Ointment for beard growth: home recipes, pharmacy ointments, names, composition and real results

For many centuries, the beard was considered a sign of courage, fortitude and wisdom of a man. For some period of time, this attribute of male appearance has been forgotten, however, in the last few years it has been gaining more and more popularity. And what about those who want to be in the trend and grow a beard, but it does not grow? In the article, we consider the types and recipes of ointments for beard growth, the causes of the delayed development of hair on the face.

Causes of Slow Facial Hair Growth

The reasons for which there is no intensive growth of facial hair include the following factors:

  1. Inadequate testosterone production. It is the impaired synthesis of the "male" hormone that affects the manifestation of such signs as facial hair.
  2. Neoplasms or ongoing inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Age to 20 years. Hair growth is one of the signs of puberty of a young man, so you should not expect lush vegetation during this period, everything is purely individual.
  4. Vitamin deficiency and excessive consumption of fatty foods.
  5. Stress over time or chronic fatigue.
  6. Genetic predisposition.
  7. Bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol addiction, inhibit the metabolic processes of the body and adversely affect blood circulation.
  8. Overweight. First of all, extra pounds indicate a disturbed metabolism.
  9. Clogged sebaceous and sweat glands. In the absence of proper skin care, the pores are clogged with dead particles of the epithelium.
  10. Damage to the hair follicles. Incorrect shaving often leads to injury to the bulbs.
    Ointment for beard growth in a pharmacy: name

What needs to be done to make the beard grow better?

Those men who have slow growth of facial hair growth should consider a number of recommendations to improve the situation.

The list of them is as follows:

  1. First, you should reconsider your eating habits. It is advisable to moderate or minimize the consumption of fatty, fried foods, sweets and pastries. Introduce more natural foods, lean meats, and seafood into the diet. Take vitamins, minerals, especially in the offseason.
  2. Apply professional ointments for the rapid growth of a beard or folk remedies.
  3. Exclude the use of alcohol and tobacco products. Lead an active lifestyle, provide moderate physical activity and a healthy sleep. Whenever possible to avoid stresses and an overstrain.
  4. Systematically care for a person, independently or with the help of a specialist. Use cosmetic products: scrub, lotion, cleansing tonic and so on.

If slow hair growth is caused by existing diseases or hormonal failure, it is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination and cure the pathology.

The principle of action of drugs

All means of directional action (ointments for growing beards, lotions, masks) are divided into the following types:

  • drugs that stimulate hair growth in the initial stage;
  • agents that accelerate the growth of bristles;
  • compounds that increase the density of hair.

Depending on the principle of action, the components included in the composition can improve the blood flow of the follicles, saturate the bulbs with vitamins, and improve the structure of hairs. With regular use, nutrients accumulate in the bulbs and continue to have a beneficial effect on hair growth, even in cases where the use of strengthening agents is stopped.

You do not need to wait for an instant effect, but with systematic use, a clear progress will be visible after a few months. When applying this or that tool, shaving of thin and weakened hairs will not be superfluous. Such manipulation will stimulate the growth of stiffer and stronger bristles.

Beard Ointment

Ointment "Trius"

The composition of this ointment for hair growth on a beard includes exclusively natural components.

The list of them is as follows:

  • Coconut oil;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • lemon and orange essential oils;
  • bergamot oil, eucalyptus;
  • Castor oil;
  • shea butter;
  • tocopherol acetate.

The tool is available in two forms - ointment and liquid solution. It stimulates growth and awakens sleeping hair follicles, accelerates the process of restoration and strengthening of the hair structure. Among other things, vegetable oils soften the skin, prevent irritation, and normalize natural pH. The drug is also great as a skin care product after shaving.

Black Phomthong Ointment

With this beard ointment, you can achieve a quick effect. Four weeks later, the first changes are visible. The composition is enriched:

  • clitoris oil;
  • sesame seed oil;
  • nutmeg oil.

The product activates hair growth, nourishes and strengthens the bulbs. Apply ointment twice a day - in the morning and before going to bed. It is necessary to distribute the composition with a thin layer and rub until the characteristic black color disappears. The minimum period of use is three months.

Beard Ointment

Professional hair system

A popular drug that promotes the growth of dense facial hair. The composition of this ointment for growing a beard includes the following components:

  • daisy flowers;
  • juniper berries;
  • Burr oil;
  • hop;
  • cinnamon;
  • calamus root.

The tool is recommended for use twice a day for one to three months. The drug is applied to the skin, rubbed into the hair roots and left until completely absorbed. As a result, dormant bulbs awaken, the growth of bristles increases. The skin is moisturized, small wounds and inflammation heal. The structure of the hair improves and, as a result, the beard becomes thicker.

Beard Ointment

Ointment Rogaine

This is a creamy product that helps restore hair growth on bald areas of the head and activates the growth of bristles. Due to the content of minoxidil in it, a quick result is achieved.

An ointment for the growth of a beard is applied to the skin of the face and evenly distributed with a thin layer. The tool is quickly absorbed, there is no need to wash it off. Before use, the drug is well shaken to achieve uniformity of composition. To maintain positive growth dynamics, the course of treatment lasts at least three months.

Age up to eighteen years or the presence of damage to the skin of the face are a contraindication to use.

Ointment "Minoxidil"

"Minoxidil" is a remedy whose purpose is to awaken dormant hair follicles and stimulate them to grow. Initially, the drug was used to improve the treatment of blood vessels and improve blood circulation in them. In places where the product was applied, there was an active growth of hairs. The discovery allowed the use of the drug to treat baldness, and later - to enhance hair growth on the beard.

