Folk remedies for bruises on the face: proven recipes and instructions for use

There are many folk remedies for bruises on the face, because such a disaster can suddenly happen to everyone. As they say, a hematoma always appears at the most inopportune moment and in the most unfortunate place. If on the body, limbs it can be hidden under clothes, then with the face everything is not so simple. To some extent, tonal remedies save, but the best option is to take measures for the fastest cure. What to try?

Basic rules

If you ask knowledgeable people what helps a lot from bruises on your face, then many will probably say that the first friend of the victim is time. Surgical treatment of the affected area can reduce the severity of the hematoma and accelerate its resorption. It is advisable to get help in the first couple of hours after the injury. Mechanical damage disappears faster, the sooner you start a fight with them. The closer the blood vessels in the affected area to the skin, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the bright spot. According to experts, hematomas on the face are most unpredictable, it is more difficult to deal with them, but they are the ones that dissolve before the rest.

Most often you have to look for the most effective remedy for bruises on the face under the eyes. The skin here is quite delicate, very thin. Any external influence is aggressive and injures the areas. Capillaries are easily destroyed, a traumatic hematoma easily appears.


The most effective option is a cold compress from bruises on the face. It easily and quickly eliminates the hematoma on any part of the body, is effective even in case of trauma under the eye - and this area is very tender and does not allow the use of chemically aggressive products and compounds.

the most effective remedy for bruises on the face

Ice should be applied to the affected area for approximately seven minutes. As necessary, after some time, the procedure is repeated. It is important to be extremely careful - there is a risk of catching an eye. If the ice has been in this area for a very long time, you can catch a nasopharyngeal disease.

Available to everyone and everyone

If you ask experts how to help yourself, then they can recommend a home-made medicine from vinegar and soda. For one portion of the first product, you need to take twice as much of the second component. An alternative is to combine half a glass of water with a large spoon of salt. In the resulting liquid, a cotton pad is moistened and the affected part of the face is treated.

You can try onion ointment. First, the root crop is washed and peeled, then thoroughly crushed into pulp and mixed with a large spoon of soda used for cooking. The finished medicine is applied to the affected areas of the face. It is advisable to use the tool three times daily. The duration of the procedure is from half an hour to 40 minutes.

You can mix beets with honey. The ingredients are combined in equal proportions. Beets are carefully ground on a grater or using a meat grinder, previously peeling from the skin. Compress is applied according to the same rules as ointment with onions.

onion ointment

Potatoes and herbs to help the victim

If you ask a connoisseur what helps with bruises, a person can recommend making starch from potatoes. A compress is made with this product. The mask is applied to the affected areas of the face for several hours. It is necessary to apply the product in a thick layer.

It is believed that hematomas disappear faster if you regularly treat the affected areas with decoctions of herbs. Useful coltsfoot, calendula inflorescences, St. John's wort. To prepare the broth, it is enough to mix a large spoonful of dried plant material with a glass of water, boil for five minutes and insist for at least an hour. Then the liquid is decanted, a cotton pad is moistened in it and a compress is left on the affected area until the cotton wool dries. It can be repeated several times a day.

Among the options that helps from bruises, not the last place is occupied by aromatic oils. Among the essential products, rosemary and lavender are especially reliable. They are bred with base vegetable oil and used to treat the affected part of the face.

Onion ointment

When planning to use onions from bruises on your face, you can try a reliable and simple recipe for making an ointment. One medium-sized root crop is washed, dried and peeled. It is necessary to take a container, put onion in it, pour in vegetable oil so that it completely covers the root crop. The container begins to heat over minimal heat until the onions turn black, then let it cool and squeeze the oil from the root crop. The liquid obtained in this way is mixed with grated laundry soap - this ingredient must be taken in the amount of a large spoon. The same amount of molten wax is introduced. The finished medicinal product is thoroughly mixed, insisted in a refrigerator to a solid state. Then you can apply the product on the affected areas of the face. It is advisable to treat the site daily up to four times.

What can i buy?

In pharmacies and ordinary stores, iodine is sold. This product is considered a very effective means of preventing swelling of the affected area. At the same time, you can check whether there is enough iodine in the body, if there is a shortage of a vital trace element. To eliminate edema, you need to treat the affected area of ​​the face by drawing a mesh on it. It is advisable to do the procedure in the evening. Such a folk remedy for bruises on the face by the morning should completely disappear. If a few hours after application, there is no trace left from the net, there is probably not enough iodine in the body. Contact a doctor. The doctor will prescribe tests to clarify the condition.

folk remedies for bruises on the face

In the pharmacy you can buy ointments approved for use on the face. From bruises, those containing vitamin K are considered to be fast-acting. This compound, penetrating the skin, stimulates the resorption of blood clots, and utilizes the products of biochemical reactions. Plots of bruises are smeared with harmless ointments - these are created for use in both adults and children, are completely safe and do not provoke allergies.

