Electronic cigarette Eleaf Ijust: reviews

Now it is difficult to surprise with electronic cigarettes. Some people buy them to quit smoking, the second just like a huge amount of steam, the third take electronic cigarettes because of their taste. Some buyers are attracted by the low price of such devices. One of the most famous brands of electronic cigarettes is IJust. Reviews of their products indicate reliability and ease of use. Consider the main models of the company IJust, it is Ismoka.

ijust reviews

What are electronic cigarettes

If you do not take into account disposable electronic cigarettes, then there are 2 main categories of this product: devices with and without a control board. The first include varivolts, varivates and box mods. Devices from the second category are usually called mechmods. They have an extremely simple design. When you press a button, you simply close the electrical circuit. Current flows through the evaporator. You get steam. The so-called intelligent devices have several degrees of protection. The board allows you to change the current, therefore, you can change the saturation of the steam, its quantity and taste.

eleaf ijust reviews

Eleaf IJust D16 Reviews

The Eleaf IJust D16 steam generator is a compact entry-level device. It consists of a GS16 atomizer and a D16 battery with a capacity of 1700 or 850 mAh. This option is for those who want to quit smoking. The tank capacity is 1.8 ml. This model provides a good taste for this class of devices, as many report in reviews. Eleaf IJust D16 has a display at the end of the battery, which shows information about the voltage and battery level. Owners really like this chip. You can choose one of two evaporators with a resistance of 1.8 or 1.6 ohms. Reviews about IJust D16 are mostly positive, he helped many people quit smoking. This is a great entry-level vape. All users note the compactness of the device and long battery life. They also write about a fully collapsible atomizer, which makes it easy to maintain a cigarette. The high height of the steam generator is an inconvenience to many users, which they mark as a product defect.

ijust d16 reviews

Eleaf IJust 2

Eleaf IJust 2 is already a serious device that focuses on the widest circle of steam workers. A 2600 mAh battery will allow you to use vape for a long time even at low resistances. In reviews of IJust 2, consumers note the option passthrough, which allows you to combine the soaring and charging of the device. Dimensions already show that this is not just a toy. The height is 168 mm and the diameter is 22 mm. Clearomizer has an impressive volume of 5.5 ml, which is enough for a day with moderate use. The tank is refilled through the device at the bottom of the product. This is not the most convenient option. This model has traction control. It is carried out by a ring with transverse threads. Not everyone likes this option, which is confirmed by reviews of IJust 2. Two evaporators are included. The first has a resistance of 0.3 ohms, the second β€”0.5 ohms. Greater resistance gives a better taste, which is noted in the reviews by all consumers. Greater resistance also provides almost twice as much battery life, which all customers mark as a virtue for the model.

electronic cigarette ijust reviews

Eleaf IJust 2 Mini

This is an exact copy of the second Eleaf IJust, only with a reduced size and battery. Need a good compact vape? Then choose an electronic cigarette IJust Mini. Reviews about the second generation are excellent. The device fits easily in your pocket. The only negative that can be found in reviews of the Ismoka IJust Mini 2 is a small tank. Its capacity is only 2 ml, which is a problem, given the lower clearomizer refueling.

ismoka mini ijust reviews

Eleaf IJust S: reviews

This is a new model of steam generator. It refers to mechmods. Her steel case may be silver or black. According to reviews, it is not scratched. Eleaf IJust S has a large battery with a capacity of three thousand mAh. Maximum charging current: 1 A. According to reviews on Eleaf IJust S, such a current will charge the battery in just four hours. Charging is carried out through the built-in MicroUSB port. The dimensions of the vape are as follows: 129 millimeters in height, 24.5 millimeters in diameter. Weight is 160 g. It turns out not the most compact electronic cigarette IJust. Reviews testify to this. This model is not always convenient to carry in your pocket. Many consumers note this small flaw.

Liquid is poured into the tank. Its capacity is only four milliliters. The owners note that this is less than in the second Ajast. Filling is carried out from above, which makes this process quick and convenient. Clearomizer is fully collapsible. This makes servicing and cleaning a cigarette easy. Possible resistance: 0.15-3.5 ohms. Three evaporators with a resistance of 0.3 Ohm, 0.5 Ohm and 0.18 Ohm are included. Each gives a large amount of steam. Improved blowing makes the taste brighter, allows you to achieve a more dense steam. In the reviews, buyers note the ability to regulate blowing with a special ring. The model has a steel mouthpiece of the 510th connector. It can be easily replaced with a third-party. Any customer can choose the right mouthpiece. He can also replace the tank itself with drip. All this makes Eleaf IJust S an excellent model for those who love hookah draft and a large amount of steam. All owners of this vape like this.

electronic cigarette mini ijust reviews

Pros of Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have many advantages compared to a traditional fellow. The main thing is that they are less harmful to health. A smoker using such cigarettes can completely control nicotine intake. In addition, smoking liquid does not contain tar or carcinogens. Another advantage of this product is that it is much easier for those who use it to gradually give up nicotine, reducing its concentration in the liquid. The next plus of electronic cigarettes is the absence of an unpleasant smell. Those who have stopped on electronic cigarettes are gradually improving their complexion, the yellowness of their teeth and skin disappears. If you refuse nicotine, shortness of breath will also disappear.

The danger of electronic cigarettes

We have all seen on the Internet photos of exploding steam generators. This is very scary for many people. What causes all these explosions? First of all, their cause is poor-quality batteries. Especially often this happens with electronic cigarettes without a control unit. Due to the low resistance of the evaporator, the battery must give off a large current, for example 20-40 amperes. A low-quality battery is not designed for such high currents. Therefore, the battery overheats and then explodes. Therefore, the battery, even of a well-known brand, but which can generate sufficient current in strength, can be considered explosion-proof. Ismoka is a global brand that uses only high-quality batteries in its IJust vapes. Customer reviews confirm this. With the right use of steam generators, even with the lowest resistance, it is impossible to suffer from a battery explosion. Overheating of the battery can be obtained only with too long, for several minutes, continuous soaring. This means that you can not keep the button pressed constantly. In this case, the temperature controller can help. In some devices, the current stops flowing if the button is clamped more than the time indicated in the instruction.

set ijust reviews

The second danger, which many do not even suspect, lies in the liquid itself. Some fluids may contain carcinogens. You should responsibly approach the choice of this component of the vape. Well-known manufacturers always use only certified components. A good liquid consists of the following components: food grade propylene glycol, food grade glycerin, distilled water, flavor, and nicotine. The last component is optional. Nicotine-free fluids are virtually harmless.

Some components of the liquid can cause allergies, which leads to very sad consequences. If there are signs of an allergy, then you need to find out which specific component causes it, and remove it from the composition.

Steam generators can be used at home, in the car and in other places where other people do not smoke. This is possible due to the absence of an unpleasant odor in electronic cigarettes.


It doesn’t matter if you want to quit smoking or are looking for another vape, in any case, one of the Ijust kits will suit you. Reviews about this brand and its models will convince you to take one of the models. This manufacturer is known among the smokers around the world. And he inspires confidence in everyone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33559/

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