Internalization in psychology is ... What is the role of this process?

People have always been interested in the question: how does our psyche work? This complex mechanism produced by the brain regulates almost all the internal processes of our body, and also allows a person to be a social being. Thanks to the psyche, a person is able to form information received from outside inside his head. Socialization, personal identification, cognition, communication, anger, fear - all this is the result of the mental processes of the brain.

interiorization in psychology is
However, there are a number of questions that arise as this phenomenon is studied. For example, how is the information we receive processed? What internal brain process interconnects the external and internal? Any external activity, one way or another, forms special mental structures in a person’s head. This process is the answer to all questions, and it is called internalization.

Characteristic of the term

Internalization in psychology is the process of the appearance of special mental structures that arise as a result of external human activity. In other words, all complex actions are processed and transformed into experience precisely through internalization. In addition to the functions presented, the process makes it possible to operate on subject images.

interiorization and exteriorization in psychology

We can think for ourselves, imagine objects, things, people who are not around, change them. The process of internalization makes it possible to go beyond the framework of the real. Inside his head, a person can do whatever he pleases. The problem of interiorization in the history of Russian psychology has been bothering the minds of scientists for many years, because it is this complex mental process that makes the brain a microcosm in which everything is subordinated to one subject.

Scientists studying the issue of interiorization

The term was first put forward by the French scientist Ducheim. In his opinion, internalization in psychology is the constituent elements of the process of socialization of a person or the relationship of social (external) and personal (internal). The theory is based on the fact that all categories of human consciousness are formed taking into account external public representations. A similar point of view was supported by other French representatives of the psychological school, namely: Piaget, Janet, Wallon.

interiorization is an example in psychology

Of the many Soviet scientists, Vygotsky must be singled out. He argued that all external activity, communication between people or the process of knowing something becomes a part of consciousness in the form of experience after interiorization. Thus, interiorization in psychology is a process of transition of an external, social form of communication with people into a component of the human psyche.

Communication internalization

Any of our external actions, such as communication, are internalized. Without this process, people would not be able to get the necessary life experience. The basis of internalization is the internal psychological plan of a person. It undergoes significant changes in the course of life.

problems of internalization in the history of Russian psychology
This whole complex process distinguishes a person from an animal that exists instinctively. The result of the action of internalization is a revised social activity, which takes the form of a structural element of the psyche.

External manifestation of processed information

Communication is carried out only for the following purposes: to gain experience or to perform some action. With experience, it is clear that it takes place only after internalization. But the situation is a little more complicated. It has already been said that interiorization in psychology is a change in external social activity within the human mind. But there is also a process that causes the manifestation of this processed information. Externalization is the transformation of the internal into the external. The process allows you to use the experience in everyday life. Thus, interiorization and exteriorization in psychology are directly opposite processes, although their functions are somewhat similar. Thanks to them, people can be compared with high-end computers that process information at a frantic speed.


So, the article described in detail the essence of the term “internalization”. This in psychology is an example of internal reflection and processing of external activity. Without this process, a person will turn into an ordinary animal, whose actions are guided only by elementary desires and instincts.


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