is a regional word, that is, a territorial version of the Russian language. Such words are spread in certain regions, are used verbally and to varying degrees differ from the basic literary norm. In this case, "hassle" means darkness, darkness.

Examples of the use of the word:

  • If the sun goes down, then it means rain.
  • When we finally approached the gulf, there was a dull withering around, grass rustling underfoot, and a quiet splash of waves was heard ahead.
  • Going outside, Sergey slammed the door hard, stepped sharply forward, into hassle, into the prickly snow that struck his eyes, into a strong cold wind.

The second regional option

Fog like fog

In this case, hassle is also a regional word, but already meaning “fog, cloudiness, foggy twilight”.


  • Thick twilight lay in the gorge, they were saturated with fogs, in Siberia they are called the beautiful and unusual word "trouble".
  • The whole week the sun did not show, all this time the spring rains and troubles stood.
  • When the girl straightened up, she was immediately enveloped in a mess - dirty, gray, he spread on the ground like a snake, and extinguished the bright light of the day.


Frozen as an obsession

The third version of the word is used in a figurative meaning and means something charming, stupefying, obscuring the mind.


  • In the black thicket, filled with a windbreak, there was no soul, no sound, no hope of seeing or hearing someone through a heap of horror.
  • To avoid such adventures, reliable methods are used to dispel the misfortune. You need not eat anything or take a bough of linden with you.
  • This fortune-teller sends a hassle to a person, enveloping him with false spells, gives out a phantom for reality, and a lie for truth.

What is a hassle?

Some people mistakenly think that "trouble" is the feminine noun of "trouble". However, such an opinion is erroneous. The dictionary "trouble" is defined as an unpleasant, tedious job, vanity.


  • For those places where shrubs are dominant, hard as wire (ledum, birch, blueberry), shoes with lacing are not suitable, with it you can get only a headache and additional hassle.
  • First, the bank gives out loans to just about anyone, and then they receive insolvent customers, with whom, instead of giving money back, one hassle.
  • The tenants did not like the new management company at all, forever with either warmth or water of trouble.

Nevertheless, “trouble” and “trouble” are words that are close in meaning, since both of their origin are related to darkness, mist, clouding of reason and all the troubles, red tape and confusion associated with all this phenomenon.

Related words

Among the synonyms of "trouble" you can find such as:

  • darkness;
  • darkness;
  • dusk;
  • haze;
  • haze;
  • seizure
  • fainting;
  • fog;
  • obsession;
  • cloudiness;
  • trouble;
  • eclipse of consciousness;
  • ghost;
  • confusion;
  • red tape;
  • gimp;
  • tyagomotin;
  • bagpipes;
  • fuss;
  • incomprehensibility;
  • maya;
  • magic;
  • bait;
  • temptation;
  • temptation;
  • mana;
  • turbidity;
  • a tear
  • hallucination;
  • vision;
  • dark;
  • pitch darkness;
  • impenetrable darkness;
  • to die;
  • darkness
  • hopelessness;
  • dark;
  • haze;
  • mga;
  • brain.

As you can see from the list, the mysterious "trouble" is synonymous with many familiar and understandable words.

In conclusion, we can mention another meaning of the word being studied. In Slavic mythology there is such a character as Morok - the god of delusions, illusions, ignorance, deceit and lies. He is the son of Koshchei Chernobog and Mary, and his brother is Frost. Sometimes brothers turn into each other.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33503/

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