Olive Oil - Liquid Gold on Your Table

For the coordinated work of all organs, beautiful skin, healthy hair and nails, our body needs fats. But not all of them are healthy. So, butter and animal fat contribute to the formation of "bad" cholesterol. Using them in large quantities can lead to a number of problems with blood vessels, heart, pressure, joints. But there are other, monounsaturated fats, acting in a completely different way. They give us health, beauty and youthful skin. One of the most popular and healthy fats is olive oil. We’ll talk about him.

olive oil

"Gold" at your plate

"Liquid gold" - as the ancient poet Homer called olive oil. And such a comparison is deserved. Even in ancient Egypt, the medicinal and cosmetic properties of this product were identified and started to be used, as well as its active use in dietetics. Today, the three leading countries for the production and export of olive oil include Spain, Italy and Greece. The best olives are grown here, which are carefully selected for the preparation of the highest quality oil. Manual harvesting is most valued, as the fruits remain whole, intact and do not oxidize longer.

greek olive oil

How to choose the right kind of oil?

There are several main varieties of olive oil that are available today. The leader in quality and taste is extra virgin olive oil, that is, the first extraction without heating. Its acidity is not more than 1%, and the taste and aroma are rich and vibrant. In the first place in this category is Greek olive oil, produced in Crete, in Lesvos and the Peloponnese. Next comes the “vergine” variety, which is slightly more acidic and made from olives of slightly worse quality. In third place is a product obtained from a mixture of refined oil with natural. It is most often used for frying and other types of heat treatment of food. And finally, the cheapest oil is di sansa, which is added with oil from the cake. Of course, for salads it is better to take the product of the first category, and for cooking - the third.

Proper storage

In order to preserve the beneficial qualities and taste of olive oil, it must be stored in a glass bottle, preferably made of dark glass: this will protect the product from sunlight and oxidation. You should not keep it in the refrigerator, because after a while it will freeze, and crystalline lenses will form. Although this way you can check how high quality oil you have acquired.

Tastes differ

The taste and color of the product can tell a lot. A greenish tint is obtained from unripe fruits: usually such olive oil is bitter, but this is normal. The more ripe olives were used in the production, the more saturated yellow, even a brownish color will be the finished product. It tastes very soft and sweet, as it has less acidity.

olive oil is bitter

Good reasons to consume olive oil


Now that you know how to choose olive oil of the right taste for various purposes, you can talk about its beneficial properties. One of the most valuable qualities is the ability to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. It dilates blood vessels and thereby normalizes blood pressure. The use of cold-pressed oil has a beneficial effect on the work of the gallbladder and helps to cleanse the liver. Monounsaturated fats have an anti-inflammatory effect and can be an excellent prevention of asthma and arthritis.

Outer beauty

Superbly, olive oil “works” from the outside: masks from it nourish hair, creams improve skin condition, scrubs gently exfoliate and moisturize. This product rightfully deserves special attention, so include it in your diet, for beauty and health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33667/

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