Regions of the Arkhangelsk region. Plesetsk, Primorsky and Ustyansky areas: features and attractions

A territory rich in natural resources and minerals, with a harsh northern climate, which preserved the unique buildings of Russian wooden architecture, traditions and culture of the Russian people - all this is the Arkhangelsk region.

Regions of the Arkhangelsk region

History of the region

The Arkhangelsk region was formed in 1937 as a result of the division of the Northern Region into the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions. It is located in the northern part of the East European Plain. From the north it is washed by the waters of three seas: Kara, Barents and White.

This is an industrial region of Russia. Features of the economic and geographical position of the region: year-round navigation and access to international sea routes. A production infrastructure has been developed for the extraction and processing of natural resources. The region produces industrial bauxite, gas, and oil. There is a preparation for the extraction of diamonds. Deposits with the largest reserves of gypsum, dolomites, marls, limestone, peat, clay, sand, manganese, zinc, copper ores, amber, and agate have been discovered. The leading industries in the region are pulp and paper, woodworking and forestry, which provide most of the timber, paper and pulp in Russia. Arkhangelsk region is the largest producer of forest products in the Russian Federation. In addition, mechanical engineering, the fuel industry, metalworking, the food industry and the electric power industry have developed here.

The region has the State Center for Atomic Shipbuilding, which carries out repair, construction and re-equipment of submarines and ships. The construction of drilling stations for gas and oil is ongoing.

The main disadvantages of the region: harsh climate, inaccessibility and low level of infrastructure development.

Regions of the Arkhangelsk region

The Arkhangelsk region includes 19 districts: Lensky, Onega, Plesetskiy, Vilegodsky, Shenkursky, Kargopolsky, Kholmogorsky, Konoshsky, Velsky, Kotlassky, Primorsky, Ustyansky, Krasnoborsky, Leshukonsky, Verhnetoyemsky, Mezensky, Nyandomsky, Vinogradovsky, Pinezh. Some of them will be discussed in detail below.

Ustyansky District

Ustyansky district is the southern region of the Arkhangelsk region. It is considered the northern capital of honey. The area is agricultural. The most developed industries are forestry (logging) and food. Here is the well-known ski resort "Robin", known throughout Russia, where two slopes are equipped. Snow cover is established from November to the end of April.

Ustyansky district of the Arkhangelsk region is famous for its traditional culture: epics, tales, songs and legends. 1000 years ago, a population lived on this territory โ€” the Zavolochsky (the annalistic name of the population of the Zavoloch territory). The first mention of this people can be found in the "Tale of Bygone Years." But at present, the people are completely assimilated among the Komi and Russians.

  • The administrative center of the district is the village of Oktyabrsky.
  • The area of โ€‹โ€‹the territory is 10720 km 2 .
  • The population of the district is 30461 people.

Ustyansky district of the Arkhangelsk region

Primorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region

Primorsky is a northwestern region of the region. The island part of the region: Solovetsky Islands are located in the White Sea, Franz Josef Land (Arctic Ocean), Victoria Island is located in the Barents Sea.

The land is unique in its traditions, life and crafts. Here is the largest museum of Russian wooden architecture in the country - Malye Korely. The open-air museum housed about 100 exhibits: unique church buildings, peasant and merchant huts, wells, barns, mills. For example, the bell tower (the village of Kuliga-Drakovanovo), the St. George Church (the village of Vershina).

The Solovetsky historical and cultural complex located on the Solovetsky Islands is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Solovetsky Monastery arose in the 15th century, and under the Soviet regime in 1920 a forced labor camp was located here. In 1990, the building was returned to the church, and the Transfiguration Monastery was revived here.

  • The administrative center of the district is the city of Arkhangelsk (but the city itself is not part of the structure).
  • The area is 46133 km 2 .
  • The population of the district is 25639 people.

Arkhangelsk region Plesetsk district

Plesetsk district

Plesetskiy is the western region of the Arkhangelsk region. The leading industry is forestry; three quarters of the district are covered by forest.

In Plesetsk district of the Arkhangelsk region there are several specially protected areas: Kenozersky National Park, Plesetsk Nature Reserve, Permilovsky Nature Reserve. Kenozero National Park is a territory where original Russian life, lifestyle, traditions and culture have been preserved.

Primorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region

  • The administrative center of the Plesetsk district is the village of Plesetsk.
  • The area of โ€‹โ€‹the district is 27500 km 2 .
  • The population of the district is 49,089 people.

The Plesetsk cosmodrome is located on the territory of the district, a monument of Russian architecture is preserved - an 18th-century chapel in the village of Konevo.


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