Prevention and treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with herbal medicine

treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with herbal medicine

Do not underestimate the diseases associated with nerve disorder, since, as a rule, the unstable state of this system can cause the appearance and development of more serious ailments. Modern medicine offers a fairly large number of drugs. Nevertheless, the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with herbal medicine can be not only safe, but also no less effective. In addition, traditional medicine is usually more affordable than traditional, and can significantly save money on the purchase of various medicines. For example, if you are interested in treating neuritis with folk remedies, then you can very well use the following recipe to solve this problem: dry chopped colchicum tubers should be diluted in vinegar in a ratio of one to twelve. A prerequisite for the preparation of the drug is to let it brew for two weeks. The use of such a tool, carrying out the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with herbal medicine, should be used as a liquid for rubbing the pain area.

treatment of neuralgia folk remedies

If it was not possible to find colchicum in a pharmacy, then there is a simpler and quite affordable way. Surely at your place there is a common indoor plant geranium, which quite often applies such a section of alternative medicine as the treatment of neuralgia with folk remedies. It is necessary to pick a couple of green leaves, wrap them in linen material and attach for a certain time to the sore spot. If possible, geranium should be fixed on the body with a bandage, and then warm the place with a woolen scarf, which will allow the plant to maximize its natural healing properties. However, the most important thing here is not to interrupt the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with herbal medicine, observing its frequency. For example, geranium must be applied at least three to four times a day for several weeks, only then you will get a tangible positive result.

In addition to directly compresses, care should also be taken to reinforce the treatment of neurosis by taking herbal decoctions and infusions inside. Very effective in a process such as the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with herbal medicine is ordinary peppermint, which has long been considered an excellent soothing and sedative agent of natural origin. You can purchase the appropriate weed in any pharmacy network, and preparing a decoction will not be completely difficult. It is enough to pour a tablespoon of mint with boiling water in the amount of two glasses and leave overnight. Ideally, the tincture should be prepared in a thermos to maintain a certain temperature. It is advisable to take the broth itself in a warm or even hot form.

treatment of neuritis with folk remedies
For a day, you need to drink all the strained infusion obtained, using it at a time no more than half a glass. Mostly, the intake should be carried out before meals, as well as at night. Besides the fact that mint perfectly relieves spasms and pains caused by neuralgia, it also helps to normalize sleep and relieve anxiety.


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