Pizzeria chain "Hello, pizza!": Reviews. "Hello, pizza!": Menu, delivery

The choice of catering establishments today is greater than ever. Pizzerias are especially popular today, which you can safely visit with the whole family. However, it is important that such establishments not only meet the format, but also use products of appropriate quality. After all, family pizzerias, as a rule, are visited by many children, whose body is especially sensitive to spoiled food. And the child will not eat a tasteless dish. Therefore, in order to truly comply with a concept of this kind, the management of the pizzeria must make serious efforts. In this context, the leading place is occupied by a network of institutions "Hello, pizza!". Why does this company attract visitors so much? What are its features? What dishes does the institution in question offer? How will staff be able to keep the child busy while their parents relax? This article will detail all of these nuances.

Hello pizza reviews

About company

Pizzeria "Hello, pizza!" (Moscow) reviews are called one of the most popular institutions in their market niche. They are also developing safely as a home delivery service.

The company began the history of its formation in the capital about twenty years ago and since then has not stopped developing and expanding. Today, it represents about twenty full-fledged fast-food restaurants that also provide grocery delivery services.

Company "Hello, pizza!" (Rostov) - reviews pay special attention to this - it earned its excellent reputation solely due to the presence of a number of functioning principles, which all staff strictly adhere to. Among them are the following:

  • The main priority is the quality of preparation of the main dish that determines the reputation of the institution - pizza.
  • Exceptional component quality. Taste begins with the test. That is why all its components are carefully selected and cleaned.

Each of the recipes of the pizzeria was created on the basis of the principle "You can not save on products!". This helps to focus more on the quality of the ingredients being purchased, and the last thing to think about cost. Of course, sometimes because of this approach, the price of ready meals in this network of establishments is higher than that of competitors. However, this is not surprising, given the incredible taste and popularity of pizza produced by this company.

All new dishes, which are planned to be included in the menu, are first tested by senior employees, as well as their families. This affects the choice of products. It is no secret that buyers regularly face the problem of choosing what to prefer: natural products or their substitutes identical to natural ones. And in this case, of course, the choice will be made in favor of the natural. Why? Pizza is eaten by children, including the children of those who develop the menu.

The list of available services of the institution in question also includes home delivery. That is why one of the main tasks of the company is the need to constantly adhere to high standards of service quality for each client, without exception.

Today the pizza chain "Hello, pizza!" Positions the concept of its institutions as a family cafe, in which special attention is paid specifically to the children of guests. This is due to the fact that, as soon as the first branches were opened, visitors with kids became the main audience of the institution. This was made possible due to the fact that only gentle recipes are used in the cooking process, as well as constant quality control of products in the kitchen. Given this fact, it became obvious that the functioning of the company should be oriented towards guests with children. Then the menu was supplemented by a number of children's dishes, and the vast majority of branches were equipped with specialized play areas for kids (dry pools, labyrinths, toys). Since then it has become clear that the format of pizzerias is a family cafe.

What is the secret to the success of this network of pizzerias? It employs exclusively specialists who are united by a single philosophy, a single concept, a single goal. Mutual relations in the team are based on mutual trust, respect, mutual assistance and complete confidence in their colleagues, due to which work efficiency is significantly increased.

The attitude of the staff towards the guests of the establishment is also characterized by pleasant features, including warmth, sincere friendliness. The company does everything possible in order to permanently improve the quality of work and services, fully satisfy the needs of visitors.

hello pizza employee reviews


In the institution you can buy a variety of goods, according to reviews. "Hello! Pizza!" offers its guests the following products:

  • Pizza. The diameter can be 23, 31 or 36 centimeters. The mass of the dish depends solely on the filling. Details about a particular pizza can be seen directly on the menu.
  • Drinks (various juices in assortment, beer, Sprite, Fanta, Coca-Cola, as well as cranberry juice and purified water).
  • Hot starters: cheese sticks (including bacon and shrimp), chicken nuggets, kebab, garlic croutons, french fries, chicken box, chicken wings, chicken pizza roll, country style potatoes, various sauces (hot , garlic barbecue, sweet and sour, tomato, cheese).
  • Soups and pasta: carbonara, meat team hodgepodge, "Scandinavian soup", alfredo, mushroom cream soup, tagliatelle (with mushrooms, salmon).
  • Salads: salad with tuna, "Greek", "Caesar with chicken", salad "Danish", "Angelo", salad with salmon, "Capital".
  • Desserts: apple strudel with ice cream, muffin (with blueberries, chocolate), Tiramisu, cheesecake (chocolate and cheese-curd), honey cake, cherry strudel.

This is what it looks like in "Hello, pizza!" menu. Here everyone can find something to their liking.

Hello pizza Moscow

Delivery terms

How is carried out in "Hello, pizza!" delivery? Employees promise to bring you ordered no later than 35 minutes from the date of application. To comply with this strict standard, the institution was forced to strictly limit the delivery areas. But do not despair if your house is not included in any of them. You will be happy to be waited at the nearest network institution (for example, “Hello, pizza!” - Medvedkovo). Reviews say that in any of them you will cook the long-awaited pizza in just ten minutes. Such orders are accepted in "Hello, pizza!" from eleven in the morning until eleven in the evening. No additional shipping charges apply.

