Egg and honey hair mask recipes: reviews

Recently, folk remedies for caring not only for the body, but also for curls, are becoming increasingly popular. A hair mask made from raw eggs and honey is an effective and affordable cosmetic product for restoring weakened hair. This article will discuss the benefits of masks, as well as popular recipes.

Hair mask onion honey egg

The benefits of honey for hair

Bee nectar is suitable for all types of hair, so it is considered a universal remedy. Thanks to biologically active substances and nutrients that are found in honey, roots are effectively strengthened and dry and brittle strands are restored.

  • Group B vitamin gives volume and accelerates growth.
  • Iodine and iron help to avoid loss.
  • The zinc content helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and copper is responsible for the production of collagen.

Before using a hair mask from eggs and honey, it should be remembered that the beekeeping product is an allergen, so a sensitivity test should be done first.

Hair mask egg and honey reviews

The benefits of raw eggs for curls

Raw eggs also contain many beneficial substances, namely vitamins (A, D, E, B), magnesium and iodine, zinc and fatty acids. All these components help restore curls elasticity and shine, relieve dandruff and perfectly nourish the scalp.

Indications for use

Egg and honey hair masks are recommended for use in the following cases:

  • increased dryness of the scalp;
  • with split ends;
  • slow hair growth;
  • excess sebum at the roots of the hair.

Terms of use

For efficiency, the duration of the course of treatment (hair masks from eggs and honey) is at least one month. The product is applied only to clean hair. For dry hair, it is applied a couple of times every seven days, for oily hair - once is enough.

Classic mask

Mix one chicken egg and one tablespoon of sweet nectar. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length and is washed off after forty minutes.

Hair mask honey egg burdock oil

Hair mask: egg + honey + oil

No. 1. This mask effectively combats peeling and perfectly eliminates dandruff.

A couple of proteins will need the following products: 50 milliliters of vodka, a tablespoon of oil (it is better to take castor oil) and a couple of teaspoons of bee nectar.

First, with a mixer, whip the proteins to a foamy state. Then pour warm honey and add all other components. The resulting mixture with a brush is applied to the roots of the hair, and then distributed along the entire length and incubated for up to 40 minutes. The full course of treatment is not more than twenty procedures.

No. 2. No less effective hair mask - honey, egg, burdock oil.

In a ratio of 1: 3, honey and oil are taken and heated in a water bath. Next, add a little lemon juice and one yolk. The product is applied for 40 minutes.

No. 3. It is used for dry hair.

Necessary products: one protein (egg), 50 milliliters of olive oil, juice from one lemon and a couple of tablespoons of bee honey.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied for half an hour along the entire length on the hair.

With carrots

30 milliliters of olive oil + 20 grams of butter + one tablespoon of bee nectar is heated in a water bath.

Five grams of starch (corn) and cinnamon are mixed in a separate container, and a couple of chicken eggs are added there.

The peeled raw carrots are ground in a meat grinder and squeezed juice.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied with massage movements on the head for literally half an hour.

Hair mask: onion + honey + egg

Preliminarily chopped one onion, should be pulp. Then one egg yolk and a tablespoon of heated bee nectar are thoroughly whipped and poured into onion gruel. Add some olive oil and lemon juice. A cosmetic product is applied for at least half an hour.

Another easy onion recipe. Necessary products: juice from one onion, one egg, twenty grams of yeast (dry), a couple of tablespoons of sweet nectar.

Pre-dissolve the yeast in a small amount of boiled water. Further, all the components are thoroughly mixed and applied for forty minutes.

With the addition of aloe

Consider several effective recipes for quick hair restoration.

Mask for hair loss honey egg

No. 1. An excellent mask for hair growth with honey, egg and cognac.

Necessary components: one teaspoon of liquid bee nectar and chopped aloe pulp, 10 milliliters of cognac and olive oil, as well as one egg yolk.

All products are mixed with a mixer and the finished product is applied to clean curls for one hour.

No. 2. To prepare a vitamin mask, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 50 g of beekeeping product;
  • a teaspoon of garlic juice, chopped ginger and aloe;
  • one egg.

All components are mixed using a mixer. On curls stand about half an hour.

With dairy products

No. 1. Kefir.

For 100 milliliters of fermented milk product, take one teaspoon of almond oil and bee nectar, as well as one egg yolk and a tablespoon of dry mustard. All components are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into curls with massage movements, incubated for one hour.

Hair mask egg honey oil

No. 2. Milk.

For this mask, it is better to take goat milk (50 milliliters). And you will also need one beaten chicken egg and three teaspoons of honey. The finished product is applied for 40 minutes.

No. 3. Yogurt.

Half a glass of dairy product will need a couple of chicken eggs, one tablespoon of preheated honey and a little lemon juice. This mask is applied for one hour.

No. 4. Sour cream.

You will need raw potato juice, for this it is rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed. Then add a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of fat sour cream, one egg (yolk). The finished mixture is applied to the hair for literally half an hour.

Egg and honey hair mask

From falling out

A mask of honey and eggs effectively helps against hair loss.

№ 1. For one egg, you need one tablespoon of vodka, bee nectar and fresh cabbage juice. Whip all ingredients with a mixer. The finished product is applied to the hair, after an hour it can be washed off.

№ 2. For one chicken egg, take one capsule of vitamin A (it can be purchased at the pharmacy), 50 grams of honey and one tablespoon of brandy. All components are thoroughly whipped with a mixer, applied to strands and patience is gathered for an hour, after which it can be washed off.

For volume

No. 1. One spoonful of gelatin is dissolved in a small amount of boiled water and placed in a water bath, it should be remembered that the mixture should not reach a boil. After ten minutes, remove and cool a little. Then add one egg, a little olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. The finished product is washed off an hour after application.

No. 2. 100 ml of still water and 100 g of bee product are mixed, then 0.5 tablespoon of cinnamon and coconut oil, as well as one chicken egg, are carefully added. The finished cosmetic product is applied for forty minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Mask for hair growth honey egg

Useful Tips

For the effectiveness of masks, you should follow simple rules, consider them in more detail.

  1. For a cosmetic product, it is recommended to purchase homemade eggs and honey.
  2. Always use fresh products with a good shelf life.
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  4. Before adding to the mask, the egg is pre-whipped to destroy the outer shell.
  5. Masks with alcohol or mustard are used with caution. If there is discomfort in the form of a burning sensation, you must immediately wash it off. Before using the product with honey and dairy products, a sensitivity test is mandatory.
  6. So that the beekeeping product does not lose its beneficial properties, it should not be heated above 40 degrees.
  7. All components are heated in a water bath, since it is necessary to apply the mask warm.
  8. The application of masks always begins with rubbing into the skin of the head and root zone, and only after that they are distributed along the entire length.
  9. After the composition is applied to curls, it is recommended to wrap your head with a plastic cap and a terry towel.
  10. The aging time depends on other components, but on average it is forty minutes.
  11. The bee product is not always well washed off with curls, therefore it is recommended to use lemon water for rinsing.
  12. Rinse off the cosmetic product with warm water, and dry the hair in a natural way.

After analyzing the reviews of hair masks with eggs and honey, we can conclude that with regular use they really nourish and strengthen curls. And if you do the manipulation at least once a week for a month, the hair will have a healthy appearance and natural shine.


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