Treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods. Multiple sclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects both older people and young people. The first signs of the disease can appear in a person already at the age of 20, and may not make themselves felt up to 40 years. Naturally, the question arises of how to treat multiple sclerosis. Patients in the hope of getting rid of their ailment take every opportunity. Therefore, those who are disappointed in traditional medicine are beginning to become interested in what involves the treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods.

What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the nervous system that destroys certain areas of the white matter of the brain or spine. The disease occurs and progresses due to damage to the so-called myelin, which is adipose tissue that surrounds and at the same time protects the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord from damage. As a result of the destruction of myelin tissue, the passage of a nerve impulse is disrupted, as well as the transmission of reactions from the brain to other parts of the human body. Gradually, foci of inflammation and scars spread and affect the entire nervous system.

treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods

Causes of the onset and development of the disease

Today, an increasing number of people are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease differ from case to case, since the disease can affect completely different parts of the spine or brain. However, before proceeding to a discussion of the main symptoms indicating the development of multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to clarify the causes of its occurrence.

Multiple sclerosis is not a genetic disease, that is, it is not inherited. At the same time, scientists have proved that people whose close relatives suffered from this disease are most at risk of repeating the fate of their ancestors.

Some experts put forward the theory that the main cause of the onset of the disease is nothing more than a viral infection entering the body. But, despite this, the virus, which provokes the development of the disease, could not be detected.

Some experts are of the opinion that multiple sclerosis develops due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, the production of which directly depends on exposure to ultraviolet rays.

causes of multiple sclerosis

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

In patients with the disease, multiple sclerosis manifests itself in completely different ways. It all depends on where the inflammatory areas are located. Among the most common symptoms and signs of the disease, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Weakness is a symptom found in approximately 80% of the total number of patients.
  2. Vision problems - manifest as a decrease in visual acuity, the occurrence of unexpected bright flashes of light in front of the eyes and / or pain during the movement of the eyeballs.
  3. Speech Disorders.
  4. Numbness of the extremities, face or body, which occurs suddenly and does not go away for a long time.
  5. The coordination of movements is disturbed. They become awkward, trembling hands (tremor), the walk from the once graceful turns into a shaky and awkward one.
  6. Malfunctions are observed during the work of the intestines, as well as the bladder. Patients often complain of incontinence or, conversely, urinary retention or feces.
  7. Dramatically deteriorating memory.
  8. Some patients fall into deep depression. They have apathy for everything around them, and they say that they have completely lost interest in life.
  9. Very often, patients have trouble swallowing. As a result, the food they ingest often gets into the respiratory tract.
  10. More rare symptoms of the disease are shortness of breath, hearing loss, headache, cramps, etc.

multiple sclerosis symptoms and treatment

What can be said about the course and forms of multiple sclerosis?

Initially, it should be noted that the course of multiple sclerosis is characterized by a change in periods of remission with exacerbations. Thus, the disease becomes chronic and requires continuous medical supervision. Depending on the localization of the affected areas of the brain or spine, modern medicine distinguishes the following forms of multiple sclerosis:

  1. Remitting-relapsing is the most common form of the disease. After a period of exacerbation, partial improvement or complete recovery occurs. Between exacerbations, symptoms do not increase, that is, they do not progress.
  2. Secondary progressive, which often replaces remitting-recurrent and occurs in approximately 45% of patients.
  3. Primary progressive, which progresses rapidly from the onset of the disease. Improvements are either not available at all, or are minor.
  4. Progressive, accompanied by exacerbations.

forms of multiple sclerosis

Diagnosis of the disease

Accurate and timely diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is very important for its effective treatment. However, it should be remembered that this disease does not have specific symptoms that are characteristic of only one. That is why its manifestations are often mistaken for signs of any other disease. Having independently diagnosed themselves, many people, without consulting a specialist, begin to take various medications, thereby causing irreparable damage to their health. Remember that determining the disease a person suffers from is the prerogative of the doctor.

For the diagnosis of the disease are used:

  1. General clinical studies that involve the delivery of a biochemical blood test, as well as a general blood and urine test.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging, with which doctors identify affected areas of the spinal cord or brain.
  3. Immunofluorescence analysis used to detect the presence of the herpes virus in the blood.
  4. A study called lumbar (spinal, lumbar) puncture. This method is used to determine changes in cerebrospinal fluid.
  5. The method of evoked potentials, which is carried out in order to determine the state of the respiratory tract.
  6. Immunological blood test.

diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

Doctors say that every day the number of those who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is growing. Symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the disease. The treatment of multiple sclerosis should be approached consciously and not hope that the problem will somehow resolve itself. How to treat multiple sclerosis without harming your health, the doctor will tell you. You need to know that the treatment of the disease involves pathogenetic or symptomatic treatment, followed by a complex and very long rehabilitation period.