You can order food at home only on the condition that the total purchase amount exceeds five hundred rubles.

Important: all telephone conversations with the operators of the institution in question are recorded. This is done in order to regularly improve the quality of work of employees.

hello pizza menu


Institution "Hello, pizza!" (Moscow) seeks to win the loyalty of its customers. That is why the administration regularly holds a variety of events that invariably attract new guests and make them come back again and again. So, for example, when buying a certain set of dishes, the visitor receives a gift (in the form of a drink or some other compliment). Increasingly, it becomes possible to purchase a set on the principle of "2 + 1" (guests pay only for two dishes, while the third they get for free). Some are especially appreciated in "Hello, pizza!" (Moscow) the opportunity to get a discount on some special days of the year or use the special prices for some dishes on the menu. All this makes the institution in question much more attractive to customers.

Visitors reviews

Guest reviews about the pizzeria chain in question are mostly positive. What do visitors like most about this place?

  • Tasty pizza.
  • Friendly staff.
  • Fast service.

Nevertheless, there are enough dissatisfied guests. Some are faced with the rudeness of individual staff representatives, poor-quality products that were used to make pizza; sometimes they forget to put napkins in the delivery kit; sometimes they don’t bring the sauce that was ordered; sometimes delivery men confuse pizza; some irresponsible workers cook without gloves, not responding to comments from guests. Of course, all of these shortcomings depend only on specific employees, as well as on how conscientiously they work. Many regular customers are advised to choose one or more trusted network establishments and visit them. This will help to avoid disappointment and will not worry about the quality of the food you purchase.

hello pizza courier staff reviews

"Hello, pizza!": Employee reviews

The responses about this employer are varied: both positive and negative. Among the pluses are the following:

  • stable wages;
  • regular and timely payments;
  • excellent team, for the most part;
  • stability of the company;
  • lack of fluidity;
  • career growth (promotion in "Hello, pizza!").

Employee reviews report that the atmosphere in the team, and therefore the comfort of work, mainly depends on the administrator and how he organizes the work in the shift. And there are enough good and responsible people in the considered network of pizzerias.

Of course, there is about "Hello, pizza!" reviews of employees, couriers and negative. Among the main disadvantages are the following:

  • low salary;
  • gratuitous dismissals;
  • not always fresh food, which is subsequently used for cooking;
  • irresponsibility of staff (some do not wash their hands after smoking or using the toilet before cooking);
  • rudeness and unreasonable nit-picking by some representatives of the leadership;
  • shifting responsibility (some have to do someone else's work, which, in addition, is not paid);
  • short lunch break (only five to ten minutes);
  • the work shift is twelve hours.

So, what can a job at “Hello Pizza!” Bring you? Reviews say that such employment can be suitable for young, energetic people who know how to keep their negative emotions in check. You can successfully work in the institution in question, however it is important to choose a pizzeria branch with friendly staff.


How and where can I order pizza and other dishes that are on the menu of the institution in question? This is also described in detail by the reviews. "Hello! Pizza!" works daily without breaks and days off from eleven in the morning until eleven in the evening. At this time, you can visit directly one of the many establishments of the network or simply carry out the order by telephone. There is also an even more comfortable opportunity. The company has an official website with which you can also order your desired dishes. Delivery, as a rule, is carried out within an hour (depending on your location).

hello pizza roast reviews

Social networks

In addition to the official site, a lot of information about this network of eateries can be gathered from the corresponding official pages on social networks. Among them are Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. There you can find up-to-date information about institutions. The company also has positive reviews for this. "Hello! Pizza!" tries to be as open as possible to the opinions of its guests. That is why the feedback is also well established and freely implemented, including through the appropriate social networks.

Is it worth the visit?

Now you have enough information at your disposal that will allow you to make an informed decision about whether to become a client of this network. In many respects, reviews will help you decide on this matter. "Hello! Pizza!" does not hide anything from his clients and tries to meet all their requirements and wishes as much as possible. After reading this article, you will be able to make your own informed decision in this regard.

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In order to understand well whether it is worth becoming a client of the considered network of pizzerias, it is important to study as much information as possible about “Hello, pizza!”: Reviews of drivers, couriers and other staff, real feedback from visitors, especially the choice and purchase of products. Only then can an informed decision be made as to whether it will be safe for you and your children to eat what is cooked in the institution in question.

Guides "Hello pizza!" does everything in order to attract new customers and provide them with the best service. Since the institution positions itself as a family pizzeria, the company does everything to ensure that children are comfortable in the cafe in question. Especially for them, special play areas have been created where the kids can have fun while their parents have a quiet lunch and rest. They no longer have to worry about what to do with the attention of their children. There will be no need to worry about their safety, as the kids will always be under the supervision of responsible employees of the pizzeria.

Choose only the best catering establishments. After all, not only whether you have a good time depends on how high-quality products are used, and on how conscientiously the staff is concerned with the performance of their work. It can also positively or negatively affect your well-being. That is why it is important to choose a pizzeria that carefully cares about the well-being of its guests. Such an institution is "Hello, pizza!". Perhaps soon this pizzeria chain will become your favorite vacation spot.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33549/

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