Varieties of spring wheat: types, characteristics, features

For a long time, wheat has been dominant in grain production. Currently, it is cultivated in many countries of the globe. This is explained by the fact that in the composition of cereal grains are all vital components for the human body. This article will examine varieties of spring wheat, their characteristics, biological properties and distinguishing features.

general characteristics

If you cover the full period of stay of most varieties of spring wheat in the fields, we can say that they are not too demanding on the soil composition. However, cereals are very dependent on climatic conditions. At the first stage of their growth, seedlings need additional fertilizers. Young bushes have a strong need for phosphorus. The green mass of the plant begins to gain in the warm season. Vegetative development takes place over four months. In cereals, the root system grows rapidly and grows stronger. Due to this, they draw a large amount of nutrients from the soil.

The main characteristics of spring wheat varieties include:

  • high quality grain;
  • exactingness to land moisture;
  • average cold resistance;
  • sprouts can tolerate small frosts;
  • the culture is self-pollinating;
  • has relatively large grains;
  • slow development;
  • with sufficient moisture in the soil, cereals exhibit good drought tolerance;
  • unlike winter species, it is more clogged with wild grass;
  • sensitivity of seedlings to external factors;
  • considered a medium-yielding crop (the yield of grain in spring wheat varieties is less than in winter crops)
  • the use of seeds as subseeding, in case of freezing of winter varieties.

Good precursors for spring wheat varieties are lupins, beans, vetch and beans.

Varieties of spring wheat

The value of varieties in the cultivation of cereals

The agrarians of the country have a number of serious tasks: to provide the population with a sufficient amount of crops and to timely deliver the products to retail outlets. In addition, you need to properly plan crops and grain processing in specific areas of the economy. Group separation of cereals greatly simplifies the solution of the above issues.

First of all, plants are divided into sowing classes: winter and spring. Hard and soft subspecies are distinguished by food properties. The nutritional value of wheat allows you to distribute its types into 5 varieties. It is also important to know the chemical and physical characteristics of grains grown from individual cereals. Awareness of this will help to properly use products in various industries. Mass cultivation of crops laid a solid foundation for the development of flour, pasta, bakery and confectionery production. If varieties of soft spring wheat are used for baking, then pasta is produced from hard grains, which are of high quality.

Famous and proven varieties of spring wheat:

  • Voronezh 10.
  • Novosibirsk 67.
  • Saratov 70.
  • Moscow 35.
  • Orenburg 2.
  • Saratov 55.
Varieties of spring wheat in Russia

Botanical features of spring cereals

Cereals are herbaceous plants and belong to the bluegrass family. In our country, there are 19 varieties of wheat. In food farming, mainly holozerny varieties are used: hard and ordinary (soft). In the second spike, it is more friable, in width exceeds thickness.

Below we consider the botanical description of spring wheat varieties.

A distinctive feature of the varieties is a fan-shaped arrangement of awns. They have a hollow stem and wide spikelet scales, from which flowering ones protrude. There is a crest on grains. By their consistency, they can be glassy or mealy.

The root system is fibrous, with five primary processes, stem nodes produce accessory roots. In the vegetation phase, additional shoots deepen into the soil by 50 cm, at the time of heading - by 120, they stop growing during flowering.

Leaves are lanceolate, at the location of the stem nodes are folded into tubes, venation is parallel. Their condition, density and length significantly affect the amount of yield. The stem at the base is wrapped in a leaf plate.

The inflorescence is a multiflowered spike with a rod center, which is divided into separate particles with a protrusion.

The flower is stratified into two scales: internal and external. Between them an ovary is formed with the presence of stigmas, stamens and anthers.

Grain is of various shapes, weights and colors, has a pair of fruit and seed membranes.

The variety of spring wheat is granni.

Biological characteristics

From the competent construction and sequence of agricultural rules depends on the yield of cereals. The basis of this process is the biological properties of plants. You need to understand how the culture reacts to climate, heat, nutrition, light and moisture. For example, spring durum durum wheat absorbs nutrients worse, unlike soft subspecies. Her root system develops slowly. However, she experiences better weather. Let us pay attention to the main biological characteristics of spring wheat varieties.

Sharp changes in the weather are more easily tolerated by the soft subspecies of cereals. Successful seed germination occurs at a temperature of + 1-2 ° C, the sprouts come out at + 5 ° C for a week. The sowing level of the soil should be warmed up to +14 ° C. Morning frosts the first shoots withstand up to -5 ° C. But flowers and spikelets during the pouring are not able to survive such conditions. Like young grain, they are prone to damage. Such a crop is considered frost. The period from seedling to tillering is from 15 to 21 days.

The duration of the growing season, depending on the subspecies, varies from 80 to 120 days.

Spring wheat varieties absorb a large amount of soil moisture. Its deficiency negatively affects the development of ears and significantly reduces their number. When plants begin to lay the reproductive organs (the length of time from the emergence of hollow stems to heading), they especially need moisture. For normal germination of the seed material, 65% of the total weight of the dried grain is required. For hard varieties, this figure is increased by 6%. This is due to the presence of a high protein content in them.

For sowing varieties of spring wheat, you need to prepare fertile fields with black soil and chestnut soils. Cereals can grow well on podzolic cultivated soil. Solid species require a more saturated soil composition.

Of the negative features of spring cereals, unfriendly, thinned shoots are noted. Experienced farmers associate these phenomena with the drying of the upper land layer or increased acidity. Seed material and young sprouts in the soil can damage harmful insects.

