Dmitry Itskov, multimillionaire: biography

Dmitry Itskov is one of the most famous people in Russia. The economist and part-time multimillionaire always amazes people with his new ideas. What is known about a person like Dmitry Itskov? How did this man get rich? You will learn about this by reading the article.

Dmitry Itskov: biography

Despite the fact that Dmitry is a public figure, practically nothing is known about his life until the creation of the famous movement “Russia 2045”.

Among the known facts, one can single out that a young man was born in 1980 in the city of Bryansk. His parents were middle class and had absolutely nothing to do with the economic sphere, his mother was a teacher at school, and his father was a director of a musical theater.

After graduating from school, Dmitry decided to enter the Plekhanov University at the Faculty of Corporate Management, this decision was successful. In the same institution, Itskov met his first business partner, Konstantin Rykov.

Even during his studies at the university, he created the currently known Internet company called Newmedia Stars.

And in early 2011, Itskov created a movement called “Russia 2045”, in which he advocated starting the development of a new kind of person through work with innovative technologies.

In 2012, Dmitry Itskov left the business sphere and went headlong into research. Immortality became his goal. According to the man, in 30 years he will make it so that people can live forever.

Dmitry Itskov

Work with Rykov

Having met with Konstantin Rykov at the university, Itskov almost immediately found a common language with him. Young people set themselves the goal of increasing capital at all costs.

Their first joint work consisted in promoting Rykov, an electronic journal created in 1998, called

And in 1999, young people switched to creating a number of sites managed by Goodoo Media.

But the matter did not end on electronic resources, and young people created first a glossy magazine, and then a book publishing house and Internet television. Thus the media empire arose.

During this period, Itskov’s partner began to visit the Kremlin more and more often and go to the masses, propaganda of “United Russia” and Putin began in their publications, and the company was renamed New Media Stars.

In 2012, Itskov, who was the main one in promoting the business, was tired of the monotony, and he decided to leave the media empire, after having sold his stake in the company for a lot of money.

Dmitry Itskov biography

The story of the appearance and participants of the movement "Russia 2045" ("Corporation" Immortality ")

This movement was created under the leadership of Itskov at the end of winter 2011. And already in 2015, about 40 thousand people (including many scientists) from various countries of the world — Russia, the USA, Canada, Japan, and Germany — participated in the project.

The main traffic center is located in the capital of Russia.

The number "2045", which is present in the name of the movement, is the year when the project will be completed. Many argue that no later than this year, the artificial body will be able to function much better than the human. This statement is substantiated by the hyperbolic rate of development of mankind and the biosphere.

Among the famous scientists who participate in the project, there is even a world-famous American futurologist - Raymond Kurzweil.

Project Avatar

After the creation of the “Russia 2045” movement, Itskov immediately uploaded his ideas to world-class scientists, some of them made their corrections, and as a result, a project called “Avatar” was created. The name of the project was taken from a science fiction film.

During this project, studies took place in four areas:

  1. Avatar A. An artificial human body of an anthropomorphic type, is not a biological object. Management is done using the brain-computer interface. As a result of work with this direction, it is planned to create prostheses of human organs of the latest format, including sensory organs.
  2. Avatar B. This type of artificial body was created specifically to work on the transportation of the human brain. According to some scientists, the human brain is able to work much longer than other organs, and with its timely transplantation into an artificial body, one can extend a person’s life to 200-300 years.
  3. Avatar B. On this artificial body, the study of the characteristics of the transfer of human consciousness is carried out.
  4. Avatar G. An artificial body is created from materials such as nanorobots. In addition, the issue of creating a body in the form of a hologram is considered.

According to Itskov, “Immortality Corporation” is his dream. He perfectly understands how people will feel in an intangible body, there will be no more diseases and serious injuries, everything can be corrected by relocation to another body.

immortality corporation

Negotiations Itskova with RAS

In the summer of 2011, the Commission on the fight against pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences completely criticized all the studies that were conducted under the leadership of Itskov at the headquarters of the Russia 2045 movement. In response to such disrespect, Itskov suggested that the representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences conduct a detailed check of all the studies conducted by his movement.

After verification, namely on August 11, 2011, the Russian Academy of Sciences noted that the studies of this non-governmental fund are aimed at improving and increasing the quality and longevity of a person. Therefore, they benefit society.

Dmitry Itskov multimillionaire

The first congress "Global Future 2045"

The first congress, which was held under the leadership of the “Russia 2045” movement in cooperation with the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was held from February 17 to February 20, 2012 in Moscow. He was devoted to such global issues as the change in civilization as a result of the rapid development of technology.

Itskov and his team presented at this event a cyber prosthesis of the hand, in which the neurointerface was present. But the highlight of the program was the Avatar "Dima" (according to Itskov's comments, this is an Avatar of type A).

Dmitry Itskov got rich

Second Congress "Global Future 2045"

The second congress, led by the Russia 2045 movement, took place on a more global level, namely in New York. Dates fell on June 15–16, 2013.

This collection was completely devoted to the Avatar project, and accordingly, most of its participants were developers of various types of robots.

The event caused a great stir among foreign magazines, which led to the fact that the number of participants in the “Russia 2045” movement increased significantly.

Dmitry Itskov state

Leisure Itskova

Today, Dmitry has virtually no free time, since he is constantly looking for financing and modern laboratories. It should be noted that Itskov spent more than $ 3 million from his own wallet on the development of the Avatar project.

All his time, Dmitry Itskov, whose biography is full of interesting activity, spends on the road, quite often during the day he visits several countries.

But if Itskov has a free minute, then he spends it practically in monastic conditions. He meditates or goes to his own house in a small village.

Dmitry also likes to read books about philosophy and psychology. He has many books on religious subjects in his house.

Dmitry itskov immortality

Personal life

In this area, Dmitry Itskov, whose fortune is estimated at billions, did not succeed at all. Due to constant work, he does not have time not only to marry and have children, but even to meet a girl and go on a date with her.

At the same time, he does not allow anyone, especially journalists, into his personal life, claiming that he does not want to be considered an eccentric.

But Dmitry is sure that he still has a lot of time and he will probably soon find a woman who will not only be interested in his money, but will understand his fanatical love of science.

And at this stage, Dmitry Itskov is a multimillionaire who continues to work on the Avatar project.


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