"Tramontana" - the climbing wall of St. Petersburg. Services, children's groups, elementary course

The Tramontana climbing wall is located in the very center of the northern capital. In this specialized sports complex of St. Petersburg , all the conditions for training beginners, amateurs and professional climbers with experience are created. Here the teams of Russia and St. Petersburg are training. Let's consider in more detail what this climbing wall represents.

Complex services

On its territory, the Tramontana climbing wall in St. Petersburg offers not only a climbing hall, there you can do Iyengar yoga. This is one of the most popular methods of Ashtanga yoga, which has several centuries. This technique is called in honor of its master Sri B. K. S. Iyengar, who devoted his life to expanding and developing this type of exercise. It was this master who was able to adapt it for Europeans.

The main feature of such yoga, which is taught at the Tramontana climbing wall, is excellent specialists, a gradual increase in workloads. First, simple asanas and breathing exercises are mastered, then, when the body adapts to the execution of these poses, complication begins. Such a gradual increase in workloads contributes to safety for the health of customers, and this is important for club coaches.

tramontana climbing wall

Also the climbing wall "Tramontana" offers a system of strength training. After all, climbers need to have strong arms and legs in order to withstand the load of their own body, to stay on the stone due to the strength of the fingers. In order for the body to be ready to climb the rocks, it is necessary to train not only at the climbing wall, but also in the gym. There are in the center, both group strength training and individual. The price for groups is 500 rubles, for individuals - 1500 rubles.

After training, you can visit the massage room. This is a special sports massage that helps to relieve stress from the body after intensive training, but the massage room works only 2 times a week: on Thursday and Sunday. The cost of the service is 1600 rubles per 1 hour.

Also, climbing equipment at Tramontan requires special equipment. If the beginner does not have his shoes, helmet or harness, then you can rent the necessary equipment. It is allowed to take out leased equipment to natural sites when leaving the cliffs.

The climbing wall offers trips to real cliffs. You can also order mobile, prefabricated "cliffs" for corporate parties or other events, such as a birthday.

Climbing wall

Many people dream from childhood to conquer the peak, but did not have such an opportunity. Now many cities of the country have built climbing walls of varying complexity, where you can realize the dreams of youth. So in the center of St. Petersburg there was a climbing wall, which makes it possible to climb on bouldering and on high climbs.

tramontana climbing wall spb

Beginners are offered an introductory briefing on safety measures, then a warm-up is carried out, and under the supervision of a coach and with compulsory insurance, the climb begins. At first it will be a lightweight option, then you can go to a high climbing wall. The duration of the introductory lesson is 1.5 hours. The cost of a coach, equipment rental and entry to the hall is 900 rubles.

Beginner course

The climbing wall on the Bronnitskaya Tramontana in St. Petersburg offers beginners a basic training course consisting of four lessons led by an experienced trainer. During these days, the master will teach you to use safety ropes, correctly carry out fastenings, observe safety precautions. During the initial training, the client will be able to test his strength on all the rocks of the complex.

tramontana climbing wall at Bronnitskaya

The price of this course includes equipment rental, coach services and an entrance ticket to the gym. The fee for all four classes is 3000 rubles. You can, having chosen the climbing wall of Tramontan, take an individual lesson with a trainer. This type of training, although it will cost 1,400 rubles in one hour, will give much more than during the work of the trainer with the group. You can find out from the master all the intricacies of working with ropes, the rules for setting legs or arms while climbing up the climbing wall.

Children's groups

If your child is very active and restless, then the best option to take him will be to write to the climbing section. After all, this sport does not just develop the muscles of the body, especially the so-called core muscles. These are the internal muscles of the body that are responsible for stabilizing the position of the body when walking and other physical activities.

Arriving at the Tramontan climbing wall, at 24 Bronnitskaya Street, the guys begin to think logically, coordination of movements, visual memory, agility and quick reaction, the ability to predict situations and quickly make the right decision develop. Tactical and spatial thinking also develops.

Climbing wall tramontana 24 Bronnitskaya street

If in the streets and in the courtyards children thoughtlessly climb trees and buildings, then in training they understand the importance of safety measures, are more responsible for insurance and, in general, for their lives. Thanks to the master’s explanatory work, children begin to perceive climbing as a sport.

Safety precautions

A sport like climbing is considered one of the most dangerous hobbies. Therefore, when entering a club, people should be responsible for their health and safety during class. Before the first trip to the climbing wall, you need to check with your doctor to find out if you can engage in such a sport.

When purchasing a subscription, you must familiarize yourself with the safety rules at the climbing wall. If the client breaks the rules on his own, the club is not responsible for the damage that the client has caused to his health.

You can’t come to the gym if you have heart problems or pressure jumps. After rising to the top, a person is in a stressful state and the reaction of the body can be unpredictable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33609/

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