Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant: history, description, products, reviews of employees and customers

In the ranking of the best-selling product names, dairy products occupy first place. It is not surprising, because today more than ten combines processing milk are represented on store shelves. One such enterprise is the Dmitrov Dairy Plant.

History of occurrence

The famous dairy factory at the beginning of its existence was a small milk processing center located in the city of Dmitrov. In this small enterprise in 1929 the primary processing of milk and its packaging was carried out. Then, on horse-drawn carts, the raw milk was sent to Moscow. With the expansion of Dmitrov, the demand for dairy products also increased. There was a need to purchase special equipment that would accelerate the processing of milk and make it possible to produce in sufficient quantities not only milk, but also kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Every year, the plantโ€™s capacities grew, making it possible to provide dairy products not only to Dmitrov himself, but also to Moscow and the region. By the beginning of the 80s, the official construction of the main building of the plant began, which lasted almost ten years. As construction progressed, the latest equipment was introduced, specialists prepared many new types of dairy products, tested them and carried out analyzes.

In the early 2000s, the Dmitrov Dairy Plant introduced a new product to consumers' court - cream cheese in milk glaze. Different types of cottage cheese were very popular. For ten years, reviews of the Dmitrov Dairy Plant spread throughout the country and beyond. The export of goods was established.

milk production equipment

Assortment of goods

Today, the products of the Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant include a wide range of curd masses of varying degrees of fat content, pasteurized milk of low and high fat content, classic sour cream 20% and low fat 15%, more than 10 types of cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, jam. Products are presented both in hard packaging and in soft packaging. A few years ago, the Dmitrov Dairy Plant purchased the necessary equipment and began production of acidophilus, a specialized dairy product obtained with the help of special lactic acid bacteria.

Dairy workers

The company positions itself in the domestic market as promising, with a good salary and acceptable working conditions. However, a detailed review of the reviews of employees of the Dmitrov Dairy Plant is a very sad sight.

The main causes of complaints are the same for everyone: delayed salaries, rude treatment from senior management, unmotivated fines in the workplace. In addition, all those who worked in production unanimously asserted that there were no elementary working conditions. For example, in one of the manufacturing sectors there are no places for eating. Many are dissatisfied with the fact that in one small quadrature room work from 5 to 10 people at a time, which interfere with each other by constant working negotiations by phone. Many draw negative conclusions due to the large staff turnover. On average, one employee of the Dmitrovsky dairy plant has been working for about two months.

delivery of dmitrovsky dairy plant

Consumer Reviews

Almost every buyer has his own little secrets, rituals that guide them in choosing one product or another. Everyone reads the composition and, of course, gets acquainted with the reviews of those people who have already used this product. Dmitrovsky dairy is no exception. The conclusion is disappointing: most consumers are disappointed with the quality of dairy products from this manufacturer. People complain about the unpleasant bitter taste of milk, "rubber" glazed curds. Often criticized is sour cream and kefir. According to reviews of the population, the main problem is the quality of the product and its shelf life. Many come across frankly expired and sour substance, which is not only impossible to eat, but also to smell. The main consumers of dairy products are children, and consumer reviews strongly recommend choosing products without the Dmitrovsky factory labeling.

Dmitry yogurt

Scientific research

Each year, the Russian Quality Supervision Service conducts research on all types of products on the market. Products of the Dmitrov Dairy Plant are no exception. Recent studies have led to disappointing results: only plant-based fats were found in milk cheeses. Legislation prohibits the use of such fats in the production of dairy products. In addition, the yeast content was exceeded 28 times. This is a catastrophic indicator. Cheeses were rejected, a fine was imposed on the plant. The packaging has also been subjected to expertise. Result: information on the composition and labeling is very slurred. This forces consumers to purchase goods at their own risk.

Curd masses also did not pass certification. Rosnadzor revealed falsification of cottage cheese. A fine is imposed on production.

Consumers are also aggressive in their reviews. They are not advised to purchase milk, kefir, sour cream, glazed curds.

milk examination

Current activities

Over the 80 years of its existence, the Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, from a small workshop where they could only boil and bottle milk, has turned into a huge conglomerate, which has its own farm. The company works in such areas as the production of whole milk products, has its own technologies for the production of cheese and glazed curds, sour cream and kefir. Production has become virtually waste-free. Recently, the company launched a line of whey juices, which were previously simply written off.

Dmitrov cheese

Every year, the leadership of the Dmitrov Dairy Plant sets goals for improving and optimizing work. New equipment is being purchased that is fully computer-controlled; measures are being taken to reduce electricity costs. So, by common efforts, the history of the Dmitrov Dairy Plant is being created.


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