Islands of the Gulf of Finland. Fox Island of the Gulf of Finland: Description

The Gulf of Finland is rich in islands, but besides Kotlin, on which Kronstadt is located, for many nothing is known about them. Although, they are also very beautiful and interesting. The article provides information about the Fox Island of the Gulf of Finland.

Gulf of Finland Overview

Located in the Baltic Sea (in its eastern part), the bay washes the shores of Estonia, Finland and Russia. The western border is an imaginary line between Cape Pyizaspea (off Osmussaar Island) and the Hanko Peninsula.

The area of ​​the bay is 29.5 thousand square meters. km, length - 420 km, the length of the widest part - up to 130 km. The depth of the bay is on average 38 meters (maximum - up to 121 meters).

On the banks are such Russian cities as St. Petersburg (along with Kronstadt, Zelenogorsk, Sestroretsky, Peterhof and Lomonosov), Vyborg, Sosnovy Bor, Primorsk, Ust-Luga and Vysotsk. The settlements of Finland: Kotka, Helsinki, Hanko. Cities of Estonia: Paldiski, Tallinn, Sillamae, Toila, Narva-Jõesuu.

The Russian river Neva flows into the Gulf of Finland. In addition to it, Keila, Jagala, Pirita, Valgeijki, Põltsamaa, Luga, Narva, Kunda, Sista, Voronka, Kovashi, Chernaya, Strelka, Swans, Kikenka flow in from the south, and the Saimaa Canal connecting to Lake Saimaa and Porvonyoki from the north Sestar, Hamina and Vantanyoki.

Before proceeding to the description of the island of Lysy, we will present a brief geological information on the formation of the bay and its islands.

Fox island

On the history of the formation of the bay and islands

About 300-400 million years ago, in the Paleozoic, the entire territory of today's basin of the Gulf of Finland was completely covered by the sea. Precipitation of those times (clays, sandstones, limestones) covers the surface of the crystalline basement with a huge thickness (over 200 meters) of diabases, granites and gneisses.

The current relief was formed as a result of the activity of the glacier (the last Valdai glaciation occurred 12,000 years ago). As a result of his retreat, the Litorin Sea was formed with a level above the modern one by about 9 meters. Gradually, the water levels decreased, and the area decreased. Therefore, at the bottom of the former reservoirs, terraces formed, which descend in steps to the Gulf of Finland.

About 4,000 years ago, the sea began to recede, and the shallows gradually turned into islands (among them is the modern Fox Island). The uplift of the Scandinavian shield led to the warp of the bay. This caused flooding of the southern shores of the reservoir and the formation of cliffs and hills on its northern shores.

Gulf Islands

There are many islands:

  1. Gogland is a small granite piece of land (eastern part of the Gulf of Finland). On it, archaeologists found sites of the Stone Age and other sacred objects up to 7 thousand years BC.
  2. The island of Lysis is the most quiet, calm and beautiful (details are further in the article).
  3. Sommers - rocky (eastern part of the bay).
  4. Powerful - a large island with a small frontier post.
  5. Big and Small Tyuters - islands located in the central part of the bay. There are lighthouses here, served by one single inhabitant of the island, and seals are found.
  6. Virgin Islands with a mysterious round pebble labyrinth that was built by ancient people (its name is “Paris”).
Sandy shores of the island of Lysias

Lysiy Island (Leningrad Region)

Among all of the above, one of the most picturesque and calm islands is Lysy, lost in Klyuchevskoy Bay, belonging to the Vyborgsky District. Magnificent forests with many berries and mushrooms, the cleanest shores with all kinds of fish spawning in the surrounding waters have been preserved here. There are also good beaches covered with sand. Since there are no special conservation restrictions in these places, the named territory is a fairly popular holiday destination. Recently, unfortunately, local residents have often received complaints about the uncivilized behavior of some tourists and about poaching.

The wonderful beaches of the vicinity of the island of Lysias

The length of the island from southeast to northwest is 9.3 km. Its width is 2.5 kilometers. The area is 15 square meters. kilometers. The whole island is covered with forests, and there are no inland water bodies on it. Sometimes there are elevations.

The smallest distance to the mainland (southeastern part) is 450 meters, but there are no bridges there. You can cross only by water.

To get to the island of Lysiy, in St. Petersburg you can take a train and get to the Pribylovo railway station, and then by car and boat get to this wonderful place.

State reserve

Nature reserve

The organization date of the reserve is 1976. It is located 10 kilometers north of Primorsk. Geologically, it occupies the territory of the southern outskirts of the Baltic Crystal Shield (the coastal part of the Vyborg and Finnish bays, the island of Lysy, part of the Kiperort peninsula and adjacent small islands). The total area is 11,295 ha, including 6,940 ha - the water area of ​​the Gulf of Finland.

The purpose of the reserve is to preserve the diverse and rich natural complex of islands with rare species of animals and plants, zones of coastal vegetation, as well as mass parking areas for waterfowl species and spawning grounds of valuable commercial fish.


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