Confidential is this? Word interpretation

What is confidential? You probably met this word in a speech. It is time to learn its true lexical meaning. After all, you must understand the significance of a particular language unit. It is important to enrich your vocabulary all the time.

We deal with part of speech

Before you begin to determine the vocabulary meaning of the word "confidential", it is not superfluous to find out what kind of speech it is. It is important to use the word correctly in sentences, to know what part of speech it is, it refers to official or independent. Having the necessary information, you will not make a semantic error and will be able to reliably convey the information.

It is worth noting that "confidential" is a word that refers immediately to two parts of speech. It all depends on the specific situation:

  • Adjective. This is a short form from "confidential". This adjective is rarely used in speech. It characterizes the nominal parts of speech. Here are some examples of phrases: the statement is confidential, the decision is confidential, the study is confidential. It is also important to note that in this case the question “what?” Is asked to “confidential”.
  • Adverb. It characterizes the action that someone or something performs. To be more precise, the emphasis is on the mode of action (on the verb). This is evidenced by the question that must be asked in an adverb confidentially - "how?" Here are a few examples of phrases: collect information confidentially, come privately, talk privately.

The lexical meaning of the word and etymological information

Having understood the parts of speech, we can proceed to the etymology of the word "confidential". This language unit came to us from Latin. Originally it looked like this - confidentia. Translated literally, you get "trust."

Now we can move on to the lexical meaning of this word. As already mentioned above, it refers to two parts of speech, therefore, the interpretation will be slightly different:

  • Interpretation for an adjective: one that is not to be made public is secret. For example, one can describe a document or conversation that no one should know about, confidential information.
  • Interpretation for adverbs: in the strictest secrecy, without publicity, privately. This word describes the action, indicates its nature. That is, some confidential actions are committed that cannot be disclosed.
Confidential Information, Secret

You may notice that interpretations are interconnected. Just adverbs and adjectives are used for different characteristics.

Examples of use in sentences

Let's move on to the sentences with the word "confidential." For ease of understanding, we indicate in parentheses to which part of the speech “confidentially” refers:

  • Our decision is confidential (adjective). Therefore, keep it a secret.
  • We worked confidentially (adverb). Nobody knew about us.
  • The agreement is confidential (adjective). Do not try to let it slip.
  • They confidentially (adverb) passed into the repository.

Synonyms Selection

To diversify the speech, it is not superfluous to choose a synonym for the word "confidential". If you cannot find “confidential” in the dictionary, it is recommended that you pay attention to the derived noun “confidentiality”. You simply turn a synonym from a noun into an adjective or adverb:

Unknown person
  • Secretly. The agreement is secret. We entered the building secretly.
  • Mysteriously. The event was mysterious. The suspect mysteriously disappeared.
  • Mysteriously. The case was mysterious. They mysteriously knew the answers to all our questions.

"Confidential" is a word that can be both an adjective and an adverb. It is important to correctly determine its part of speech in order to correctly apply this language unit in sentences.


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