How to boil a liquid semolina in milk and water for a baby bottle?

Beloved semolina, on which millions of Soviet children grew up, is now a little forgotten. Pediatricians and manufacturers of milk mixtures do not cease to remind of its harm to a fragile body, and even mothers no longer know how to cook liquid semolina for a child. But grandmothers stubbornly continue to remind that semolina is an indispensable product in baby food.

Nutritional Information of Semolina

Semolina, which is made from wheat, has a rich vitamin composition and a little fiber. It is quickly digested and easily absorbed by the body. Especially if you know how to cook liquid semolina.

how to cook liquid semolina
Croup contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, E. There are also many minerals in its composition: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus.

The use of semolina for children is recommended over 10 months of age. It is useful to eat such porridge for adults in the postoperative period, as well as in the treatment of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition and calorie content of semolina

Semolina is one of the most high-calorie compared to other varieties. That is why it used to be used as the first food for small children. Its calorie content per 100 grams is 328 kcal. But nobody consumes semolina in dry form for food. But the calorie content of thin porridge in milk is much less and amounts to 109 kcal. Recipes for boiling liquid semolina are offered below.

Semolina contains a lot of carbohydrates: 73 grams per 100 grams of cereal. The amount of protein in the same amount of semolina is 10 grams, fat - 1 gram. In the finished porridge, the composition is completely different. Liquid semolina on milk contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates 4: 5: 13, respectively.

Liquid semolina on milk

The traditional recipe for semolina porridge in milk is considered the most delicious. If you follow all the cooking technology, the semolina turns out to be a delicate creamy consistency, aromatic and pleasant to taste. Someone likes thick porridge, while others, on the contrary, are thin. This option is just perfect for small children.

how to cook liquid semolina in milk
How to cook liquid semolina in milk for a child? Easy!

To do this, pour milk into a saucepan and put on a stove on a small fire. Add a pinch of salt to avoid burning to the bottom. When the milk begins to boil, that is, its temperature will be about 90 degrees, you can add cereal, gradually one tablespoon each. After each time, the semolina must be mixed. In total, you need 3 tablespoons of cereal. Then add 50 grams of sugar. Cook semolina after boiling over low heat for another 5 minutes, remembering to stir continuously. At the end add 50 grams of butter. Bon Appetit!

How to brew a liquid semolina for a bottle

Many Soviet-era children grew up on decoy. Lactating children with porridge began earlier from six months of age, and sometimes, with a lack of breast milk in the mother, and from birth. A special liquid semolina was prepared for babies and poured into a bottle.

Currently, with a wide range of adapted infant formula, which is so recommended by pediatricians, porridge has faded into the background. That is why many modern mothers do not even know how to cook liquid semolina for babies.

how to cook a liquid semolina for a bottle
And cooking it is very simple. For a 200 ml bottle you will need:

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2 teaspoons semolina;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Pour cold milk and water into a pan with a thick bottom, add the cereal and set aside for a few minutes. When the semolina swells, you can send dishes to the stove. Cook only on low heat, constantly stirring with a whisk. Liquid semolina is boiled for about 3 minutes after boiling.

How to cook liquid semolina on water

Protein of cow's milk is one of the main food allergens. Its intolerance is observed in 7 percent of children under the age of one year. In some of them, this type of food allergy persists for life. Sometimes cow's milk is replaced with goat's milk. But most often, if you have to cook porridge, then it is cooked on the water.

Delicious semolina can be prepared not only in milk, but also in water. By nutritional value, it is inferior to milk porridge, but it is absolutely hypoallergenic.

how to cook liquid semolina on water
How to cook liquid semolina on water? To do this, you need such products:

  • semolina;
  • water;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Boil water in a pan with a thick bottom. Allow to cool slightly to a temperature of 80-90 degrees. In this case, the likelihood of lumps in the porridge will be less. Constantly stirring with a whisk, pour the cereal into the water, at the rate of 1 tablespoon semolina per 250 ml of liquid. Cook porridge for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 10 grams of butter. Liquid semolina on the water is ready. Bon Appetit!

According to this recipe, semolina is sparse. In taste, it may be inferior to semolina in milk, but less caloric and hypoallergenic. This semolina porridge is suitable for infants, as well as for feeding children over six months of age.

Ideal semolina recipe for first feeding

As a rule, up to 5-6 months of age, parents feed the baby with bottle decoy. After six months, this device can be discarded and begin to feed the baby out of the spoon. Therefore, porridge should be prepared with a thicker consistency than for a bottle.

And yet, how to cook the semolina for the baby: liquid or not, depends on how much the swallowing reflex is already developed in the child, whether he can easily swallow it or begin to spit it out. To start, porridge for complementary foods is recommended to cook sparse, and over time, increase the amount of cereal.

According to this recipe, semolina is obtained without exaggeration of the "ideal". It is cooked almost instantly, and the result is a delicate and healthy dish.

how to cook semolina for baby liquid
To cook one serving of liquid semolina for the first feeding, you need to pour 150 ml of milk and 50 ml of very cold water into a pan with a thick bottom. Pour 4 teaspoons of cereal on top and leave for 10 minutes to swell semolina. After the specified time, put the pan on a gentle fire, and, constantly stirring with a whisk, bring its contents to a boil. Cook for a couple of minutes until the porridge begins to thicken. If desired, butter can be added to the finished dish. Bon Appetit!

The benefits and harms of semolina porridge

The beneficial properties of semolina and cereal prepared from it are as follows:

  • Manka has a rich vitamin composition, contains vegetable protein and starch. Cooked in liquid form, porridge is easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is recommended not only to children, but also to people with intestinal diseases.
  • Semolina is boiled quickly, so it retains a maximum of useful substances that are in the cereal.
  • Semolina for a long time creates the illusion of fullness in the stomach. It is rather a benefit for parents who, having fed their babies with decoy for the night, will be able to sleep for more than three hours, compared with if the child will use adapted milk formula.

how to cook liquid semolina for babies
The harm of decoy for a child's body is as follows:

  • In semolina in large quantities contains gluten protein - gluten. How is it dangerous for a child? Some children are intolerant to gluten, and if you start feeding them with semolina before the age of 10 months, you can get serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism in the body.
  • The semolina contains another dangerous substance - phytin, which prevents the absorption of calcium into the blood and its participation in the construction of the skeletal system. Pediatricians recommend not giving semolina porridge to a child up to a year, so as not to provoke the development of rickets in him.

It is proved that feeding a baby with liquid semolina after 10 months is absolutely safe and will not cause health problems. Numerous allegations of the dangers of semolina porridge are dictated solely by commercial interest.


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