Paul Gascoigne, football player: biography, personal life, sports career

Paul Gascoigne is a UK footballer known for his talent and unbridled disposition. In the football environment, he received the nickname Gazza. He played as a midfielder, for about 10 years he was a key player in England (1988-1998). But Paul Gascoigne became famous not only for his amazing game. The tricks of a football player on and off the field are known to many football fans.

Paul Gascoigne

From the football field to the clinic

The story about Gazz should not start from the day he was born, but from the moment when he turned from a hero of the nation into a captive of the white walls of one of the Arizona clinics. How did a nice guy from England end up in a US hospital? The culprit was the lifestyle that the football player adhered to. Constant parties, nights without sleep, many women, soft drugs. And most importantly - alcohol, a lot of alcohol.

"Paul Gascoigne is an alcoholic," is a frequent headline for English newspapers of the time. "Gazza" drank a lot, what is there to hide. Often binges were replaced by deep depressions, which required even more alcohol. However, the body, exhausted by partying, was already beginning to rebel. Saved the pills. And he already was not up to football.

Paul Gascoigne Now

Despite this, Gascoigne can be called lucky. He is not from that class of famous personalities from whom friends turned their backs during a serious problem. It was the close ones who came to the aid of the downing midfielder, who needed support as never before.

And not only the most relatives tried to help this fun and helpful guy from Misty Albion. Even the fans did not stand aside, trying to support their idol. Paul Gascoigne does not agree to treatment, convinces others that he can handle it himself. However, in the end, surrenders and goes to distant Arizona. It was the beginning of the 2000s, Gazza's career took quick steps towards sunset ...

Namesake mccartney and lennon

Many believed that Paul Gascoigne is so reckless because of a difficult childhood. The Gazza family was poor, money appeared very rarely. Due to the difficult financial situation, the brother of the future football star was sent to a boarding school.

The full name of the midfielder is Paul John. He was born during the period of popularity of the Beatles, and therefore was named in their honor. Paul Gascoigne now boasts a beautiful life. At that time, the Gascoigne family had to get out of their way. My father worked at a construction site, carrying out the dirtiest assignments. Mother did work at three jobs. There was never any money. But the family had four children.

First steps in football

Initially, the boy kicked the ball to distract from the gray poor life. At that time in England there was little entertainment, and many began to apply to a glass. However, Paul, as a child, set out to play football at a professional level. The dream began to come true at the age of 17, when it falls into the composition of “Newcastle”, which at that time was not the last club in the UK. Soon, he was completely in the youth team.

He got his nickname by playing for the backup team. However, there is a legend that it appeared after one of the commentators said the phrase: "This player turned the field into a Gaza Strip."

Outstanding football player with one “but”

Paul Gascoigne is a talented footballer, and it's hard to argue with that. He is very good, despite the fact that he can not boast of a mountain of cups and titles. Many current soccer fans will laugh, indicating the number of trophies Ronaldo or Rooney has. Paul Gascoigne could become a superstar and conquer the best stadiums in the world, but frequent injuries and drunkards did not allow him to climb to the top.

Already in childhood, he began to be injured, breaking his arms twice and breaking his head. Once, examining a construction site, he stepped on a rusty nail, after which he miraculously did not lose his foot. He attracted injuries like a magnet. Being a professional football player, he missed about 4.5 years in total, visited the surgeon’s table more than 20 times.

Paul Gascoigne Soccer Player

All this unpleasant picture was supplemented by stress, violation of the regime, alcohol, problems with being overweight. It’s even amazing: how did this guy get to the European and World Championships? And not just to get there, but to play at a high level.

Addiction to alcohol

It is not known for certain when Gazza began to be applied to a glass. And it was hard to find a non-drinking footballer in England in the period of the 60-80s. Many legends of the English league could calmly get drunk in the evening, and in the morning go on the field in an important match.

Of this number of players was Gazza. The midfielder did not miss a single opportunity to “fill his eyes”. He drank before training, after them, before matches and after their completion. There are cases when Paul "rolled" and in breaks of fights. In 1996, he played for the Scottish Rangers. Passed the first half of the game for the Cup of the country. The game is not very successful for the “Rangers”, in which there is a certain fault Gazza. The midfielder, without thinking twice, goes to the bar, where he drinks, and then enters the field. Surprisingly, in the second half, he scored twice. He did this more than once.

Paul Gascoigne Alcoholic

European Championship in England

In 1996, the championship of Europe was entrusted to the founder of football. The English team brought together the best football players of the time, including Paul Gascoigne. The midfielder was sure that this was his chance to show off to the whole world, and even stopped drinking. However, it breaks down before the start, when it goes to fees in Hong Kong. Gazza's birthday, why not throw a feast right on board? It doesn’t end very well: broken TVs, harassment of stewardesses ...

Despite this, England became one of the favorites for the 1996 European Championship, and Paul scored his most famous goal. However, in the semifinals, the British were unable to outplay the Germans in the penalty shootout. Bottom line - Gazza gets drunk and cries in his room.

The last years of the Gascoigne football player

The 1998 World Cup becomes Paul's main goal. He understands that his career is heading towards sunset, and he has already gone to the fourth dozen. Gascoigne has a good qualification, but just before leaving he finds out that he did not get on the list of the main staff. This news shocking Gazza and becomes the beginning of the end. He did not follow the team’s games, only occasionally learning the news in the bar, where he spent most of his time.

Paul Gascoigne Antics

For several years he grabbed at any opportunity to stay in football. He played in China and the USA, but for a long time he did not have enough. In 2005, he tried himself as a coach, but here he will be disappointed. In the end, Paul simply waved his hand and gradually began to sink in his experiences and alcohol.

Then there were clinics that pulled out a former star from the other world. He did not appear in the football environment, but the fans did not forget about him. Often he attended various shows, where he became more likely a comedian than a football player. And he made people laugh. Despite leaving football, he remained the same simple guy.

Antics of Paul

Of course, Gazza was known as an alcoholic in world football, but do not forget about his funny antics that made fans laugh on the floor:

Winnie Jones and Paul Gascoigne

  • Winnie Jones and Paul Gascoigne once quarreled on the field. Vinnie grabbed Paul for manhood, for which he received a rose in the locker room, in response sent a toilet brush.
  • There was a case when Gazza showed up at the bar in the form of a national team.
  • He pulled out a hammer from a worker and began hammering asphalt on one of the streets of Great Britain, laughing wildly at the same time.
  • He joked about Brazerton, sending a transvestite to his number.
  • In one of the matches I picked up a yellow card, which the judge dropped, and showed him the same. For this I received the same card in response.
  • Once I sniffed the armpit of a judge when he raised his hand.
  • I treated my comrades with a pie, the stuffing of which was the excrement of a football player.


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