We replenish the vocabulary: tyn is ...

In the Russian language there are a number of words that are almost obsolete. One such word is the outdated noun tyn. After reading this article, you will find out what this word means, what type of declension it refers to and what morphological characters it characterizes.

Tyn is ...

The meaning of any words, including obsolete ones, can be found in the explanatory dictionary.

Tyn: synonyms

Tyn is a continuous fence without gaps, made of poles or logs. In ancient times, with the help of tyne, the city or dwelling was protected from attacks by wild animals or two-legged enemies.

Morphological features

Since the word tyn answers the question "what?" and calls the subject, it is a household and inanimate noun. In the speech "tyn" can be replaced by the pronoun "he", therefore, this word is masculine. Since "tyn" ends in a consonant, it refers to the second type of declension.

CaseQuestionExamples of sentences with a singular nounCase plural forms
NominativeWhat?Tyn is a fence made of pointed stakes or thick poles.you
GenitiveWhat?Why is there no traditional tyne around this castle?tynov
DativeWhy?It’s even scary to approach such a tyne.tynam
AccusativeWhat?Around the castle set a tall tyn.you
Instrumental caseThan?The ancient village was surrounded by strong tyn.tynami
PrepositionalAbout what?On a high new melon, sunbeams glittered.about you

Tyn: synonyms of the word

Why is Russian one of the richest world languages? Yes, because almost every word has at least one synonym. Most often there are several.

What is tyn

Tyn is:

  • Fence. (People fenced off each other with high fences).
  • Stockade. (Robinson Crusoe fenced his simple dwelling with a strong picket fence).
  • Hedge. (The hedge completely collapsed).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33622/

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