For what life: the definition, understanding, purpose and meaning of human life

Life is a complex and unpredictable thing, but every living thing has one. Therefore, it would be unforgivable to live it so that you feel terrible on your deathbed due to unfulfilled goals and unfulfilled dreams. In this article, we will explain several reasons why it is worth living.

Kite and children

What is a sense of life

For centuries, man has been searching for truth that would help answer the question of why he should live. How many thinkers and philosophers were, how many treatises were written, how many religions and cultures were studied, but each has its own truth.

Each person chooses the meaning of life and for what to live. But to find him, you have to work hard. “Do not leave the room, do not make a mistake,” Brodsky wrote in his poem of the same name. Closing oneself from society, allowing complexes and unjustified fears to absorb oneself leads to the fact that a person loses the taste for life. In Russia, as well as around the world, there are enough such people. Especially those who do not want to constantly develop, strive to learn something new, justifying it with the presence of children and some responsibilities.

But you can get acquainted with the world, feel it, and seek your truth not alone, but with your husband, friends, children, and even work! And having achieved one goal, you must certainly look for a new one.

Beautiful sunset and the beach

Emotions and impressions

In old age, a person recalls everything that he dreamed about. France inspires someone all his life, and white nights to someone. But not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful sight, and remembering, thinking: “This is what I understand - beauty!”.

Emotion rules people. They activate all 5 senses in order to fully experience the beauty of this world. Therefore, do not be afraid to set a goal - to experience as many emotions as possible throughout your life. And for this you need:

  • Go to concerts, theaters and cinema.
  • Always try something new: write a book, compose a song, learn to sit on a split, go on a trip around the world, remove a kitten from a tree, paint your walls with bright colors, put on a funny costume, overcome your fears.
  • Walk more often. It’s not always possible to travel the world, but believe me, even in your city there are always incredible places that you will be delighted with. To do this, walk more often, get out with your family and friends, look for unusual places for a picnic.
    The concert is in full swing

Continuous self-development

What does man live for? It is important to understand that each of us is an inquisitive, intelligent creature with enormous potential. Human nature is such that it always strives to learn something new, starting from an early age. Young children are drawn to a hot pan and in a moment they will gain invaluable experience that some objects can burn. An adult betrays his friend and understands that it is very difficult to cope alone in this world.

Some of the life lessons that they receive are enough. And someone goes further and continues to study. Such people strive to turn the world inside out, to understand how everything is arranged and works, starting from the laws of physics and ending with the psychology of living beings.

Self-development strengthens faith in yourself, makes you more significant than others. Such people understand that they will be able to contribute to the development of our world, even in such a short life. Learn languages, communicate with people, learn new professions, do not hesitate to watch documentaries, learn to analyze and do not be afraid to think, hypothesize and test them all the time.

Cats hug each other

You need to live for life

Remember one simple truth: no one owes anything to anyone. All installations “It is necessary”, “I must”, “Who but me”, “I can not do otherwise”, “I must sacrifice for something” are only in the head.

Not a single person is forced to work where he does not like. No one is sent by force to marry the unloved. Everyone has the right to decide how to live, what to eat for lunch, what style of clothing to choose and how to equip your home. But we are raised differently. In addition to morality, morality and upbringing, they inculcate some kind of program that cannot be changed in any case.

But you need to live for life, and not for the sake of "I can not do otherwise." Yes, in order to achieve freedom and understanding that no one owes anything to anyone, you will have to try, study, study the structure of our world. There are times when people getting a job they don't like because of a difficult period in their life are simply afraid to quit and try themselves in a new field. And even despite the fact that they had a difficult period a long time ago.

Huge family

“It is important to live for the sake of children” - this phrase very often sounds from human lips. There are several explanations for this:

  • Firstly, such people could not achieve anything in life and now surround their children with care and excessive attention. But sooner or later your child will begin to search for himself, and then you may encounter a feeling of emptiness inside, loneliness. Children are wonderful happiness, but you should not make them the center of the universe. It is important to continue to taste life, to experience it and to study under a microscope.
  • Secondly, most people who are not interested in self-development and self-realization often pronounce this phrase: "I need heirs." It’s not enough just to give birth, because you still need to educate, instill in them a passion for life and help to prove themselves. Children are truly heirs, on whom well-being, peace and peace on the planet depend.
    Children on sunset background

Realize with your children, look for together for what you can live. No one forbids exploring, reading, dancing, going to concerts, discovering something new, even in a huge family.

In search of your soul mate

Philosophers and thinkers of all ages often use in their works two opposite terms - “love” and “loneliness”. And this is no accident, because every person is always in the eternal search for his true soulmate. Someone asks their God to give them love, someone begs the Universe, and someone wanders aimlessly around the cities for hours and looks at the faces of passers-by.

“For what life if I don’t have love in me and nobody needs me?” - a question that drives millions crazy. Relationships and friendships cannot always replace this emptiness in the soul. Love is replaced by creativity, sports, career, but this great feeling for unknown reasons rules almost the entire human race.

Heart tree

Provide old age and a comfortable life for their descendants

“All I lived for is my family.” Most people work tirelessly for years, only so that their children do not face poverty or financial difficulties. Some succeed, others do not. Those who have never been able to cross the line of lack of money in their entire lives have a serious state of mind. On their deathbed they reproach themselves for not working anymore to fulfill their cherished goal. But is that right?

You need to live for life. Count how many hours a day is spent on exhausting and monotonous work? And now, how many hours are spent per week, and then per month, year, and over several years. It turns out that a person pursues his dream all his life, not trying anything new, not noticing how his children are growing to check whether he can achieve the goal or not.

Self-development and constant interest in the world around you will help you look at it from a different perspective. The difference is great: to work all your life where and by whom you do not want, or vice versa, to do what you love, which always starts to generate income, if you believe in yourself and your potential.

Fear of death

Many lose all taste of life, realizing that sooner or later any living creature dies. But just imagine how great was the chance that you would not be born. An unimaginable number of factors influenced your birth: the meeting of your ancestors with each other, wars, famine, serious illnesses. And this is not counting the number of sperm that compete with each other at the stage of fertilization.

Baby hugs with a bear

Scientists have calculated that the chance of each of us appearing is 1 in 400,000,000,000,000,000. The number is simply unbelievable! And that is why it is important to understand your peculiarity and capabilities, being the allotted time on the planet.

Pursuit of happiness

Each person has his own joy in life. Someone dreams of a dog, someone of good vision, and someone to see the dawn on the roof of a high-rise building. Happiness is in the little things, and you need to learn how to notice them.

Go fishing with your loved ones and look for frogs, and if you're lucky you will meet a muskrat or beaver. Go out at night and look at the sky, realize how many beautiful and terrifying planets exist at the same time. Make a beautiful cake and treat your colleagues without any reason. Say something pleasant to someone who needs it, hug him or support him in difficult times. See how beautifully cherry and apple trees bloom in spring, breathe in this sweet aroma and feel how inspiring this world is.

Every moment that makes you happier is worth living for. Only for each person these events and stories are completely different.


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