Detailed instructions: how to remove the footnote in the Word and install it

If you use the Word program, then you probably had a question about how to delete the footnote in Word or, conversely, insert it. Of course, this function may not be required by all users, but sooner or later many may still encounter difficulties in formatting the text, and then a seemingly unsolvable problem arises .

By footnotes we mean links that may be needed to explain a certain part of the material (additional information). Naturally, this additional information can turn out to be voluminous, and placing everything in one file is not always convenient, and it will not be very convenient for the person who has to get acquainted with the data to do this.

If you have a desire to increase the semantic load in the text being created, as well as significantly improve the readability of each page of the text, then you definitely need to know how to insert a footnote in the Word or, conversely, remove it. It is today that we will try to analyze in various forms all possible options for working with links that are likely to be used by many users.

Without your intervention

how to remove footnote in word
Of course, you can use the simplest option - indicate the page numbers on which explanatory information is posted. But this is not relevant in all cases, especially, as we said earlier, if your text is voluminous, then footnotes simply can not do. At the same time, a similar function is performed in automatic mode, or rather, you do not need to set the pointers manually.

It’s not very convenient to set up footnotes with your own hands, but Word has a special function with which you can do this very quickly. So, let's go directly to the solution of the question of how to put a footnote in Word, and analyze several versions of programs. However, the given options will practically not differ from each other.

Search for terms

how to remove footnotes in Word

If you have Word 2007 installed, then this method is suitable for you, since using it you can remove and add footnotes. Before using this method, make sure that your version of the program is just that. First you need to open a text document in which you want to set a footnote, after which we select the necessary phrase or word, which in the future you plan to explain with additional data.

We recommend that you select these terms in advance, although in another case, you will need to spend a certain amount of time pointing out these fragments, so your document will be fully optimized and easy to read. When all the necessary sections are highlighted, you need to learn how to delete the footnote in the Word or install a new one.

Instruction manual

how to insert a footnote in Word
You should left-click on the selected phrase or word, and then select the “Links” tab from the drop-down menu. When you click on this feature, you can find the “Insert Footnote” special feature. If you wish, you can do it in a simpler way - use the top toolbar, (this way the whole process is much faster).

If everything was done correctly, then you should have a special figure at the very bottom of the page where phrases or words were highlighted. The cursor should be set near this mark, and then enter the necessary comments, which will be in the footnote itself.

how to put a footnote in Word

How to create links in this version of the program, you know, now it's worth talking about how to remove footnotes in Word. This is done not in the opposite way, but by deleting the new numbers that appeared at the bottom of the page. The question of how to remove footnotes in the Word should not cause any difficulties at all. This process is very simple, as is the removal of a certain part of the text.

How to remove footnote in Word: conclusion

If you use a different version of the program and also want to know how to achieve a result, then we can say that the links are set almost the same in all versions of office applications. Remember that the question of how to delete a footnote in Word is simple, but it will not be possible to revert changes after saving the document.


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