Structure - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

It is known that life is chaos. But man is a being who strives for order. And these two forces create reality. On the one hand, there is life that is in constant motion, and on the other, there is a person who wants stability and constancy, so this stream is trying to subjugate itself. Let's talk today about the key skill in this sense - to structure this "crazy" world. Synonyms and interpretations will be attached to the verb.


Girl writes something in a notebook

Let's think, because we are here just for that and gathered. When we say “structure”, something rigid and reliable comes to mind. For example, there is a task - to write a work, and any. Perhaps, only an abstract does not require a special strain of thought, but only the ability to copy sources. And other types of mental work require inspiration and some intellectual effort. And here you have scattered ideas, for example, even a lot of them, you dump them without hesitation on paper. The next step is precisely to structure these disparate pieces.

It's time to give a definition of the word we are considering. Yes, there is a nuance: since the verb itself is not in the explanatory dictionary, we will choose the noun “structure” as the starting point. It is clear that the noun and the verb are in direct kinship. So, the meaning of “structure” is the following: “Structure (in the second meaning), internal structure”.

The situation is hopeless, it is necessary to clarify the second meaning of the word "structure": "The relative position of the parts that make up one whole, the structure." Yes, now there can be no mistake: we found out the meaning of the word “structure”. Therefore, it is easy to assume that the meaning of the word “structure” is reduced to restoring order and establishing links between different parts of the whole.

Naturally, after you structure your thoughts (remember, we were talking about writing a text at the very beginning), it will not be difficult for you to give out the final product. The structure is “all over the head”.

Sample sentences

mess in the room

Since the term is complex, it is best to turn to specific examples so that the reader has fewer questions. Let's make three sentences:

  • An important task of any essay is to understand its general plan. The latter will help you structure your text. Well, and nowhere to get away from the general idea, or what, in fact, you want to write about.
  • Listen, Petrov, is it possible to ask you to structure your report so that it does not resemble travel notes?
  • Father asked you what to do? Structure things in your room? He apparently earned. He just asked to put things in order.

Yes, in the latter we used the meaning of the object of study freely. But to structure is to restore order, and the rest is details. However, we hope that the general message has reached the reader.


Cubes in the structure

Finally, we leave substitutions that may come to the aid of the reader if he suddenly forgot the meaning of the object of study. So, the list is as follows:

  • streamline;
  • organize;
  • to format;
  • lead.

There are not many synonyms for the word “structure”, because the concept is complex. And one more important remark: the last verb in the list can withstand almost any neighborhood. You can say:

  • Bring to normal view.
  • Bring in a readable form.

The list is endless in perspective. Let the reader think at their leisure what other options are possible. And we analyzed the verb “structure”, and this helped to give the article such an ordered look.


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