Khrunichev Plant: history, products, address

Khrunichev Plant is a leading aerospace enterprise with a century of history. The first Russian passenger cars Russo-Balt, armored cars, civilian and military aircraft were produced here. Since the 60s, the company has been developing space rocket technology.

Khrunichev Plant

Second car

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the rapid development of self-propelled equipment. First, cars were imported into the Russian Empire from Germany and France. Later in Riga opened the first factory for the production of engines with ICE under the Russo-Balt brand. The next domestic automobile center was Moscow. The Khrunichev plant dates back to 1916, when the construction of the Second Russo-Balt Automobile Plant began at Fili.

However, the revolution violated shareholder plans. The enterprise was nationalized and completed by the new government. In 1921, the plant was renamed the 1st Armored and went to the armor of the Red Army. A year later, the first 5 cars drove in a parade in front of the Kremlin leadership.

Aircraft first thing

Oddly enough, the successful start of the enterprise served as the reason for its reprofiling. It was decided to produce on the basis of its capacities more technologically advanced products - all-metal aircraft. Since there was no domestic design school in this direction, the Khrunichev plant in 1923 was transferred to the concession of the German company Junkers. The main model range was light aircraft U-20 in transport and reconnaissance versions.

In 1925, the economy, recovering from the civil war, already allowed the production of aircraft on its own. The contract with Junkers was canceled, and in 1927 the enterprise was reorganized into plant No. 7 (a little later - in No. 22 named after the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution). From that moment, the Khrunichev plant in Moscow became the most advanced aircraft manufacturer in the country. In a short time, new workshops were rebuilt, and highly qualified personnel were trained.

Khrunichev Plant in Moscow

The lineup

Before WWII, the enterprise produced a wide range of aircraft. The first-born was an all-metal reconnaissance aircraft designed by Tupolev R-3 (ANT-3). By the spring of 1929, the plant produced 79 cars. Since 1928, I-4 (ANT-5) fighter-and-half-planes and unique heavy bombers of the TB-1 (ANT-4) class for that period were assembled in parallel. In February 1932, the heavy bomber TB-3 (ANT-6) took to the sky.

On the R-6 aircraft (a smaller version of TB-1), the North Pole was first explored before the Papanin expedition landed. In the late 30s, the most popular was the front-line high-speed bomber SB (ANT-40), 5695 units were produced. Before the war, a successful Pe-2 dive bomber model was developed.

With the outbreak of World War II, the Khrunichev factory switched to repairing damaged aircraft. At the same time, the outstanding designer Ilyushin designed the IL-4 (DB-3F), which became the main bomber and torpedo bomber. In 1942, Tupolev developed the Tu-2, which became the main model of the enterprise. By the end of the Second World War 1700 cars were produced.

In 1946, the plant was instructed to master the production of Tupolev jet bombers of the Tu-12 and Tu-14 models. Since 1949, strategic aircraft became the main products. Among them:

  • The Flying Fortress Tu-4 (1950);
  • nuclear carrier bomber M-4 (1953);
  • 3M (modification of the M-4 with improved motors) (1956);
  • four-engine jet bomber M-50A (1959).

    Moscow Plant named after Khrunichev

Rocket science

The deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles (over 900 launchers) of the Titan-1, Titan-2, and Minuteman-1 types capable of delivering nuclear charges to the territory of the USSR in the 1960s required a response. March 30, 1963 issued a decree on the construction of domestic ICBMs UR-100 designed by V. Chelomey at the factory to them. M.V. Khrunicheva at Fili.

The UR-100 missile system embodied a number of new scientific, technical and design solutions and was adopted for service in 1967. In some years, the total number of UR-100 ICBMs and its modifications in the Strategic Missile Forces group reached 1000 units.


By the beginning of the 90s, there was a need to design an economical light class rocket. The Khrunichev plant was entrusted with the production of carriers for launching commercial spacecraft using the RS-18 strategic ballistic missiles, which were mass-produced by the plant, that were withdrawn from service.

The launch complex for the new launch vehicle, called "Rokot", was proposed to be created at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The existing infrastructure made it possible to use the main structures and technological systems of the launch complex with minimal modifications.

Khrunichev Plant Address


Khrunichev Plant is the head site of FSUE GKNPTs im. Khrunichev, ”including a number of design bureaus and space industry enterprises. Proton-class launch vehicles have become the hallmark of the plant. Several promising projects are also being developed here, the main of which is the Angara heavy-class missile family. The plant also collects various spacecraft (SC), participates in international projects. Among them:

  • remote sensing satellite "Monitor-E";
  • Small spacecraft "Kazsat";
  • unified space platform "Yacht";
  • KA Express;
  • telecommunication spacecraft "Nimik";
  • communication system "Iridium";
  • booster block for Indian partners 12KRB;
  • part of the KSLV-1 missile system for South Korea.

Among the revolutionary projects is the development of the Baiterek environmentally friendly rocket and space complex. The Khrunichev plant has the following address: Moscow city, 121087, Novozavodskaya street, 18.


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