Here you need to understand that the medicine does not create new bulbs and does not restore the destroyed ones, but only activates those who have fallen asleep and prevents hair loss.

The composition of the ointment - alcohol, D-panthenol and glycerin - nourishes and softens the skin, regenerates cells, heals wounds and burns.

The drug was created in various forms, but the ointment for Minoxidil beard is used for the lower part of the face. The principle of action of the drug is to improve metabolic processes in the skin cells and increase the blood supply to the follicles. This happens due to the penetration of the active substance into the deep layers of the dermis, where it expands the blood vessels and capillaries. As a result of this, hair follicles and cells receive enhanced nutrition, which activates their awakening.

The ointment is applied to cleansed skin in the beard, rubbed three times a day for five months. Do not use for skin lesions.

Beard Ointment

Vitamins for Hair Growth

Often, even a nutritious diet does not help to fill the lack of vitamins. The cause of this may be a weakened or depleted organism.

In this case, the use of vitamin complexes is recommended:

  • vitamins of groups A and D - strengthen hair follicles;
  • B vitamins - enhance growth, prevent hair loss and give healthy shine to hair;
  • Vitamin C - in combination with iron, is better absorbed and strengthens follicles;
  • Vitamin E - improves blood flow.

Specialists recommend along with ointment for the growth of a beard in a pharmacy to purchase one of these vitamin complexes:

  1. "Revalid". The drug has a complex effect based on micro and macro elements. Restores the disturbed balance of vitamins, improves immunity and stimulates hair growth.
  2. Pantovigar. The drug is a long-acting, improves the structure of hair and nails. Saturates the body with vitamins.
  3. "Aevit." Replenishes the deficiency of vitamin A and E, improves immunity, is an antioxidant.
  4. "Perfect". The drug is high in vitamins, minerals and plant components. Improves the condition of hair, nails, improves well-being.
  5. "Alphabet". It has a beneficial effect on the whole body, normalizes vitamin balance.
    Ointment for beard growth: reviews


In addition to purchasing ointments for the growth of a beard at a pharmacy (the names of effective drugs are given in the article), one must take into account that proper nutrition is also important to obtain positive results.

The menu is of great importance for the health of all organs. You must include in your daily diet more foods high in multivitamins, minerals and nutrients. These products include:

  1. Meat and poultry - contain protein necessary for the body. Meat is not only the main supplier of protein, but also iron. Both of these substances are necessary for hair growth. Meat retains more vitamins if steamed.
  2. Fish and seafood - rich in essential fatty acids, phosphorus, protein, vitamin B12. All these elements are also required for hair follicles. A large concentration of nutrients is found in marine and oceanic fish.
  3. Cereals - contain zinc, iron, magnesium and a host of other vital trace elements. All of them contribute to the growth and strength of hair.
  4. Legumes - regular consumption of beans stimulates hair growth.

It is possible to achieve positive growth dynamics and improve the condition of the hairline if you act in a comprehensive manner, eat right, use therapeutic agents and apply vitamin therapy.

Homemade ointments for beard growth

There are several popular recipes for ointments to improve beard growth. The ingredients of the compounds have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleanse it, strengthen the bulbs, make the hair thicker, restore the balance of lipids, expand the bloodstream.

Often used such compounds and homemade ointments for beard growth:

  1. Tar soap with a few drops of jojoba oil or eucalyptus. The product is applied to the lower part of the face three times a day for ten minutes, then washed off with warm water. Not recommended for dry skin.
  2. Mix one egg yolk with a finely grated small piece of ginger or red pepper, add burdock or castor oil in the amount of one tablespoon. Apply twice a week.
  3. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of cinnamon and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. The composition is applied for half an hour once a day, then rinse.
  4. To one ampoule of nicotinic acid add a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of aloe juice or argan, coconut, burdock, castor oil. Such an ointment for the growth of a beard is applied to the skin for forty minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  5. Mix one teaspoon of brandy, one tablespoon of burdock or thistle oil, five drops of vitamin E. Apply to the lower part of the face for half an hour, rinse off the leftover with hot water.
  6. Prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of mustard powder, a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil. Apply to cleansed skin for fifteen minutes once a day.

If unpleasant sensations occur, the ointment is immediately washed off, and an anti-inflammatory agent is applied to the skin. To achieve visible results, the agents are applied for four to five months.

Beard Hair Growth Ointment

Precautionary measures

Any ointments for the beard should not be used if it is found on the skin of the face:

  • dermatitis;
  • redness and peeling of the epidermis;
  • open wounds, scratches or other damage;
  • signs of allergic reactions.

Before using homemade or pharmacy ointments and vitamins, you must take precautions:

  • get expert advice;
  • check the product for an allergic reaction, if the composition contains burning ingredients (garlic, pepper, ginger) or aromatic oils, applying the composition to the inner fold of the elbow for fifteen minutes.

Results and reviews

Many men say that they are very pleased with the results of using homemade ointments with cognac, hot pepper and aromatic oils. They talk about accelerating the growth of the beard, and the hairless area is first covered with a light fluff, which then darkens and becomes tougher.

Also, some men voiced positive reviews about the ointment for Minoxidil beard growth. It strengthens the bulbs, due to which the hair becomes thicker and appears on the skin areas that are completely bare before applying the product.

The results of using various means clearly indicate that it is real to grow a thick beautiful beard. To do this, you need to choose the right tool in each case. It should be remembered that the drug (pharmacy or home) should consist only of natural components, which will protect against negative reactions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33579/

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