How to get a gift from a man: advice from a psychologist

Each girl loves pleasant surprises and gifts. And absolutely everyone dreams of getting the desired thing. Tune in to the fact that you are worthy to receive not only trinkets, but also expensive gifts from your man.

What women are not given presents?

Getting expensive gifts from a man can be much easier than women think.

It often happens that a guy gives his lover some meaningless trinkets or does not consider it necessary to spend money on presentations.

Girl disappointed

Consider the main types of women whom men do not give gifts:

  1. For those who believe that accepting presents from men is wrong and bad. Such an attitude can be incorporated in a girl from childhood. Weโ€™ll have to work on ourselves and understand that itโ€™s natural for men to perform feats for the sake of their loved ones, to make them various surprises and gifts. And the more attention and care he shows, the more he loves his chosen one.
  2. Those who refuse presents because of their modesty. In this case, the girls would like to be advised to understand that they are worthy of gifts. You should not consider a man as a bag of money. Try to understand that the guy is interested in making you happy.
  3. Those who feel obligated if they accept the gift. This is considered a difficult psychological case. Perhaps this opinion was imposed by grandmothers or mothers. To cope with such a problem, try to remember yourself as a little girl who received gifts joyfully, not allowing herself to think that it was necessary to give something in return. If a person wants to give you a gift, then most likely he does it from a pure heart, and not because of selfish intentions.
  4. To those who show their displeasure. Even if you know in advance about what gift your man will present, or you receive not what you dreamed about, then you should not immediately speak negatively, let alone criticize the received present. Rejoice, because the man tried for you.

Create a special atmosphere

How to receive gifts from men? In fact, any adequate representative of the strong half of humanity wants to give his beloved flowers and things that she dreams of. For a man to do this with pleasure, a woman must charge him with a special atmosphere. Guys love it when a girl experiences enchanting and sincere delight from any surprise that they present. And this means that in the future, a man with pleasure will continue to give gifts to his beloved.

Talk about what you want

How to receive a gift is of interest to many women, but not everyone understands why the partner does not pamper her. It is very important for a man to voice his desires. He is not a psychic who can understand from one glance towards the desired thing that you want to receive it as a gift. It is not necessary to tell him about it "in the forehead." You can give a subtle hint. You can start a conversation about the magnificent dress that you saw in the window when you walked around the mall.

Couple walks

Some women use a rather strange trick. Phrases: โ€œI saw a womanโ€™s handbag of a new model of a famous brand and thought what a wonderful man she is ...โ€ you can never use. You can offend your chosen one and completely discourage his desire to give you gifts.

Don't be greedy

Whether it is possible to ask for gifts from men is of interest to many women, but it is important to understand that such an action should come from one's own and not imposed desire.

Gift car

Many understand the lack of modesty incorrectly and begin to go too far. Some women tend to talk about how difficult it is for them without a car or to pay for a rented apartment during their second date. Such insistence and "gluttony" can seriously scare a man, and he decides that you are with him because of the money.

Down with independence

How to receive gifts from men without asking? To begin with, itโ€™s worth understanding that even though you are a successful girl with your own car and a spacious apartment in the center of the capital, as well as you can buy a sable coat and a diamond necklace for yourself, do not show this to your chosen one. Otherwise, the man will be simply at a loss and if he can choose a gift, he is unlikely to decide to present it to you, since there is nothing special in him, unlike all the material goods that you have.

How to ask for gifts from men?

Psychology and research on the relationship between men and women shows that there is nothing reprehensible in requests. If a woman does not ask anything from her chosen one, she deliberately reduces his male potential. Real men want to be necessary for their beloved and often get real pleasure from the joy that they bring to their partner.

Is it possible to ask for gifts from a man

Moreover, some psychologists believe that the main female duty is to ask your boyfriend for the desired and necessary things. If the girl does not ask for anything, but is content with little, then the chosen one sooner or later begins to relax and stops making any efforts to bring positive feelings to her lover.

Do not hurry

If you force your chosen one to give you expensive gifts regularly, then soon, he will probably feel used. Therefore, if you require a mink coat or rest in Bali, then he will decide that you are with him solely because of material gain.

how to ask for gifts from men tips

As mentioned earlier, there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that girls ask for gifts from their chosen ones, but the tactics must be correct. Try to act from small to large so that your partner gradually gets used to giving you good gifts. If you rejoice even in pleasant things, then he will have much more desire to make you happier.

Show the benefits

How to get a gift if a man refuses to give it? Guys often wonder why a girl needs ten pairs of shoes or eight evening dresses. Your task is to prove to your partner that you really need this thing. You can give various arguments related to how great it will look at you, and he will admire your beauty.

If we are talking about a more expensive purchase, such as a car, then you can say that you simply need it, because you want to come home much earlier in order to meet him with a delicious dinner.

A man should understand his benefits from investing in your gifts. And the more arguments you give, the more significantly increase the desire of your partner to give you gifts.

Important Tips

We looked at how to ask for gifts from men. Tips related to the art of accepting gifts do not only apply to presentations from your beloved guy. Very often, girls are madly rejoiced at banal trinkets from their lovers, but they criticize such things when they receive them as gifts from relatives and friends. Sooner or later, a man will understand that you are unhappy with many gifts, and next time he will change his mind about buying another thing for you.

Holiday gift


  1. If you wanted to receive a completely different thing as a gift, then you should not show it. Imagine joy. If you did evening makeup or cut a salad, then drop this thing for the sake of unpacking the gift. Sometimes indifference looks even more offensive than discontent.
  2. If the present really pleased you, then do not be afraid to show your sincere feelings. Admit to the donor that he guessed with the choice.
  3. Remember that a person is not to blame for the fact that he could not please you. Perhaps you yourself havenโ€™t really figured out your desires yet.
  4. If a stranger gives you an expensive gift, and you do not accept this, then do not be afraid to refuse. Refer to the husband or mother who forbids you to accept expensive things as a gift.
  5. Never discuss unsuccessful gifts with other guests or relatives. Even if you dreamed about new earrings, but got another pan, restrain your emotions and thank the person.
Guy hides flowers

Often men do not give gifts to their women simply because they do not know how to receive them correctly. Try to develop the art of accepting and giving presents, it will definitely come in handy for you.


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