What to say to a man? A conversation between a woman and a man. Topics for talking with a man

A conversation between a woman and a man ... What could be more natural than this process? We were born in order to find happiness with our soulmate, to create a strong and friendly family. In the process of tireless searches for a narrowed-down young lady, they use the entire military arsenal, among which the main weapon is communication. It is the extraordinary thoughts and knowledge of the fair sex that can interest the chosen one and conquer his heart forever.

Basic rules for a first date

We start with it, because people who saw each other for the first time often have nothing to say. They are shy, lost, afraid to seem boring and cannot find common themes. To prevent this from happening to you, cut it on the nose: the most important rule of communication with a stranger is sincerity. Remember the children: how easily they find common ground with completely strangers. The whole secret lies in their spontaneity, openness and honesty. If you are able to cultivate these qualities of character in yourself, the interlocutor will immediately fall for the bait.

what to say to a man
The first conversation with a man should take place in a quiet place where no one will bother you. Loud music and a crowd of scurrying passers-by should not distract you and the gentleman from an important sacrament - acquaintance, verbal knowledge of each other. Speak in a pleasant voice, slowly, use the game of facial expressions, smile - these simple tricks bribe men. But inappropriate laughter and even hysterical laughter, a lot of questions and an absent look, on the contrary, can play a cruel joke with a lady who has the goal of liking a chosen one and interest him through conversation.

Topics for communication

If you do not know what to say to a man at the first meeting, let him choose the subject of conversation. Answering clearly posed questions, you yourself, without noticing it, will join the conversation and become an active participant in it. The most harmless and popular topics are entertainment and leisure. Ask the chosen one how he spends his free time, what kind of sport he does, where he relaxes in the summer. Discussing pleasant moments of life is always easy and fun, especially if during the conversation you find a lot in common.

what to talk about
Music, literature, favorite films - another extensive layer for communication, wandering through the labyrinths of which can be almost forever. Even if you suddenly strongly disagree on tastes, do not dispute your innocence. Delicately tell the opponent that you have your own point of view, although, of course, you can be wrong, so listen to his opinion with pleasure. Representatives of the stronger sex love girls who compromise. This category of women for them is that middle ground between hated self-confident ladies and submissive soft-bodied young ladies.

Right questions

Do not be afraid to ask them. The main thing is to do it right - with feeling, sense, arrangement. Do not fill up the interlocutor with a whole heap of questions - this is not an interrogation, but a date. Hold pauses, talk about yourself in between. Just don’t share your plans for a house by the sea and three kids - the cavalier will self-destruct from this pressure and is unlikely to call you again. Everything has its time. The first date does not tolerate questions about the past and thoughts about the future, especially if they relate to personal life.

conversation with a man
Focus on the present. Not sure what to talk about? Then inquire where the cavalier works, what his duties are, whether he likes the chosen profession. Why did he decide to become a doctor (teacher, fireman, postman), did he dream about this since childhood, or did someone inspire him to take this path? You can also ask how the cavalier’s day usually goes, what events his schedule is filled with. Even if some financial issues are very curious, for example, the size of income, the availability of housing or a car, it is better to omit it for now. Be patient.

When the relationship has already begun

Let's say you have been together for several years. All issues relating to art, work, leisure and other things are discussed more than a dozen times. You know even his mother’s favorite dish, and how he affectionately calls his pet. What to do next? What can a man say if he is actually an open book for you? In such a situation, it is important to maintain those warm feelings that have already arisen between you. First, give your chosen one compliments. Do not forget to remind you how courageous, handsome, smart, smart he is. Make it clear that you are in seventh heaven that you have met such a prince. Talk about the merits of the chosen one can be inexhaustible.

say about love to a man
Secondly, at this stage it is already possible, and even necessary, to reflect on the future. Talk about how you will go to the mountains together next summer, which present you will buy for his dad’s anniversary. If a man is not annoyed by such reasoning, you can take the risk to go further: dream about a wedding, ask if he wants twins. Try not to criticize again. We are all human beings and mistakes are part of everyone’s life. You can find out about the past of the gentleman, at this stage he already completely trusts you and can share sentimental stories about the experienced trials.

