A bottle is ... Meaning of the word

What is a bottle? When we pronounce this word, “glass” is immediately remembered. Indeed, these words are close to each other. But what exactly the first of them means is not completely clear to everyone. More on the fact that this is a bottle will be said in this review.


In dictionaries, as a rule, several variants of the meaning of the word “flask” are presented.

Drinks in bottles

The first of them is characterized as a kind of glassware, which can include, for example, a glass, a jar, a bottle.

The following are examples of the use of the word in this context.

Example 1. In the course of the conversation, the friends were very carried away, they alternately sip homemade wine from the bottle until they felt that they had finally softened.

Example 2. Grandmother was very upset that Lida was not able to win the music competition, she even asked her granddaughter to drip her Valerian from the bottle, which she always had ready.

In the laboratory

Laboratory flasks

And also so called small vessels with a neck, which are usually used in chemistry, pharmacology, perfumery. None of the chemical or physical laboratories in which they work with drugs and reagents do without bottles.

This laboratory glassware is used for storing reagents and for working with chemicals. There are specialized bottles required for specific research and operations. This, for example, is a BOD flask designed to study water samples; Tishchenko's bottle, Drexel's bottle.

Example 1. A bottle is necessarily a glass vessel with a flat base, the main part has the appearance of a cylinder, and the neck is made under a cork.

Example 2. The necks of the flasks are narrow and wide, with a direct section or conical, designed for rubber, silicone or glass cork.

Fluid volume

Another meaning of the “flask” is the amount of liquid that is contained in the vessel of the same name. It is usually small.

Example 1. While Arina was preparing a composition with a strong antiseptic effect, she consumed two whole bottles of ammonia.

Example 2. Talking about yesterday's party, Anton noticed that they drank a bottle on his brother.


During the existence of the sailing fleet, the flasks were called a kind of hourglass, which most often had a half-hour move. The watchman every 30 minutes turned them over, which was accompanied by a bell. But there were also 4-hour bottles, as well as hourly, minute, and half-minute ones.

Example 1. On the ships of the navy used only three kinds of bottles: those that were beaten after four hours, after half an hour and after 30 seconds. The latter were used only when the vessel was measured using a simple lag.

Example 2. In order for the flasks to show the exact time, they were suspended vertically. When after half an hour the sand poured from one half of the clock to another, the sentry turned it over.

In conclusion, studying the question that this is a flask, one more variant of the meaning of the word will be considered.

Time interval

So flask beat

In the Navy there is an expression: "beat the bottle." Often associated with this is the breaking of glassware. In fact, this is not so. All the dishes on the ship at the same time remain intact. This expression means "measure time." For example, in a clock with a half-hour interval, one flask equals 30 minutes. When time is measured, the sailor on watch beats the bell specially designed for this, which is called the market.

Example 1. On the ship, the shift was changed every four hours, and the counting of the bottles began again.

Example 2. Alyosha asked his brother: “I’m wondering why on the ship they always beat something or someone, then bottles, then the market. What has this market done? ” The brother laughed, but patiently explained that they beat only the bell, and not the poor bodyguard, thus measuring time - bottles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33562/

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