A mixture of dried fruits for the heart: a recipe for cooking, how to take

A mixture of dried fruits can be an excellent way to prevent cardiovascular disease. She is not able to completely replace drugs, however, regular use of dried fruits with honey and nuts can prevent many diseases. There are several recipes for dried heart mixes for the heart. All of them are affordable and easy to prepare.

What dried fruits are healthy

Mixture preparation

The most commonly used dried grapes, plums and apricots. Figs, dates, dried apples and pineapples are much less commonly used for mixtures. It is very useful to use compote from dried pears or apples. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system are advised to harvest cherries and aronia in the summer. Many of these products have unique properties that are unique to them. That is why it is best to use dried fruits not separately, but in a mixture. Honey and nuts are also turned off in the finished composition.

Dried grapes

What is useful raisins

Raisins are the most affordable dried fruit you can imagine. His taste is familiar to almost everyone. Raisins are recommended to be added to sweet pastries, cottage cheese casserole, desserts, sweet salads and so on. It contains vitamins of group B, nicotinic acid, vitamin K and PP. In addition, raisins have a fairly large amount of vitamin A. Among trace elements: iron, selenium and zinc, but the most valuable are such important elements for the heart and blood vessels as magnesium and potassium. They improve muscle function and help strengthen the nervous system. Of the fruit, organic acids, oleic and salicylic acids are present. It has a fairly high calorie content of three hundred kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Dried grapes are extremely useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and it is also part of the vitamin mix of dried fruits for the heart. Among other things, it helps with intoxication of the body caused by poisoning. It can be used by both adults and children. Raisins are contraindicated in case of tuberculosis, gallbladder disease and diabetes.

Useful dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots

Sun-dried apricots are leaders in the amount of potassium, which strengthens muscles and iron. And also in their composition are all the vitamins of group B, which improve the digestion process and are responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes. Thanks to dried apricots, it is possible to improve blood composition, reduce allergy symptoms, and also improve water balance and thus get rid of edema. But the greatest benefits of dried apricots bring people with anemia, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension and so on. Overweight people should be careful, as dried apricots contain a lot of calories.

Unfortunately, this useful product has a significant drawback. With prolonged use, it is able to accumulate sulfur in the body. The fact is that in the manufacture of dried apricots, sulfur oxide and other preservatives are very often used.

What is the use of dried plum

It contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and iron.

The benefits of prunes

Much less contains sodium, calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to this composition, prunes are extremely useful for anemia. It improves blood composition and saturates the body with iron. In addition, prunes also have antibacterial properties. It is also used in the preparation of a mixture of dried fruits for immunity and heart. Prunes disinfect the oral cavity and prevent tooth decay. Its regular use rejuvenates the body and smoothes wrinkles on the skin. About five pieces of prunes are recommended daily.

Useful dates

The benefits of dates

This product removes excess cholesterol from the body and thereby prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Due to the rare component of tryptophan, dates stop the aging of the body and improve the mental state of a person. They are useful for people prone to depression and nervous disorders. One hundred grams of the product contains more than three hundred kilocalories. Doctors recommend eating this product to people who have had surgery. Using dates on an empty stomach can get rid of bacteria, fungus and parasites.

This dried fruit is indispensable for atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. No wonder it is often part of a mixture of dried fruits for the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to the presence of potassium and B vitamins, the well-being improves significantly and further exacerbation of the disease is prevented.

The benefits and harms of figs

This product contains a lot of vitamin A, which is involved in the regeneration of tissues of all internal organs.

Why figs are good

A deficiency of this vitamin leads to dry skin, brittle hair, and also prevents wound healing. Among trace elements, the largest amount belongs to copper, calcium and iron. It has an excellent diaphoretic and expectorant property, due to which fig-based products help to cope with bronchitis, tonsillitis and pneumonia. Figs promotes weight loss, improves water balance, and also helps get rid of intoxication during a hangover. In addition, figs also remove excess cholesterol from the body, which tends to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. He is considered an excellent means of preventing atherosclerosis.

How to make a mixture

All of the above products are used to prepare a medicinal mixture of dried fruits for the heart. As a rule, they are twisted through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. Before buying, you should carefully inspect the goods. Prunes should be only black, moderately soft and whole. Overdried dates or spoiled figs are not allowed. As for raisins, you can use both white and dark product. In both types of raisins, all the components necessary for the treatment are present.

Some dried fruits not only have to be washed under running water, but also kept in water to soften. It is highly recommended not to buy the product in questionable retail outlets, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can harm the body. The mixture is transferred to a glass jar and stored, usually in the refrigerator. There are several popular recipes.

Mixture of surgeon Amosov

This composition is sometimes called simply Amosov paste. The famous doctor recommended the use of products such as dried plums, dried grapes and dried apricots. In addition, the composition of the dried fruit mixture for the heart also includes nuts (walnuts), peeled lemon and honey. If desired, you can add figs or dates. Each of the dried fruits is taken in an amount of 300 grams. There should be about one hundred and fifty grams of nuts, and two hundred and fifty milliliters of honey. Lemon is peeled and pitted, and dried fruit is washed under running water. Further, all components are ground in a blender and mixed with honey.

A simple mixture of dried fruits

How to use

All products are taken in the same amount, that is, three hundred grams. You will need large orange dried apricots, light raisins and black juicy prunes. After the dried fruits are passed through a meat grinder, they are transferred to a previously prepared glass jar and liquid honey is added. If the fruit is a little dry, they can be soaked for several hours in water. In the future, they are simply dried with paper towels. It should be borne in mind that a mixture of dried fruits for the heart should be as homogeneous as possible and resemble paste.

How to use

It is recommended to take the medicine in one tablespoon no more than four times a day in between meals. It can be washed down with green or herbal tea. With any treatment, the main thing is not the amount eaten, but the regularity. Therefore, you can not exceed the norm, no matter how this is desired. The recommended course of treatment is two or three months, after which you can take a short break and continue again. The composition is eaten with spoons, not mixing with other foods. This is an absolutely independent dish, which should be treated as a medicine.

Recommendations of specialists

This composition, as a rule, is not given to young children under the age of three years. Kids can take a mixture for the heart of dried fruits with honey, but only in limited quantities. Twisted dried fruits with honey and lemon are also recommended during an epidemic of colds. All products included, according to the recipe, in a mixture of dried fruits for the heart, are very useful for heavy physical exertion. One spoon contains about eighty kilocalories. Thus, a person daily eats no more than three hundred and twenty kilocalories obtained from the mixture.

The composition is quite sweet, so people with diabetes have a hard time. On the one hand, it certainly benefits, on the other, it presents some danger. Therefore, diabetics of group 2 are recommended to halve their intake and monitor sugar levels. If you are allergic to honey, the beekeeping product can be replaced with liquid fruit jam.

A mixture of dried fruits and nuts for the heart is certainly a healthy product, but you need to take it wisely.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33571/

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