Kinomania is not a disease, but a passion for cinema

Psychologists have found that movie-dependent people exist. These are moviegoers. This hobby has no chemical properties (like alcoholism or drug addiction). Get used to it, as to the Internet.

Even about 50 years ago, a person watched one movie a day from strength; going to the cinema was considered an important event. Modern series, melodramas, detective stories take a lot of people time. On weekends, film lovers can watch entire seasons of 10-20 episodes. Therefore, we can say that a movie fan is an emotionally dependent person. We will present more detailed information about this, examine what factors influence this dependence, and advise how to protect the parents of their children from the negative effects of excessive stay near the screens. You will also learn the meaning of the word “movie fan”. Forward...

love of cinema

Kinomania is a hobby

Plunging into the Internet, you can acquire many addictions. Cinema fan is a kind of connoisseur of cinema art. Most of his time is spent watching movies.

A movie fan is a person who pays a lot of attention and love to everything related to cinema. Sometimes this can lead to addiction. Then thoughts about what is happening in the unreal world begin to dominate the main ones. This leads to emotional and emotional discomfort. Today, every third can be called a movie fan. This is a pattern. If such a person is deprived of his hobby, then he can become a drug addict or an alcoholic. It is important to remember this and not to cross the line.

frames from films

Which films attract you the most?

The synonym for “movie fan” is “film enthusiast”. Such a person should have a lot of free time to view pictures. Once, intellectuals attended film festivals, watched films and discussed them. But the modern pace of life takes a lot of time, many are not up to the movies, because you need to earn a living.

Watching the same thing, of course, is not interesting. All new films are constantly coming to the box office. Housewives are especially prone to watching TV shows. They do not remain indifferent to melodramas and talk shows. There they can see a happier life, but in reality you need to take care of the children and do the housework. Every woman admires how Cinderella manages to turn into a princess. It is worth recalling the most hit TV shows: “Slave Isaur”, “Wild Rose”, “The Rich Cry”. Today, the younger generation is passionate about Games of Thrones. Series are mostly made from moviegoers, because every time I want to see the continuation of the previous series. Almost the same effect is achieved through talk shows. Many love humorous series, comedies. They are selected for viewing by a poorer population, dreaming of something better.

frame from the movie "Titanic"

Factors Affecting Addiction

Three factors influence the subordination to daily movie viewing:

  1. Genetic.
  2. Psychological.
  3. Social.

If the child does not have enough parental love, then he will grow up anxious. Improper sex education leads to a violation of a healthy love relationship. Strong custody of a child can result in isolation from society. Helps such people go into the world of movie illusions. The film fan gains a false sense of security. When watching a movie, life's problems go away.

It can go to illness

Sometimes a movie fan completely plunges into the screen life. Then we are already talking about a disease associated with psychological problems. In this case, you need to resort to the help of a psychologist who will conduct trainings, correction, and help increase self-esteem. It is important for a person to believe in himself again, to remove boredom and stress.

movie "Troy"

Parent Tips

From a young age, girls tend to fall in love with beautiful actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Alain Delon. Boys imitate the heroes of modern action movies. Sometimes it is scary for young people, so much so she tries to copy the cruel behavior of the characters. It is important for parents to tear children away from the movie world without restrictions.

Making good idols of good heroes is not bad. Parents should advise their children which films they should watch so that they do not come under negative influence. You can sit next to your daughter or son yourself, then discuss the tape, understand their opinion and feelings. If you notice that the child devotes too much time to the television screen, then spend more time with him, take other activities. Develop children, make their life more interesting, love them.

frame from indian cinema

The opinion of psychologists

The movie fan, immersed in an unreal world, feels safe. While he watches the film, his problems are relegated to the background. So psychologists think. They advise to get rid of this dependence. First you need to reduce the hours spent in front of the screen. This time can be filled with something else: a walk, playing sports, hobbies. It is useful for girls to do needlework.

At first, anxiety, irritability, depression, and spleen may occur. It is important to spend a lot of time outdoors, communicate actively. Psychologists warn against blind copying of screen characters. There was an example of reckless imitation in American history. Imagining himself as the heroes of the movie The Matrix, 13 American teenagers died.

Cinema has the property of throwing information into a person’s subconscious, and then controlling his actions. Watching a film, the viewer is in an illusory world that controls his actions in certain situations. It is important to watch a good movie with an idea. Contemporaries have every minute worth its weight in gold, so everyone tries to spend free time with maximum benefit. The genre of the picture is not important. The main thing is that she should bear the values ​​of friendship, family, life.


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