The entire set of drugs used to treat the disease can be divided into two large groups:

  • drugs used during periods of exacerbation (hormonal therapy);
  • drugs that to one degree or another affect the course of the disease.

Today, more than one clinic of multiple sclerosis is ready to open its doors to those in need and help them overcome this terrible ailment. To treat the disease, modern clinics equipped with advanced equipment even use stem cells. The results are amazing. The Center for Multiple Sclerosis in Moscow is very popular among patients. It was created in 1998 on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 11. The Center for Multiple Sclerosis in Moscow is a medical advisory and organizational and methodological medical unit, which employs neurologists of the highest qualification category.

Multiple Sclerosis Center in Moscow

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods

The reality is that not all people trust traditional medicine. Patients with multiple sclerosis are no exception. That is why many people have a question about what the treatment of multiple sclerosis involves folk methods. First of all, it is necessary to warn all patients and their loved ones that multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease and it is not worth counting on a full recovery. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods is intended to alleviate the condition of the patient, but no more. In addition, medications prescribed by a doctor should be taken in parallel. Only in this case, the patient will be able to maintain good spirits and live to a very old age.

What is the treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods? Firstly, it is a set of exercises aimed at training the memory, as well as breathing exercises and speech therapy exercises. Secondly, these are various massages, baths based on a decoction of white fir, spruce or pine shoots. A variety of essential oils are often used. In case of problems with the musculoskeletal system, they resort to wrapping, for which birch leaves are used.

Relaxation methods

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods includes a number of relaxing techniques, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice. One of the most effective is yoga, combining a set of physical exercises and meditation. In addition to yoga, breathing exercises are very popular, as well as the shiatsu technique, which is a traditional Japanese practical therapy, which consists in treating by pressing with your fingers on certain points on the body. Aromatherapy and music therapy proved to be very successful in the fight against multiple sclerosis, each of which helps to improve the emotional state of patients.

Despite all of the above, it must be emphasized that each organism reacts differently to multiple sclerosis. Symptoms and treatment may not be the same for everyone. Something will suit each person. Remember that when choosing a method of therapy should be shown maximum caution, since even herbal medicines can cause severe allergies.

Bee treatment

Bee healing, or bee stinging, is an action-based method that has bee venom on the body. The substance that enters the body after a bee sting is called apitoxin. Its spectrum of action is very wide:

  1. Helps inhibit the development of the disease.
  2. Restores the myelin sheath.
  3. Normalizes coordination.
  4. Improves the functioning of the immune as well as the nervous system.

For visible results, you will need to complete 3 courses. The first should consist of 120 bee stings. Next, you need to withstand a three-week break, and then start the second course. At the end of the second course, a six-week pause follows, after which you can proceed to the third. Further courses are held twice a year. The number of bee stings can be reduced to 600.

multiple sclerosis alternative treatment

Bee Products

It is known that it is impossible to completely cure multiple sclerosis. Alternative treatment, however, significantly reduces the risk of possible relapses, lengthens the period of remission, and smoothes out the residual effects. In the treatment of the disease by folk methods, various bee products are often used. For example, for propolis, a regenerative, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect is characteristic. It is used in the form of alcohol and water extracts, which must be taken orally for 1 month. Propolis is also part of a cream called Tentorium. It is applied to the skin during an exacerbation.

A good effect is given by a wax moth extract, which promotes the process of cellular regeneration and protects the body from infections and harmful environmental influences.

An excellent immunomodulator is bee morbidity. Water tincture prepared on its basis is taken for medicinal purposes 2 times a day, and for prevention - 1 time.

Honey has sedative and anti-inflammatory effects. The nutrients and trace elements contained in it, favorably affect the decrease in muscle tone that occurs during the spastic process. It is recommended to consume no more than 100 g of this beekeeping product per day.

Some more useful recipes

If traditional medicine was powerless in the fight against multiple sclerosis, you can use one or more alternative recipes based on natural remedies.

  1. To relieve a headache, people suffering from multiple sclerosis should drink 1/3 cup blackcurrant juice daily.
  2. Well-dried sunflower seeds (black) will help improve your health.
  3. For the treatment of deep sclerosis, you can prepare tincture of lemon balm, motherwort, nettle and hawthorn. Herbs (one spoon each) are poured into 0.5 liters of water and infused for 4 hours. 30 g of the finished product is taken 20 minutes before a meal.
  4. In 100 ml of cooled boiled water, 5 g of mummy is dissolved. The resulting medicine is taken one spoonful on an empty stomach three times a day.
  5. Effectively fights against multiple sclerosis spherical muzzle. A couple of spoons of peeled seeds of this plant are poured with a glass of water and infused for 12 hours. The medicine is taken three times a day. Tincture is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure.


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