What is useful for melt water for the body. Application Secrets and Recipe

Our ancestors from time immemorial knew about the miraculous properties of melt water. It was used to preserve beauty and maintain good health. And all because in the process of freezing / thawing, amazing transformations occur in the liquid structure. What is melt water good for? How to cook it and how to apply it?

what is melt water useful for the body

What is the difference between melt water and tap water

To understand how healthy melt water is, you need to understand how it differs from ordinary. The fact is that, unlike tap water, melt liquid is as close as possible to that contained in the human body. Here are the main distinguishing features:

  • lack of harmful impurities in the form of heavy metals and salts;
  • balanced mineral composition;
  • the molecules are linked to each other, not chaotic;
  • lack of bacteria and viruses;
  • decrease in the size of molecules;
  • lack of deuterium, which is in ordinary drinking water (it does not withstand low temperatures).

As you know, water accumulates information. So, in the process of freezing / thawing, it is freed from the negative and becomes energetically neutral.

Beneficial features

Here is what is beneficial for melt water for the human body:

  • Slows down the aging process. Meltwater makes up for the deficiency of fluid in cells that occurs with age. Thus, the tissues remain elastic and resilient for longer.
  • Improves overall well-being. Regular use of melt water helps maintain good mood and body tone. You will feel vigor and a surge of strength.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Using melt water, a person will be much less likely to get colds. The course of existing chronic diseases is also greatly facilitated.
  • Accelerates the metabolism. This allows you to maintain normal body weight, promotes better absorption of food and drugs, accelerates the healing process of damaged tissues.
  • Increases efficiency. This applies to both physical and mental labor. The tool is simply necessary for students and athletes.
  • Improves skin condition. Helps treat allergic reactions, dermatitis, acne, and also fights itching. The effect will be many times stronger if you combine the internal application with the external.
  • The nervous system is stabilized. With regular intake of thawed water, a person becomes more stable emotionally, begins to sleep better and harder.
  • The body is cleansed. Meltwater gradually flushes toxins and wastes out of the body.
  • The cardiovascular system is recovering. Thawed water helps lower the level of "bad" cholesterol, improves blood composition and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
what is useful melt water from the freezer

Basic rules for making melt water

Having found out what melt water is useful for, you will probably want to try this tool on yourself. But, before proceeding with its preparation, adopt some rules:

  • Do not use snow and ice from the street as the basis. This raw material is very dirty - it contains dust, exhaust gases, industrial wastes, and even animal and human waste products.
  • It is forbidden to use ice from the freezer as a raw material, as it contains substances hazardous to health.
  • For freezing, you need to use drinking tap water. It must first be defended or passed through a filter. But it’s not worth boiling, since high temperatures kill not only harmful, but also useful substances.
  • The optimal packaging for freezing water is plastic. Glass can burst, while metal can degrade water quality.
  • Do not fill the container to the top, because the liquid tends to expand when frozen. Leave about a quarter of the free space.
  • Under a container of water in the freezer, you need to put a sheet of cardboard for thermal insulation.
  • Thaw the ice strictly at room temperature. Heating neutralizes beneficial properties.
  • Water should thaw in a closed container so that no specks and vapors from the environment get into it.
  • After defrosting, you need to drink water for 8-12 hours. After this time, it will become useless.
beneficial properties of melt water for humans

Manufacturing Method No. 1

Knowing what melt water is useful for the body, you need to figure out how to make it. The first way is the easiest. It implies an algorithm like this:

  1. Fill the container with tap water, close the lid and send it to the freezer.
  2. Wait until half the volume of liquid freezes.
  3. Water needs to be drained, since harmful substances remain in it.
  4. Defrost and consume ice.
why it is useful to drink melt water

Manufacturing Method No. 2

Is it good to drink melt water? Of course. But only if it is correctly made. Another way to prepare this miracle cure is as follows:

  1. Pour water into enameled dishes and put in the freezer.
  2. After 4-5 hours, remove the dishes and pour water from it into another container (plastic). And on the walls of enameled dishes there will be a crust of ice - harmful heavy molecules have gathered in it.
  3. Put a new container of water in the freezer.
  4. Wait until 2/3 of the liquid volume freezes.
  5. Drain the water with hazardous and harmful substances, and unfreeze the ice and consume it.

