"Pantin 3 minutes": reviews, composition and types of balm

Well-groomed healthy hair is the pride of any woman. However, not everyone has endowed nature with thick luxurious hair, and the owners of brittle dull hair are always in search of the ideal means to care for them.

pantin 3 minutes reviews

Salvage for damaged hair

In pursuit of beautiful curls, women are ready for anything. Various spa treatments, hair masks today are very popular in the beauty industry. However, not all girls have time to go to beauty salons, so it is very important for them to have at hand funds that give an effect equal to professional care. One of these products is Pantin 3 minutes balm. Customer reviews say that this rinse gives a good result and restores damaged hair in a short period of time.

pantin recovery in 3 minutes reviews

The product is presented in four variations, among which every woman will find a balm that is right for her. So, the range includes rinsing agents: “Thick and Strong”, Aqua Light, “Intensive Recovery” and “Extra Volume”. Buyers can only choose a balm from the series "Pantin Recovery 3 minutes." In reviews, women recommend using the product for their hair type, otherwise you can achieve the opposite result.


The manufacturer claims that products from this line have a composition that is twice as saturated with nutrients than other products of the brand. The innovative component of histidine, penetrating into the hair, neutralizes oxidizing minerals, which, judging by the reviews on Pantin 3 Minutes, allows you to maintain curls health and strength from the inside.

However, the rinse has a rather long shelf life, which indicates the presence of chemical additives in it. Many note that, judging by the consistency of the balm, it contains silicone. In addition, the product has a sweetish aroma, which, in principle, most Pantin 3 minutes consumers like. Reviews confirm that the smell is unobtrusive, lasts long on the hair and does not cause irritation.

Mode of application

pantin proc 3 minutes reviews
The instruction on the package says that the product must be applied over the entire length of the hair and held for 3 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water. The manufacturer also claims that the rinse aid is suitable for daily use. However, this is not always the case. Many consumers in their reviews of "Pantin Pro-Vee 3 Minutes" say that such frequent use leads to weightier hair, they can turn into "icicles" over time. It is most optimal to apply the balm no more than 2 times a week.

Also, some customers advise to use rinse aid with other products of the selected series to achieve the best effect.

Application result

The effect of the balm exceeds the expectations of many women. Due to the even distribution of curls throughout the structure, the active components work precisely in those areas of the hair where restoration is needed. Thus, the damaged strands will be restored from the inside, will acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance, and the split ends will be resuscitated.

pantin 3 minutes reviews
However, it is important to understand that balm is not a therapeutic agent and has only a cosmetic effect. According to reviews, Pantin 3 minutes is good for hair that does not have serious damage. For advanced cases, when serious treatment and recovery is necessary, it is better to purchase a drug from the pharmacy series, having previously obtained the advice of a trichologist.

In order to prevent hair that is exposed to harmful external factors, such as daily drying, curling or ironing, such a rinse is ideal as a supporting factor.


Reviews about "Pantin Pro Vee 3 minutes" are very different. Most consumers are satisfied with the selected product and recommend it to their friends. According to them, after using this product, the hair really began to look more well-groomed, as after the salon.

pantin recovery 3 minutes reviews

However, some of the customers do not recommend purchasing this balm. In their opinion, the silicones that make up make the hair heavier and give it a sloppy look. It is important to understand that you need to use a rinse, taking into account the type of your curls. For example, balm for volume is not suitable for owners of thick strands, and "Intensive recovery" is for curls prone to fat. In addition, Pantin 3 Minutes is not a medicine, and you certainly should not expect miracles from it.

But for weakened hair, undergoing daily stress, this is a good support option.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33589/

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