Cod and other anti-bruise products

Choosing how to get rid of the hematoma that has arisen on the face, it is worth taking a closer look at the bodysuit. To prepare a quick-acting ointment for bruises on the face, you need to mix a couple of spoonfuls of pharmaceutical powder and half as much with a portion of pure water. The mixture is carefully applied to the affected area with a thin layer. It is necessary to distribute the product carefully so that nothing gets on healthy skin.

You can try vodka treatment. It is mixed with water in equal amounts, then put in a container in the freezer and wait for transformation into ice. A piece of ice should be regularly applied to the sore part of the face. Treatment is continued until the hematoma is completely gone.

Many experienced healers believe that nothing helps better than a cabbage leaf from bruises. It is enough just to stretch one leaf with your hands, gently beat it off and put it on the affected part of the body. The strongest effect is observed if the sheet is superimposed, as soon as a person received a facial injury.

cabbage leaf from bruises

Safe and reliable

You can try a simple and proven remedy made from honey and egg yolk. The natural antibiotic is combined with vegetable oil in equal proportions. You need to take a spoonful of both ingredients. The yolk of one egg is introduced into the mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed until a dense, thick porridge is formed. The prepared mixture is applied to the area of ​​hematoma on the face. The duration of the procedure is one day.

compresses for bruises on the face

Among folk remedies for bruises on the face, a compress with Kalanchoe attracts attention. To prepare it, you need to take a certain amount of this plant, twice the volume of viburnum bark and celandine greenery. All ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed. The mixture is allowed to infuse for a third of an hour, then a cotton swab is soaked in a homemade preparation. Compress is applied to the affected areas of the face for 20 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure as often in the afternoon as it turns out. It is believed that such a measure stimulates the rapid resolution of the damage. After each procedure, the skin is thoroughly washed in order to avoid allergies.

Tested and reliable

An ancient folk remedy for bruises on the face is a copper coin. The product was placed on the affected area. This was especially often practiced if the area near the eye was damaged, where you do not really want to apply ointments, lotions. It is believed that copper contributes to the disappearance of the hematoma, so trauma quickly disappears. A similar effect is observed if a small lead product is applied. In earlier times, for example, lotions were prepared on the face from bruises from a regular newspaper. This was explained by the fact that a small percentage of lead was introduced into the mixture during the manufacture of ink in a printing house. The lotion was left for several hours, after which the bruise became noticeably smaller.

bruise ointment quick-acting face

With a sliding strike, a large hematoma may appear. To improve the condition of the face, a compress with salt water should be applied. The most useful is sea salt, but in its absence, classic table salt is used. But cosmetic will not help, because the product has additional chemical inclusions that can initiate an inflammatory reaction. In the first minutes, a salty compress can provoke pain, but soon it will pass, and the result of application will be pronounced in a short time.

Salt: how else to apply?

A known method of getting rid of hematomas is a salt compress. This product relieves swelling, stimulates regenerative processes, and helps cleanse the affected area from pathological microorganisms. Thanks to salt, seals disappear faster. Cool salt masks and compresses stimulate vascular constriction.

The simplest version of the salt mask involves mixing the product with cosmetic clay. To make the substance plastic, a little water is introduced into the mixture. Make a cake, lay it on the affected areas of the face. For fixation, use a clean bandage. The cake is changed every day.

Parsley and honey

Parsley is actively used in cooking. The plant is very fragrant and pleasant, therefore it is used to improve the taste of dishes, smell and attractiveness in general. For a long time, people have noticed that parsley helps to leave bruises in the past. It relieves inflammation, strengthens the capillary network and weakens soreness in the hematoma area. To get rid of the bruise, you need to attach fresh herbs, previously crushed with a pestle, to the affected part of the face. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Then the face is washed with cool clean water. It is advisable to repeat the event four times daily.

what helps from bruises

Honey will bring no less benefit. The product not only stimulates the disappearance of the hematoma, but also nourishes the skin. A good effect is the combination of honey with quail eggs (use yolks) or vegetable oils. You can mix a spoonful of natural antibiotic and a couple of drops of rose essential oil. Both pure honey and combination products are used a couple of times daily, applying a thin layer to the affected part of the face.

How to hide?

Whatever the timely treatment, the bruise will pass after only 3-4 days, and sometimes longer if the injury is large. For the healing period of the area, you can use cosmetics to hide the damage. So that the injury does not catch the eye, use a yellowish powder and the same foundation. For greater efficiency, you can first apply a special color corrector or primer. Concealers are abundantly represented in the cosmetic market. True, in order to choose the most successful shade, you will need to experiment - there are a lot of colors. Products differ in their hiding power.


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