Men's half-box haircut: description, execution technology

Modern men pay no less attention to their hairstyle than women. But still their main requirements remain simplicity in styling and hair care. That is why a half-box haircut is popular. It is believed that this hairstyle appeared in the United States. It was most often chosen by athletes. But due to its practicality and versatility, it has become popular among men of all ages.

Distinctive features

A half-box haircut is a classic and suits almost all men. It is distinguished from others by a shaved occipital-temporal region and a clear line of edging. It is also important that the transition from short to long strands is smooth.

At the request of the client, the master can leave a bang. The extended version is suitable for self-confident young people who like to create different styles. You can experiment with the length of the hair on the back of the head - it can be either short or longer. Or make a drawing - especially often this option is chosen for children's haircuts or young people who want to add originality to their image.

stylish haircut


Men's half-box haircut has a number of advantages that make it so popular:

  1. This hairstyle goes well with any style of clothing. The image is fashionable and courageous.
  2. This haircut makes a man younger.
  3. Ease of styling and grooming.
  4. Makes curly hair more obedient.
  5. Emphasizes facial features, making them even more expressive.

A half-box haircut is also universal: it looks good on any hair (both straight and curly) and is suitable for owners of any face shape.

stylish masculine look

Who is suitable for

Despite the versatility of the haircut, you still need to take into account some features of the appearance to maximize the dignity of men. The semi-box looks especially good on owners of an oval or round face.

The easiest way to do it on straight and thick hair. But an experienced craftsman can make this stylish haircut on curly hair. Due to the fact that the hair on the temples of minimum length, the face becomes more open. Therefore, the half-box is especially suitable for men with a beautiful cheekbone line and expressive facial features.

men's haircut

What is needed

In order to create a half-box haircut, you will need:

  • Straight scissors.
  • Scissors for milling.
  • Comb.
  • Machine with various nozzles.

An experienced master can make a half-box haircut with a machine and a comb. However, in order to make the hairstyle more accurate, it is worth using the listed tools.

Hairstyle technology

It can be done even at home, because to create this hairstyle you do not need any special hairdressing skills. The following is a step-by-step half-box haircut.

An important nuance - this hairstyle provides for a double edging. Therefore, the work must begin with the design of the temples and the nape and only then proceed to work with the lower border of the hair. You need to do a haircut on washed hair and comb them in the direction of growth.

  1. With straight scissors, note where the transition between long and short hair will take place. Then, from the central part of the neck, hair is alternately cut from two sides. With a machine or scissors (here you need to choose what is more convenient to work), the strands are shortened to the desired length. When working with very thick hair, it is better to use the “comb” technique.
  2. When working with the temporal region, you need to consider its features. If it is sunken, then the edge of the edging should be made slightly below the natural line. If the temporal region is convex, then it needs to be slightly raised. The upper temporal part must be trimmed at an angle of 45 °.
  3. The final touch of working with temples is the correction of strands to the desired short length.
  4. The edging of the temples is done using a typewriter.
  5. To make a smooth transition, you will need scissors for thinning. It is made in the direction from the tips to the roots, about 3 cm above the control line.

A properly made half-box haircut should have an oval shape. Excess hairs can be removed using a machine. The bangs are made at the very end of the haircut process.

creating a half-box haircut

The difference between half-boxing and boxing

These hairstyles are very similar and are among the most popular among short haircuts. But despite the similarities, there are differences between them. The difference in boxing and semi-boxing haircuts is that in the first version, the hair on the parietal part has a shorter length. In the second embodiment, the edging line is made at the level of the nape or slightly lower. Also, in a haircut, boxing bangs are either not done at all, or they are not made too voluminous.

Styling options

It is very easy to make a half-box haircut. But she will look stylish and make the image of a man more spectacular.

  1. If you want to create the image of a bold and confident man, then you should make an artistic mess on the top of your head, raise your bangs and fix everything with a gel.
  2. For business meetings, styling with combed hair on one side or back is suitable. Just do not apply too much styling products to maintain its neat and elegant look.
  3. If the length allows, then you can collect the hair in a ponytail. This option is suitable for self-confident people who are not afraid to experiment with a haircut.

Also, during installation, you need to pay attention to the bangs. You can remove it to the side or back, lift it slightly to add a bit of retro chic to the look. But the male haircut half-box looks good and without any additional styling.

haircut styling

Features of a baby haircut

This hairstyle looks good on both adult men and boys. Only a children's haircut has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account:

  1. Before creating a hairstyle, you need to ask the child what kind of haircut he wants.
  2. It is not necessary for the boys to make the classic version of the semi-box. Often, a baby haircut is supplemented with patterns or drawings shaved at the temples. They are made both on one and on both sides. But if you decide to create a pattern on both parts, it is best to make them symmetrical.

A haircut for a boy half-box is a good choice for parents. It is practical - the child will be comfortable with her even in the hot season. And clear lines and smooth transitions create the image of a little gentleman. A half-box haircut for a boy is one of the most popular children's hairstyles.

half-boxing haircut for a boy

When creating a hairstyle, you need to pay attention to the condition of the occipital part of the head. If there are moles, then you need to be very careful while working. If there are small scratches, it is better to transfer the haircut. To maintain the shape of the hairstyle, it is enough to visit the master once every 3-4 weeks. Then the haircut will have a neat and beautiful look.

Despite the simplicity and severity of the lines, the half-box makes the masculine look more brutal and stylish. Also, this haircut goes well with any image, and the ability to create different styles allows you to make it more effective and emphasize the masculinity of its owner.

The half box is a stylish classic that is easy to create at home. And the hairstyle will look elegant and concise. If it is selected and made taking into account the individual characteristics of the appearance, then it will emphasize the dignity of a man. Some complement the haircut with coloring, but even without it, it looks spectacular and noble, makes a man a real gentleman.


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