Recipes of traditional medicine: repeshka - useful properties and contraindications

People have known about the healing properties of one of the perennial plants of the Pink family since ancient times, using it in the preparation of various potions. This medicinal herb is called a repes. Useful properties and contraindications for agrimony are well known both in Europe and in Asia.

Spread of repes

This plant has a lot of different names in the people: burdock, love spell-grass, strawberry, lepilator and forty-hedgehog. Long straight leaves are located on its straight stems, and in June, the bud begins to please the eye with bright yellow inflorescences. And the flowering period lasts almost all summer.

Repesh useful properties and contraindications

During the lush flowering exudes a marvelous aroma, but when dry it does not smell. It grows in bushes, thickets, along roads, edges, on the hills and under the fences of estates. Collect the flare during flowering, throwing out the dried and yellowed lower leaves. Dried in the shade. Some herbalists collect reposhka seeds in the fall. This grass is stored in bunches (wrapped in paper from dust) or in boxes lined with paper, seeds are stored in bags. The period during which you can keep a repo is no more than 3 years.

The chemical composition of the plant

In the ground part of the reposhka many tannins, essential oil, tar, bitter substances, coumarin were revealed. More than 35% fatty oil was found in the seeds. In addition, the plant is rich in vitamin B PP, group B, mineral salts, in which there is a lot of sulfur, iron and silica acid. Organic acids are also contained in the reposhka: citric, malic, ascorbic. Their in fresh leaves - up to 40%.

Information about the plant, useful properties and contraindications of this plant can be found in every popular collection of medicinal herbs.

Properties of repeshka and its use

Repeshka in official medicine is practically not used. But in the people this plant is valued, first of all, as a way to improve the liver. People emphasize its positive effect with a lack of gastric juice. In these cases, they drink three times a day, 1 glass of infusion, decoction: 1 glass of boiling water - 1 tbsp. l chopped grass.


With this infusion, gargle and gums, wash the wounds. Also used as an expectorant for dry cough-bronchitis: drink in this case in small sips.

With poor digestion (especially with weakened intestinal activity), with congestion in the liver and gall bladder, in the presence of stones in the latter, with pancreatitis drink a less strong decoction of the repes. In this case, it is taken half a glass three times a day, after meals.

It is important that repochka reduces inflammatory processes in the joints with rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. And with various bleeding, its action, respectively, is hemostatic. Many herbalists know: it shows useful properties, and there are practically no contraindications for neurocirculatory dystonia, which is accompanied by headache and crises. In this case, the infusion of herbs acts antispasmodically. The daily dose for such problems is 2-3 tbsp. l herbs on a half-liter thermos.

Medicinal herb

Despite such a wide list of useful properties, there are a number of contraindications. Drugs based on it should be taken with caution.

How, knowing everything about the reposhka, useful properties and contraindications of this plants, avoid its negative effects? Patients with hypersensitivity to drugs should be especially careful about its use. Drugs prepared on its basis are contraindicated in chronic constipation and obstruction of the biliary tract, with thrombosis. And pregnant and lactating mothers should take decoctions of this plant, only after consulting with a specialist.


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