Green walnuts. Traditional treatment

When identifying serious diseases today, more and more often people resort to medicines given by nature itself. Medicines stuffed with chemistry are far from always effective, and more often than not one is treated and the other is crippled. Their constant use disrupts the functioning of the liver, heart, intestines, leads to obesity, as metabolism is disturbed. Having tried all available options and desperate to regain former health, many pay attention to traditional medicine. Each country has accumulated over decades, and even centuries, recipes for medicinal potions, which is a sin not to use.

green walnuts treatment
Green walnuts also belong to products that have a healthy effect on our body. The treatment with these fruits was known to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Tincture is effective in many diseases, it is used both as a prophylaxis and in treatment. Green nuts strengthen the immune system, so they are used to prevent infectious diseases. Also, young unripe fruits perfectly remove toxins from the body and contribute to the acceleration of metabolism.

Green walnut medicine cleanses the blood. If you use it all year, then the skin will be noticeably cleaned. It is difficult to list all the diseases in which this miracle of nature is effective. Walnut is absolutely healthy . Knowledgeable people can prepare excellent medicinal potions from leaves, bark, kernels of nuts, shells and even partitions. No wonder this plant was nicknamed the king for its amazing properties. But nevertheless, it is green walnuts that are considered the most effective and useful.

green walnut medicine
Treatment of the genitourinary, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal diseases - this is not a complete list of organs that are affected by nuts. Tinctures can be taken to prevent hypothyroidism, mastopathy, vitamin deficiency, arthrosis, rheumatism, dermatitis, female and male infertility. Recently, the main problem of mankind has become iodine deficiency, which affects the endocrine system and disrupts the functioning of all organs. Traditional healers recommend taking green walnuts from the thyroid gland to bring it back to normal and get rid of the nodes.

As an adjuvant, tincture is taken for leukemia, sclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain and heart, and anti-tuberculosis therapy. From polyps in the rectum and intestinal cramps can also get rid of green walnuts. Treatment involves the normalization of metabolic processes and the complete cleansing of the body, which, in turn, brings significant relief from colitis.

green thyroid walnuts
Like any other medicine, green walnuts have contraindications. Treatment cannot be carried out with eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, enterocolitis. In some cases, there may be an allergic reaction, accompanied by a rash, hives, diathesis. People suffering from such diseases should not eat nuts even in small quantities, because this can trigger an exacerbation of the disease.


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