Methods of cooking dried potatoes in a home kitchen

Dried potatoes are not some fancy dish. However, many people resort to this method of storing this well-known root crop. In contrast to these people, there are also those who have never thought that potatoes can be dried. Perhaps the whole point is that such people would never use dried potatoes in the kitchen because of their relaxed lifestyle. And this is true: in the context of the average settlement, in which there are various shops, including vegetable ones, such a product is unlikely to belong to the group of primary necessities.

Who needs a dried potato recipe?

how to cook dried potatoes

Let's try to guess who might need this method of cooking the root crop. First of all, such potatoes are needed by people who are often in natural conditions. Usually this is a group of romantic tourists who adore evening gatherings around the campfire. They go camping far from the place of residence of people, and there such a product as dried potatoes helps them a lot. A dry vegetable takes up much less space in the luggage and weighs a little.

It is also important to learn this cooking method for those who, in principle, live very far from civilization.

By the way, dried potatoes can also be prepared for experimental purposes. He is well able to help out, for example, in the country.

Cooking methods

There are many ways to prepare this root vegetable by drying. Each method finds its fans who prefer to use it. Depending on what goals the one who dries the potatoes pursues, the method itself is chosen. For example, potatoes for a trip will differ significantly from the more noble version of drying (with pepper and salt).

How to cook dried potatoes for a hike

dried potatoes at home
  • We wash the root crops and proceed to their processing. First, peel the potatoes.
  • Cut into thin slices. Each piece should have a thickness of no more than half a centimeter. Choose a comfortable size for you. Remember that during the drying process, the slices will decrease, but the moment they are cooked in soup, at the stake, the slices will again take their original size.
  • For ten to fifteen minutes, we soak the workpiece in cold water. The procedure will save potato slices from excess starch. Then thoroughly rinse all the potatoes and remove the water.
  • As much as possible we save slices from excess moisture. All means are good: you can put them on a clean kitchen cloth towel and squeeze slightly. You can also use a paper towel.
  • For five minutes, put the potatoes in boiling salted water. We take it out after this time and immediately dip it into the dishes with cold water (or rinse it under a tap in a colander).
  • Preheat your oven to a temperature of 100 degrees.
  • We spread the potatoes in one layer on the sheet in which the drying procedure will take place. We fix the door so that it remains ajar (important point).
  • After half an hour, check the potatoes. If he is a little browned below, then it's time to turn it over. Carefully do this with each slice. Now, we will stir up potatoes every hour until it is completely dry.
  • When removed from the oven, allow the potatoes to cool completely.
  • Ready potatoes are best stored in a glass, tightly closed jar.

Home chips

dried potatoes recipe

Dried potatoes at home can be made in the form of chips. It is enough to add salt, ground pepper or some aromatic herbs to it. Some people use familiar bouillon cubes instead of seasonings.

For the first experiment, we will choose the following set of products in the indicated quantity:

  • two large potatoes;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a third of a teaspoon of ground pepper (red or black to taste).

Cooking technology

Potato preparation

We clean the tubers and wash them. We turn it into plastic slices up to one and a half millimeters thick.

For half an hour we leave the prepared semi-finished product in cold water to remove excess starch.

After this time, drain the water and rinse the slices again. We dry each plastic as thoroughly as possible. Use a paper towel.

Put the potatoes gently in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle a little mixture of pepper, salt and dried herbs on top of each slice. Or use a bouillon cube for this purpose.

Preheat the oven (the temperature should be 100 degrees). After warming up, we send prepared potato plastics to its bowels. Slightly open the door at the oven and somehow fix it in the desired position. The total drying time will be five hours (plus or minus ten minutes).

You can store such potatoes in a tightly sealed glass container. Dishes with it must be kept only in a dark place. And it’s better to completely use the resulting snack immediately.


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