Igor Makarov, hockey player: biography, facts from life

Igor Makarov is a hockey player whose biography is rich in a variety of events. This young and promising athlete has seen a lot in his life. Fame was added to him by his marriage to the popular host Lera Kudryavtseva, who is much older than Igor.

Igor Makarov - a hockey player from a distinguished family

Igor Makarov - hockey player (biography)

This athlete was born in Moscow on September 19, 1987. Igor Makarov is a hockey player whose biography and fate have always been closely intertwined with this sport. Not everyone knows that the young guy's love for this game is connected with his father. Sergey Makarov is an illustrious Soviet hockey player who has repeatedly become the winner of Olympiads and world championships. After the collapse of the USSR, he began to play in the National Hockey League of Canada and the USA. There he also showed his high performance. In the NHL, he became the owner of the Canada Cup. Sergey Makarov has always supported his son in choosing a sports career. He not only helped him in everyday life, but also shared his experience, giving professional advice.

Athlete career

Igor Makarov - hockey player (how old is in sports)
In Russia and around the world, sports fans know that Igor Makarov is a hockey player. How many years has he pleased fans of this game with his outstanding achievements? From 2006 to 2008, he played for the SKA team in St. Petersburg. Thanks to his highly productive game in 2006, he was selected in the NHL draft by the Chicago Bladhawks team number 33 in round 2. In 2009-2010 Igor Makarov played in the Moscow club Dynamo. In 2010, a hockey player began playing for the professional American club Rockford IceHogs. In the Continental League from 2011 to the present day he is a player of the SKA team.

Effective and promising Igor Makarov

The hockey player, whose biography in sports is still replenished with new victories, can already boast of his achievements. From year to year, his professionalism is only growing, as evidenced by the results of his game. In the Professional Hockey League (PHL), he played 97 matches, scoring 11 goals in them and making 14 successful assists, while earning 25 points. In the Playoffs, he participated in 12 hockey tournaments, where 3 more goals and 1 pass appeared on his account. In these games, he earned another 4 points.

Igor Makarov (hockey player)
In total, in the Continental Hockey League, Igor participated in 181 matches. At the same time, he managed to score 33 goals, as well as make 37 assists, while earning 70 points. In the Playoffs, Igor scored 3 goals and 6 successful passes. In them he received another 9 points. On the site, Igor Makarov takes the position of striker.

Hockey Player Overview

The height of Igor Makarov is 185 cm. The hockey player’s weight is 87 kg. He is a citizen of the Russian Federation. At the beginning of his sports career, a young and strong hockey player quite often participated in skirmishes between rivals in the game, for which he repeatedly received penalty points and was removed from the court. Over the years, he has become more diplomatic and calm, so recently he has been trying to resolve the conflicts that arise on the site exclusively by peaceful means. Perhaps the behavior of the young and hot striker was influenced by the meeting with his current wife - Lera Kudryavtseva.

Hockey player's marriage

Despite his rather young age, this athlete has already managed to get married. Igor Makarov is a hockey player, whose biography since 2013 is closely related to the famous and very popular Russian TV presenter, who starred in many films, Lera Kudryavtseva. This very spectacular and famous lady, born on 05/19/1971, managed to get married to the drummer of the once popular band “Tender May”. In this marriage in 1990, she gave birth to a son, Jean. Lera Kudryavtseva was also married to Moscow businessman Matvey Morozov (2004-2007). Almost until the wedding with Igor Makarov, the name of the TV presenter was associated with the popular Russian singer and artist, Sergey Lazarev, whom she met from 2008 to 2012. The age difference between them was also significant (12 years).

Igor Makarov - hockey player (photo)
Until now, no one really knows how Igor Makarov managed to win the heart of the universally recognized and freedom-loving beauty, but the fact remains: on June 8, 2013, the hockey player led Leru Kudryavtseva down the aisle. Almost the whole elite of the capital was present at the magnificent wedding, congratulating the newlyweds with gorgeous gifts. After a grand celebration, the newly made couple went on a honeymoon to Sardinia.

Hockey player family life

Despite the significant difference in age, Igor and Lera live happily in Moscow. At the same time, the TV presenter was not afraid to change her surname Kudryavtseva to Makarov. She has repeatedly said in an interview that she fell in love with her future husband almost at first sight and, despite her age, wants to give birth to a child. Igor Makarov - a hockey player, whose photos until recently were most often taken during his game, noted with his wife in a photo shoot dedicated to their wedding night. Black and white shots with naked newlyweds performed in the best traditions of light eroticism.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33604/

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