Cafe "Pine cone", Yaroslavl: address, description, menu, average bill, photos and reviews

Catering establishments have long ceased to be a luxury for most people. These are places where you can dine during a break at work, spend the evening in pleasant company or celebrate any celebration. In Yaroslavl, Cafe Shishka offers these services, and not only them. This is a place that the city knows about and where they go all the time.

Cafe network

cafe bump yaroslavl Krasnoborskaya

In the city under this name two institutions are open. Both of them are a network of cafes. They are located in different areas. The address of the cafe "Shishka" in Yaroslavl is Krasnoborskaya, 6 and Tormoznoe shosse, 89. They position themselves as children, but there is some specificity in the organization of their work.

The cafe complex also includes tire workshops. Therefore, it is often visited by motorists who come here to service their cars. To pass the time, they go to a cafe for coffee and a bite to eat.

The children's zone is represented here by a town designed for children up to 25 kg. This creates some restrictions for the rest of large or adult babies. Also, parents must pay 50 rubles for half an hour to rest in this zone. However, many remain dissatisfied with the quality of the provision of such a service.

Restaurant menu

In Yaroslavl, in the Shishka cafe, the menu does not stand out with something remarkable. It has salads, cold and hot snacks, pizza and various barbecue. The main position of the bar is draft beer. All this classifies establishments as ordinary eateries or liquors. Parents don’t like this very much, because noisy companies that have already consumed more than one glass per person can relax next to the children.

cafe bump yaroslavl

At the same time, prices in the institution do not bite. The average bill, according to visitors, is approximately 230 rubles. This is a good option in order to have a satisfying meal, without spending a lot of money on it.

It is also worth mentioning that visitors respond ambiguously about the quality of the finished dishes. Some say that pizza and kebabs are just great. Others especially praise cheese balls. And still others are disappointed in both. They do not advise anyone to visit this place. More flattering reviews are received in Yaroslavl cafe "cone" on the Brake highway, 89.

Service Specifics

This item should be considered separately, since it is not an ordinary cafe. It resembles a simple dining room, since a self-service distribution line is organized here. Only those dishes that need to be specially prepared for visitors are brought into the hall: pizza, barbecue.

This feature of Cafe "Pine cone" in Yaroslavl is not liked by many. People do not want to queue for their portion of salad or ready-made snacks.

bump cafe yaroslavl menu

It is worth mentioning here about the quality of service in the children's town. Parents expect that there will be an on-duty animator in this zone, who, if not entertained, is obliged to look after the safety of children. In practice, the kids jump by themselves, and the girl on duty does not pay attention to them. She only makes sure that the kids do not exceed the limit of paid time.

Banquets and children's parties

In Yaroslavl, in the cafe "Shishka" on Brake Highway (and on Krasnoboskaya Street) there is a separate banquet room where you can order any event. Most often, children's holidays are celebrated here, since both the menu and the staff are focused on this particular part of visitors.

Opinions on the quality of these services were divided among parents. Some of them note that the celebration was held at the highest level, the animator honestly and faithfully worked out her 2.5-3 hours. Moreover, all the children were completely satisfied.

On the other hand, parents say that the holiday was terrible. Their preferences were not taken into account, the animator without agreement provided unconditional paid services, the dishes were served late and of disgusting quality. People say that they didn’t even have time to decorate the hall in accordance with the agreed moments, and they took the payment without deducting this nuance.

cone cafe yaroslavl on the brake

Why such different opinions among people is difficult to say. Perhaps it all depends on the staff who work on this or that shift. It may be that positive feedback is left by the employees themselves or their friends. Therefore, you should not trust either one or the other. If you want to spend a children's holiday in the cafe "Shishka" in Yaroslavl, just come in advance and evaluate for yourself how suitable it is for these purposes and with what responsibility employees relate to their duties.

Positive reviews

The opinions of visitors have already been mentioned, but here it is worth summarizing them. People respond positively to the atmosphere of the institutions. They have quite spacious rooms, comfortable furniture, pleasant music. There is always enough space for everyone.

Praise people and the kitchen. In their opinion, with such a pricing policy, the dishes are of rather high quality. Visitors especially like pizza and barbecue. They are always cooked perfectly and tasty.

Of the staff, parents most often single out the animator Toffee (Irina), who works on Krasnoborskaya. She is able to captivate children for a long time, offering them a variety of entertainment. This captivates not only the kids, but also their parents.

cafe bump yaroslavl brake highway

The café also likes visitors to the tire service who wait in it while the craftsmen make the car. They note the convenience of stay, affordable prices and the availability of high-speed wireless Internet. All this makes it easy to pass the waiting time.

All this makes Cafe "Pine cone" in Yaroslavl famous and visited. Although the average rating on their sites with reviews is not too high (2.5-3.2 out of 5).

Negative impressions

Small ratings are due to the fact that a lot of cafes and negative reviews. Most of all, people complain about the quality of the staff. Many of them are slow, orders take out for a long time, and the dishes are not of the highest quality. Repeated cases of rudeness on the part of bartenders and administrators were noted.

The distribution stand also does not please visitors. They are forced to stand in line in front of her. At the same time, the distribution waiter can simultaneously work with both ready-made dishes and spill alcohol. This significantly violates the procedure for servicing visitors.

cafe bump yaroslavl brake highway 89

People also don’t like the neighborhood of tire fitting with a children's cafe. This attracts not only a contingent that is not entirely appropriate in the institution, but can also enrich the vocabulary of kids with garage words that can be heard through open windows, next to which, by the way, they can also smoke.


So what is the "Shishka" cafe in Yaroslavl - a drink, a children's cafe or a roadside snack bar near a tire fitting? The answer to this question is quite difficult. We can definitely say that this institution is not for everybody. Someone can walk into it every day and spend great time in it, while others will run away from here as soon as they cross the threshold. Is this good or bad? Surely impossible. This suggests that the cafe is designed for a specific audience, which has been visiting it for more than one year.


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