A little bit about love

Some young women make many mistakes when it comes to open recognition. Some shout about eternal love on their first dates, while others, on the contrary, hold their mouths until the wedding. The main thing here is to correctly determine the moment when the release of feelings will be most appropriate. If the relationship is already as close as possible, you are familiar with all his relatives and best friends, if you feel tenderness and affection in return - make up your mind. Do not worry if the chosen one did not do this first. Guys in love affairs often turn out to be real cowards and are very afraid of getting into an absurd situation.

what good to say to a man
Therefore, the first step is often for the ladies. They can say about love to a man in three ways.

  1. Looking in the eyes. Wait for the first convenient romantic occasion and, holding your beloved by the hand, not looking away, say: “I love you. You are the most precious thing in my life. ” No pompous book phrases that sound unnatural.
  2. By phone. A beautiful message with the right words will greatly simplify your task.
  3. By letter. The most romantic way. Rusting paper, curls of handwriting and lip print at the end ... Romance.

If your recognition is not reciprocated, do not be discouraged. Show restraint, affection and care you will achieve reciprocal recognition.

Marriage Communication

Gradually, we understand that with a person we have nothing to talk about. All topics seem battered and revolve around the education of offspring and the income-expenditures of the family budget. This is a normal process: after going through numerous tests in the form of swaddling clothes, focusing on the issues of "eat-dress", people gradually lose their spiritual closeness - it is replaced by material. Discussing the financial side is important. But more importantly, do not forget about those moments that made you happy.

conversation of a woman with a man
What can a man say if he is already ten years old as your husband? Throw away economic topics and just remember those wonderful times when you first met. With a smile, describe your feelings and sensations of that rainbow period. In addition, in order to have common topics for conversation, you need to share the interests of the partner. Watch football with him, go fishing, sign up for the same gym your spouse visits. He, in turn, let him take an active part in your life. Then common themes will appear, and it will be possible to discuss all the events experienced together during the day.

Concrete and lack of emotions

Perhaps these two qualities will make you an ideal companion. If you don’t know what to talk about, better keep quiet. Conversations in the style of "what I see, then sing," lead with friends. Only women can talk for hours about anything. Representatives of the stronger sex love to adhere to one topic initially, so immediately strictly outline its boundaries. For example, you can discuss the latest interesting invention of scientists, a new computer game, sports news. Of course, for this you need to constantly read to keep abreast of developments. But no one has canceled self-education, in addition, men love advanced girls. Just don't get too smart, show your chosen one that he is much wiser than you.

topics for conversation with a man
And please, no tantrums and tears. Respond adequately to some of his rude words. Perhaps he came tired from work or just not in the mood. In this case, start a conversation about what kind of hard worker he is: without his efforts, the ship of your relationship would have long run aground or gone to the bottom. Praise your man, admire, sing praises - he instantly thaws. And appreciate your endurance and calm.

Do not compare or evaluate

It is clear that the former relationship and all the vicissitudes associated with them are not the best topics for talking with a man. Representatives of the stronger sex are naturally males, they do not tolerate the presence of an opponent, even in your thoughts. In his heart, he understands that the woman had love affairs behind her, but prefers to ignore them. Be in solidarity - do not discuss the ex-guy and moreover do not compare him with the chosen one. It smacks of scandal and even parting.

what to say to a man
Do not evaluate the gifts of a loved one. Even if he bought you ordinary chamomiles, portray genuine joy. Better yet, learn how to truly enjoy cute presentations. The main thing is not cost, but attention paid to you. Friends and relatives of the chosen one, his hobbies and hobbies should also become a taboo for discussion . Even if the mere mention of the culinary talents of the mother-in-law makes you feel sick, control yourself and keep up the conversation: “Yes, dear, your mother is real good. She has a lot to learn. " After that, change the subject or better off quietly - away from sin.


You can write a whole book about what to say to a man. No matter how the representatives of the stronger sex position themselves as incomparable alpha males, in their hearts they remain the same little boys in need of care and guardianship. Give it to him: speak affectionate words, praise his talents, emphasize your dignity. Discuss with him all kinds of things that interest him: sports, the country's economic situation, the debate of presidential candidates, the price of gasoline and the exchange rate. Be not only natural, but truly knowledgeable.

what to talk about
Never start a conversation with the words: "We need to seriously talk." This phrase causes panic in men and a desire to run wherever their eyes look. It is much better if you start the conversation with the words: “Honey, advise ...”, “What do you think ...”, “What would you do in my place ...”. These words once again emphasize that the spouse is your support and protection, the head of the family and the helmsman who controls the family vessel. What good is a man to say? All that he wants to hear.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C33695/

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