Laying the cascade on medium hair - features, ideas and recommendations

The cascade for medium hair is a very popular haircut. To make it look beautiful and stylish, you need to properly install. Such a fashionable haircut is suitable for all girls, regardless of type of appearance and age. It is considered universal, so on its basis you can create original and interesting hairstyles. The cascade is appropriate for various styling options. It is suitable for a bright image, for a romantic and for a business one.

Haircut feature

This haircut does not lose popularity for many years. It was invented back in the 50s of the last century. Gradually, she improved and acquired many options.

Hair styling cascade with bangs

The cascade looks great on straight and curly hair. It implies a multi-stage transition length. In this case, the ends of the hair can form pronounced torn edges or smoothly connect. Often such a haircut is combined with a straight or oblique bangs.

Its peculiarity is the preservation of shape as hair grows. In addition, the cascade on medium hair looks pretty good without styling. It is convenient in that it is easily formed into different hairstyles.

Types of Cascade

Haircut can be performed in several variations, which can be both restrained, and quite catchy, non-standard. Among the main types of cascades for medium hair, you need to highlight:

  • Graduated.
  • Ragged.
  • Elongated.
  • Asymmetric.
  • Double.

The graduated version is distinguished by its neat shape and carefully crafted curls that fall on top of each other, slightly extending downward. Layers with a sharp or smooth transition create an interesting gradient. Such a haircut will help emphasize facial features and add lightness to the locks.

Medium length hair cascade

Torn cascade is suitable for creative girls. Such a haircut is characterized by sharp transitions and multi-stage structure of the haircut is chaotic, it looks spectacular and bold.

With asymmetry, the hair is cut at a certain angle, depending on the type of face and appearance. The result is an unusual and dynamic haircut that perfectly complements the vivid images.

The extended version looks great on thin hair, which needs to be given extra volume. Curls are cut in steps to the bottom line of the cheekbones. This option is great for any face shape.

Hair Care Features

Laying a haircut cascade on medium hair will help make it more attractive and emphasize the transitions between layers of hair. In addition, it is imperative that the curls be carefully taken care of, since the split ends give the entire hairstyle a sloppy look, even with the most careful styling.

To wash your hair, it is better to use shampoos without silicone, which will give your hair extra volume. It is advisable to choose a moisturizing balm from the same series, but you need to apply it, 10 cm back from the roots. This will provide hair with nutrition, but at the same time they will remain lush.

If the ends are split, it is recommended to use medical masks and oils. Despite the fact that the haircut does not lose its shape for a long time, it is necessary to periodically correct it.

Hair preparation for styling

Before laying the cascade on medium hair, you must first prepare them. It is important that the roots are clean. Then the hairstyle looks beautiful and neat.

Initially, you need to wash your hair, dry the strands with a towel and apply styling. You can also use sprays that will help protect the curls from exposure to high temperature. The strands need to be slightly dried with the warm air of the hairdryer so that they remain slightly moist. It is worth remembering that dry strands during styling deteriorate much more.

How to make styling

The cascade hairstyle looks good even without styling, but to make your image unique, you will have to make a little effort. There are several styling options for both the holiday and everyday wear.

Cascade for medium hair without styling

The easiest way to lay the cascade on medium hair is to wash your hair and blow dry your hair with a brush head. If the hair dryer is normal, then you can dry the curls by tilting your head down or lifting them with a round comb. To give more volume, it is worth making a pile near the roots.

To obtain maximum volume on slightly damp hair, you need to apply foam, paying special attention to the basal area, and then dry them with cold air. Then select the ends of the strands by applying wax to them and straightening the comb with rare cloves. You can also wrap them with inward or outward brushing.

You can also create a festive styling of the cascade on medium hair. To do this, dry the locks with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle. This will help to give curls a slight waviness, which successfully combines with the effect of wet hair. More pronounced curls are obtained when using soft curlers or curling irons.

Basic styling

There are many options for laying the cascade on medium hair. They can be made independently. The easiest of them is considered a universal method. This is the basis for all subsequent types of styling.

Comb your hair thoroughly so that no small knots remain. To do this, it is better to use a massage brush, and then a thin straight comb with frequent cloves. For convenience, the upper layers of the haircut can be fixed with crab hair clips.

Holiday Cascade Medium Hair Styling

Initially, you need to leave only the bottom layer. Take a round comb, wind part of the lock on it and blow dry with a hairdryer. In this way to style all the hair. When they are completely dry, perform all the same actions again, but with cold air. This will save volume and shape, and the hairstyle will look beautiful for a long time.

Curly curls

You can independently create an incredibly beautiful styling haircut cascade on medium-length hair by curling the locks. This will give the image sophistication and femininity.

Hairstyle cascade for medium hair

Comb dried curls. Initially, issue a bang, if any. If the curls are wavy, then it should lie on its side. Straight bangs can be curled a little and divided into 2 parts with a side parting. Fix the upper layers, leaving only the lower one free.

Directing the curling iron in one direction, curl all the locks alternately in the first layer of hair. Repeat the same with all other layers. Then fix the hairstyle with light-fix varnish. You can simply curl the ends of the hair.

Hair straightening

There are various cascading options for medium hair that help improve this haircut. You can create the effect of even and smooth locks. She looks best on a ragged haircut with bangs. This procedure is performed in much the same way as a wave, but with the use of ironing, to get perfectly straight locks. This hairstyle is young and refreshing.

Comb the hair with a thin comb, separate the bottom layer and secure with hairpins. Holding the lock with a thin comb, pull it out with an iron. If the hair is not straightened very well, then repeat the procedure. Do the same with the rest of the strands and layers. Brush your hair. Coat the locks with varnish to fix the result.

Original options

Laying a cascade hairstyle on medium hair involves many different options that are quite easy to do on your own. Such a haircut makes it possible to bring a special twist to the image. One of the most striking and popular options is considered to be a combination of straight locks on the crown and in the back of the head with wavy curls.

Laying haircuts cascade on medium hair

You can twist the tips inward, which contributes to the creation of a soft and delicate contour. The upper part of the hair can be quite massive and difficult to style. This option is resorted to by women who have disproportionate facial features.

As a festive image, you can make a shell, braiding a braid or a bunch. To create a somewhat casual and stylish look, you can wrap the tips out. For fixation, you can use mousse or hair spray.

Bang design

A cascading haircut can be done with bangs of any shape: straight, graduated, oblique. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face, especially appearance, age.

Be sure to choose the right styling for the cascade with bangs on medium hair. This will help to create charm, as well as emphasize the elegance of the created image. Thanks to this hairstyle, the shape of the face is very easily adjusted.

A cascading haircut with arched bangs looks beautiful, but at the same time the tips are best styled in the form of feathers. Accurate and thorough thinning provides a more thorough implementation of the picture, and also helps to give the hairstyle lightness. The arched shape of the bangs is formed by shortening the strand to the eyebrows above the middle part of the forehead. Hair is cut in a semicircle to bring them to the length of curls on the sides. You can lay it on your own (straighten or curl inward).

Hair styling medium length haircut cascade

Those who prefer unusual and extravagant solutions should give preference to a bang, which reaches the middle of the forehead. She cuts a straight line and helps to create a contrast with the stepping of the rest of the hair. Hair styling in a medium-length cascade with a slanting bangs can be selected at your own discretion. It can be pigtails or bunches that will not affect the front strand.


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