Infrared blanket: description, principle of operation, user manual, use, indications and contraindications

Modern scientific and technical developments are designed to improve and facilitate the quality of the world around us, as well as save time at our accelerated pace of life. One of the latest such innovations introduced in life, has become an infrared blanket. It is firmly rooted and widely used in various fields of cosmetology and medicine.


An infrared blanket is a product from the top and filler.

The top cover is made of natural fabric, usually cotton. The inside is infrared material consisting of polypropylene fiber and infrared powder. Indications, contraindications, reviews about the infrared blanket for weight loss will be discussed below.

The blanket is available in two available sizes - one and a half and a double, usually a duvet cover is usually included. There are special fasteners around the perimeter that prevent the blankets from sliding off during the procedure.

Principle of operation

The wavelength of infrared radiation is from 7-14 microns, which allows you to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and act on problem areas. With internal tissue heating, cells begin to move actively and stimulate calorie burning, remove toxins, waste and excess water. The principle of action is thermotherapy from the inside. Reviews of the infrared blanket for weight loss say that the use is effective in combination with physical activity.

Mainly, this type of therapy has an effect on the fat layer in the epidermis, but not on areas with large deposits of adipose tissue. By slowly heating the tissues to 40 ° C, the same effect is achieved as with respiratory diseases, immunity is activated, this leads to the destruction of all harmful bacteria and microbes.

Infrared Sauna Blanket

Indications and contraindications

An infrared blanket, like any means of warming, has contraindications and can negatively affect health or worsen overall well-being.

Contraindications are:

  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • bleeding
  • open wounds and abrasions;
  • tuberculosis.

Indications for use include:

  • strengthening immunity and increasing the health of the body;
  • treatment of colds, lung diseases;
  • muscle tension relaxation;
  • the fight against cellulite, dry skin, loss of elasticity;
  • body fat in some parts of the body;
  • sleep disorders, stress, the fight against fatigue.
    Infrared blanket

User's manual

Before using an infrared blanket and to achieve a better result, you need to take a shower without using any cosmetics. After a shower and a thermotherapy session, it is also extremely undesirable to apply creams or lotions to the body. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least an hour after eating. To maintain water balance before, after and during the application of the IR blanket, you need to drink more water.

Since the average procedure lasts 40-50 minutes, depending on tolerance, it is necessary to lie down and take a comfortable position. The first procedure may be a little shorter and a little liquid will be released, however, it should be borne in mind that toxins can be excreted through urine and even hair. For a full course of thermotherapy, 10 to 20 sessions are carried out 2-3 times a week.

Blanket models are produced by various manufacturers, all have a switching device, remote control or control panel that allows you to set the desired warm-up temperature and duration of the session.

Infrared blanket: reviews

Cosmetic Use

The most widely used IR blanket is used in cosmetology, for weight loss and skin condition improvement. Due to the thermal effect, blood circulation is enhanced, the pores expand and cleanse, the keratinized epidermis layer is removed. Due to increased sweating, pores that have been clogged for more than one year begin to function naturally.

The result of using an infrared slimming blanket:

  • the general condition of the skin improves - it becomes more elastic, toned, already after the first procedure the complexion improves noticeably;
  • minor flaws such as rash and acne are eliminated;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • swelling goes away;
  • less cellulite deposits;
  • in some cases, small scars resolve.
    Infrared slimming blanket: reviews

Health Application

Numerous studies conducted in the largest medical centers in the world have proved that infrared heating has a therapeutic effect in a number of diseases.

An infrared sauna blanket is used for pathologies:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. After a full course of IR heating, the level of cholesterol is significantly reduced and, as a result, the likelihood of a heart attack, the occurrence of diseases of the coronary vessels decreases, the pressure decreases, the condition of the veins improves, the walls of the vessels recover and become more elastic.
  • Kidney disease. Increased sweating removes accumulated toxins and toxins from the body, while reducing the load on the kidneys. The external manifestations of the symptoms of diseases associated with their improper work disappear.
  • Blood circulation. Deep heating of the body improves blood circulation even in peripheral areas and capillaries. A problem that is relevant for the elderly and inactive people.
  • Diseases of the muscles and joints. Warming up has a positive effect on muscles and joints. It relieves cramps, pain with arthritis, rheumatism, menstrual pain, as well as radiculitis.
  • Respiratory viral infections can be cured by the onset of the first symptoms through infrared heating sessions. The body's resistance to viral diseases increases significantly, and diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and a runny nose can be cured faster.
  • Stress and neurosis. During the course of infrared heating, a relaxing effect is achieved, sleep is improved, and nervous tension is relieved.
    Infrared blanket for weight loss: reviews, contraindications

Sports application

The body of athletes is working at an accelerated pace. If we talk about professionals, then this is also exorbitant loads, which often leads to injuries and painful sensations.

The use of infrared blankets is indispensable in this area:

  • A session held before training, helps to quickly warm up the muscles without the cost of extra energy. When heated, an increased rush of blood to the muscles occurs.
  • The expansion of both blood and lymph vessels leads to the breakdown of body fat, which makes it easier for athletes to lose weight on the eve of the competition without additional stress on the heart. Among other things, in order to enhance sweating, it is necessary to expend a lot of energy, for example, a 40-minute session allows you to burn from 1000-2000 calories, which is comparable to a run up to 15 km.
  • Allows you to recover faster after the competition.
  • Thermotherapy promotes the exit of the mammary gland, due to which, after active training, the feeling of overtraining quickly passes.
  • When training in the open air is a prophylactic for colds.
  • Relieves muscle spasm and pain from injuries and sprains.
  • Saturates tissues with oxygen without the use of prohibited doping agents.
  • Accelerates the healing process of bruises and fractures received during training.
  • Accelerated metabolic metabolism, which contributes to the rapid gain of muscle mass in the process of playing sports.
    Infrared Slimming Blanket

Infrared Blanket Reviews

Customers who have purchased the product, assess the quality and effectiveness of the product on average.

Among the positive properties distinguish:

  • effective in the fight against cellulite;
  • warming the joints, which positively affects their work;
  • relaxing effect;
  • removes excess fluid from the body.

Negative reviews:

  • after the procedure, dehydration is felt;
  • pressure drops;
  • Does not suit everyone, there are contraindications;
  • the procedure is long;
  • frequent use is not recommended.
    Infrared blanket: contraindications

An infrared blanket can be purchased for home use, carry out procedures in a beauty parlor or at a medical center. The method has established itself as effective, affordable and with a minimum number of contraindications.


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