It should be borne in mind that the root system of hard varieties grows deeper in depth, and soft - in width. It is recommended to sow several subspecies of wheat with different ripening times.

In Russian farms, regionalized varieties of spring wheat are sown. In the central region, subspecies Daria is preferred, in the northwestern and northern Irgina is more common. In the Middle Volga region zoned cereal of a soft variety - Lada. Next, we consider them in more detail.

Spring wheat variety Daria


Cereal was obtained as a result of crossbreeding and by selection of the hybrid G ​​18 and the Belarusian type of wheat Belorusskaya 80. It has an early ripening period. In addition to the central strip of the country, it is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions. Rarely affected by Septoria, but susceptible to rust. A full development cycle takes place in 90 days. The grain is large, high quality, average productivity. Bushes erect, stems unstable, prone to lodging. The ear is white, pyramidal, not too dense. The yield of grain obtained is 33 c / ha. This indicator characterizes the Daria spring wheat variety as medium-yielding.

New varieties of spring wheat


Such a variety as Obriy and the Moscow Hybrid were taken by domestic breeders as a material for obtaining the Lada variety. In the process of painstaking work, it was possible to develop an early-ripening, medium-tall culture that is not exposed to powdery mildew. A variety with soft grain yields on average about 36 c / ha. From the time of germination to full ripening, 75 days pass. Harvesting deadlines must not be violated, since the grain is highly susceptible to spoilage during prolonged rains.


A plant with good genetic potential and a wide range of cultivation. It is resistant to lodging, tolerates drought, is considered a relatively new cereal. The Ingala spring wheat variety was tested and approved by Russian scientists in 2014. Developed by a research and production company for intensive farming. Due to its high gluten content, grain is suitable for the production of cereals and the milling industry. Grade 3 product allows you to get the maximum amount of flour - more than 70%. The culture has a good immunity to stem and brown rust and powdery mildew.

Varieties of soft wheat

Soft Grain Features

All of the above cereals are soft varieties of spring wheat. They are best cultivated in regions with high humidity, since atmospheric drought adversely affects the development of plants. A big plus of these subspecies is that they significantly save costs and time for increasing the fertility of the land (due to less exacting nutrition). The main thing is that the soil is neutral and slightly alkaline. Flour made from grains with a low gluten content is more crumbly and tender. When baking bread, it is added grinding from hard grains.

The following varieties are considered to be popular soft-grain cereals:

  • Pyrotrix.
  • Lutescens.
  • Erythrospermum.
  • Grekum.
  • Albidum.
  • Multurtum.

There is another variety of spring wheat - Grani, which is a subspecies of Erythrosperm. It is a high-yielding spinous culture with excellent baking qualities. Despite the fact that the variety was recommended for the Oryol region by the state registry of the Central Black Earth Region, the cereal feels good in other regions of the country. Good yields were observed in the Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod, Lipetsk and Voronezh regions. The plant is characterized by compact bushes and the power of flag leaf plates, has an early ripening period.

The following are the most common solid types of cereal food crops.

Zoned spring wheat varieties

Types and some features of hard varieties

The grain of such cereals is rich in protein and gluten, more suitable for processing into cereals and for the production of vermicelli. Although they are lower in yield, not a single bakery can do without flour obtained from hard grain. As already mentioned, the product is used as an additional ingredient. In Russia, varieties of spring wheat with durum grain are grown in regions with a relatively short summer. For example, the culture grows successfully in the Orenburg region, which is characterized by a dry and hot climate. Here are some notable varieties:

  • Bezenchukskaya steppe.
  • Orenburg 10.
  • The plots.
  • Bezenchuksky amber.

Of the new varieties of spring wheat with a solid grain structure, Altai amber is considered the best. It belongs to mid-season subspecies and the most promising cereals by grain value. It includes the following advantages: high bushiness of seedlings, resistance to bending, one hundred percent blackening of ears, good malleability to threshing, grain yield - medium.

Modern varieties

  • Chernyava. It was created in 2001 for cultivation in Siberia and Altai. The full development cycle is 75-86 days, the average yield. The seeds are quite large, with good baking properties. Lodging is almost not typical for bushes, but inappropriate weather conditions significantly affect the food quality of grains, in particular, the gluten content. The minus of the new cereal is that it does not have immunity to brown rust, dust smut and fungal rot.
  • Russian woman. Included in the group of soft types of wheat, was bred in 2004. Its main characteristic is resistance to shedding. Bushes practically do not bend to the ground and are not affected by diseases common among cereal plants.
  • Alyonushka. A hard variety of spring cereals is intended for growth in drought-resistant areas. Ears of plants are able to fill even with a lack of moisture, the growing season is up to 90 days. Bushes are stunted, do not lie under the influence of negative external influences. The grain is large, the average yield. Grown in the southeastern regions and the Lower Volga region.
  • Zlata. The modern variety was obtained in 2009 for cultivation in wet soil conditions. It has a longer development cycle - 96 days, average yield - 33 c / ha. The bushes are strong, erect, remain invulnerable to the smut, but fall ill with septoria and gray rust. A variety of spring wheat Alyonushka was developed for cultivation in the Central Non-Black Earth Region, Volga regions, Smolensk and Moscow regions.


Obviously, both varieties of spring wheat are in demand for the production of bakery, confectionery and pasta. Experienced farmers try to cultivate cereal species adapted to local conditions to get a good harvest. Commercial cultivation of cereals is a rather laborious, but profitable process.


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