Manufacturing Method No. 3

To maintain the maximum beneficial properties of melt water, use the third method. Here are the steps he means:

  1. Heat the water so that small bubbles begin to appear on the surface, but it has not yet boiled.
  2. Now you need to quickly cool the liquid. To do this, pour water into another container and put it in a sink filled with cold water.
  3. Pour the cooled water into a plastic container and send for freezing.
  4. When 2/3 of the liquid freezes, drain the water, and melt the ice and consume it.

Natural freeze

Much more useful than melt freezer water, naturally frozen water . When the temperature of the air outside the window drops below zero, you can safely use a balcony instead of a freezer. Alternatively, you can lower the water tank into a snowdrift. The main thing is that the vessel must be tightly closed with a lid so that no harmful substances and dirt from the environment get into it. For fidelity, the container can be wrapped with cling film.

How to drink water

In order to fully experience the beneficial properties of melt water for humans, it is necessary to take it inside for at least a month and a half. After this time, you will feel lightness and a surge of strength. It is only important to adhere to such recommendations:

  • On the day you need to drink two glasses of melt water.
  • This amount needs to be divided into 4-5 receptions.
  • The first dose is best done in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Subsequent doses should be done half an hour before meals.
  • The optimum water temperature is 10 ° C.
  • Water should be drunk gradually, in small sips, several seconds warming each serving of liquid in the mouth.

Do not give up ordinary drinking water in favor of melt. In addition, it must be introduced into the diet gradually. If you plan to stop taking melt water, it is also not worth doing it abruptly. Gradually reduce the amount of fluid consumed daily so that the body again gets used to ordinary drinking water.

is it good to drink melt water

Talitsa for the beauty and youth of the skin

Why is melt water good? Because in structure it is as close as possible to the fluid that is part of the cells. And this is important not only for internal organs, but also for the skin. Melt water is the best toner for the face. This is how it is prepared:

  1. In a glass of melt water prepared by any of these methods, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Strain the liquid through several layers of sterile gauze.
  3. Add half a tea boat of apple cider vinegar.
  4. Pour the liquid into a glass container and send it to a cool, dark place (you can refrigerate it).

The resulting tonic should be wiped on the face in the morning and evening after washing.

And melt water can be a real salvation for the skin in the hot season. Pour fluid into a spray bottle and always carry with you. During the day, irrigate the skin several times and decollete with life-giving moisture.

why melt water is good

For health and density of hair

Hard chlorinated water is harmful to hair. But thawed melt very gently affects curls, gently conditioning and moisturizing them. Of course, to completely wash your hair with shampoo, you need to prepare too much melt water, which is practically not possible. Therefore, it is more reasonable to use it for rinsing. The following options are possible:

  • Rinse with melt water in its pure form.
  • Rinse melt water with apple cider vinegar (a tablespoon of acid per liter of liquid).
  • Rinse melt water with herbal infusions in equal proportions.

Is there any harm?

Is there any harm from taking melt water? Not if it is made in accordance with all the rules. After all, this is ordinary drinking water, purified from impurities and close in composition to the natural fluid in the human body. Harm is possible only if you hasten to get drunk with barely thawed cold water and grab a sore throat.

Another risk is to replace drugs with melt water, following the recommendations of traditional healers. Remember that this is not a panacea for diseases, but only a tonic and stimulant.

beneficial properties of melt water

Reviews about the miracle remedy

Our ancestors knew well why it is useful to drink melt water and what is the advantage of its external use. Recently, more and more people turn to ancient wisdom. Those who have already experienced the effects of meltwater leave such reviews:

  • no unpleasant sensations were observed while taking melt water;
  • a month after the start of the intake, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating disappeared;
  • washing with melt water helps to cope with skin rashes and peeling;
  • if you combine sport and diet with taking melt water, extra pounds go much faster;
  • with regular use of the product there is a feeling of vigor and lightness in the body.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33531/

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