Chemical water purifier: job description, training features and reviews

Thermal energy has always been one of the most needed and sought-after work areas. That is why the profession of apparatchik of chemical water treatment is very important. All the intricacies and features of this work will be described below.

Who is a chemical water purifier?

The quality of both cold and hot water coming from the faucet must necessarily meet the standards. The supply of heating in the cold season should also be effective. Keep an eye on all this with a chemical water purifier.

The representative of the profession in question is a specialist who is engaged in the maintenance of water treatment plants. In addition, the apparatchik of chemical water treatment must monitor the quality of the boiler room and its elements. If even a minor mistake is made in the operation of the water treatment system, then everything can turn out in the worst possible way. That is why this profession is so important and necessary.

Responsibilities and functions of a chemical water purifier

Like any other specialist, a chemical water purifier has a number of professional duties. Of course, all functions vary depending on the category and qualifications.

chemical water purifier
However, some basic activities can still be identified. Firstly, it is the elimination and identification of various kinds of problems and malfunctions in the work of water treatment equipment. Secondly, it is the start and stop of the entire serviced system. You can also highlight such important responsibilities as conducting the water treatment process, working with filters, preparing special raw materials, selecting, regulating and maintaining a certain operating mode, etc.

The representative of the profession in question must know the following points:

  • analysis methods;
  • the device of various equipment;
  • how to start and stop serviced units;
  • properties of certain solutions and some other things.

Thus, the apparatchik of chemical water treatment has rather difficult responsibilities. Training this profession will nevertheless help to fully get used to and acquire the necessary knowledge. And you can get all the knowledge about the profession in vocational schools, training combines (courses), as well as in courses specially created by enterprises with permission (license) of technical supervision bodies. Training programs should be agreed with the technical supervision body. Individual training of personnel is not allowed.

What qualities should a chemical water purifier be?

Of course, not everyone can get a profession in the field of heat power. And all because for work it is necessary to have certain qualities and skills.

apprentice chemical water treatment training
What can be said about the qualities that a worker should possess, about the traits of character necessary for obtaining a profession?

An incredible, almost prohibitive accuracy should be possessed by a chemical water purifier. The duties of this worker require special care. After all, you often have to work with various chemicals, with items of equipment that require special care in handling. That is why such qualities as accuracy, attentiveness and accuracy are fundamental to the work of the power system.

It is worth remembering that the profession in question is suitable only for people with good, good health. To get a job, you need to have good eyesight and hearing, excellent dexterity and steady attention. It is unlikely that the authorities will take a person with an allergy, with violations of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system. To get a job you must have good physical data.

About the first category in the profession

The job description of the apparatchik of chemical water treatment classifies the profession according to certain categories. There are four types of qualifications.

labor protection apparatchik chemical water treatment
What can you tell about the initial, very first category?

The apparatchik of chemical water treatment of the first category has the following functions:

  • adjustment of the operating mode of dispensing devices;
  • support work on some equipment;
  • preparation of reagent solutions;
  • transportation of chemicals within the workplace;
  • cleaning and flushing of certain types of equipment and more.

It is worth noting that the chemical water purifier with the first discharge performs many of its functions only under the close attention of a specialist with a higher discharge. It is also worth noting that not all were named above, but only the most basic functions. Worker's responsibilities may vary by station, region, etc.

About the second category in the profession

The chemical water purifier, having a second discharge, is endowed with slightly larger functions and powers than a specialist with an initial discharge. So, his powers include the following duties:

  • water purification using various chemical processes (liming, chlorination, desalination, etc.);
  • maintenance of water treatment equipment with a capacity of not more than 70 m 3 / h;
  • monitoring the readings of various measuring instruments;
  • cleaning and flushing equipment;
  • repair of some equipment;
  • filling out a log about the operation of installations.

A second-level specialist may have some other functions. But it depends on the workplace.

About the third category in the profession

What does the job description prescribe about the third category of the profession in question?

chemical water purifier programmer
For the apparatchik of chemical water treatment of this qualification, the following functions and responsibilities are prepared:

  • chemical treatment of water in plants with a capacity of 70 to 300 m 3 / h ;
  • regeneration of some filters;
  • work with raw materials: preparation of substances for crushing, sifting, clarification, heating, etc.
  • work on the desalination of water using special filters (under the guidance of the apparatchik of chemical water treatment of the fourth category);
  • manual or automatic regulation of water supply to technological stations.

In addition to all of the above, a third-class specialist is obliged to start and stop equipment, regulate the temperature regime, identify and eliminate malfunctions, etc.

About the fourth category in the profession

The specialist of the latter, and, therefore, the most important category, has a number of very extensive powers.

instructions for the apparatchik chemical water treatment
Among them are:

  • water purification on equipment with a capacity of at least 300 m 3 / h ;
  • conducting a deep process of desalination of water on all available filters;
  • the process of measuring the conductivity of demineralized water;
  • full control over the operating mode (namely, temperature, pressure, water flow rate and many others) in accordance with established standards;
  • removal of unnecessary impurities from water;
  • ensuring the optimal operation of all equipment - monitoring of cleaning, flushing and lubrication of units;
  • delivery of equipment for repair and its reception from repair;
  • recording all the necessary indicators and data in the production journal.

Since the apparatchik of chemical water treatment of the fourth category is a very responsible and important position, there can be much more functions here.

On the responsibility and rights of the chemical water purifier

Labor protection apparatchik chemical water purification includes certain types of rights and responsibilities.

chemical water purifier
What is the responsibility of the representative of the profession in question? Job description prescribes the following points:

  • maintenance of a working journal;
  • literacy of operation and safety of units;
  • liquid supply of the boiler room, checking the water regime of the boiler room;
  • analysis of steam and water.

And what rights does the representative of the profession under consideration provide for the job program? The chemical water purifier has the right:

  • demand from the bosses the repair of broken equipment or the replacement of failed assemblies;
  • to demand special clothing, footwear from the authorities (if these things were not issued in a timely manner);
  • to inform the authorities about any production problems.

Thus, the responsibilities and rights of the apparatchik of chemical water treatment are quite open and fair.


Like any other profession, work in the field of heat power has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

job description apparatchik chemical water treatment
Reviews note the following main advantages of the profession:

  • Relatively high wages. The income of the specialists in question is really good. However, everything depends on the qualifications available and on the region where the place of work is located.
  • Demand. Any profession in the field of heat energy will remain unique and in demand for a long time, and even more so, the profession of a chemical water purifier apprentice.

Among the shortcomings of the profession, reviews highlight only a high responsibility and often exhausting physical labor.


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