Attractions and entertainment in Sudak: reviews

Today Sudak (Crimea), the sights and entertainments of which will be the subject of conversation, is becoming increasingly popular with tourists. There is always something to do here, vacationers can have only two problems: there will not be enough time to see all the interesting things and it will be difficult to choose the best places to visit. We will help to cope with the second task. We’ll tell you what kind of entertainment in Sudak is worthy of attention and worth the time spent.

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Geographical position

In the southeast of the Crimean peninsula in a cozy bay is located the city of Sudak, the sights and entertainments of which we are considering. The village is located on the Black Sea, at the confluence of the Sudak River. It is reliably covered by Mount Krepostnaya from the west, a mountain range from the north and Cape Alchak from the east. This creates a comfortable microclimate in Sudak Bay, the weather here is milder and more pleasant than in other cities of Crimea. Pike perch is located on a gentle shore, which smoothly goes into the sea, creating a long shallow water. It warms up well and the swimming season is a little longer than in the nearby Alushta and Feodosia. Sudak is a great place to relax. In summer, the average temperature here is 23 degrees Celsius; in the year the sun shines here 2550 hours, which is more than in Cannes and Nice.

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History of the city

Such a convenient and comfortable place like Sudak could not go unnoticed. People began to settle here a very long time ago. According to historians, the city was founded in 212 by Adyghe tribes. But they did not leave permanent buildings here. Gradually, the village is growing, people come here from different sides, initially the city was formed as a multinational center of trade and crafts. In the 6th century, a fortress was erected here on the orders of the Byzantine emperor. In the 9th century, the city was captured by the Russians, since then it has been developing as a Christian settlement. Sudak was very well located on the Silk Road, which provided the city with prosperity and prosperity. After the fall of Constantinople, Sudak departs to the Republic of Venice. The invasion raids begin on a rich settlement, as a result of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the city was almost completely ruined and destroyed. In 1365, the territory of Sudak goes to the Genoese, they erect a fortress here, which today is the decoration of the city. In 1475 the territory was captured by the Ottoman Empire and only in 1783 Sudak, together with the Crimean peninsula, is part of the Russian Empire. But this fact did not bring any benefit to the city, it turns into a provincial province, loses its former wealth and power. The city was saved by the fact that its territory became part of the possessions of Prince Potemkin, who launched wine production here. After the revolution, the city had to endure many difficulties. In the 60s, winemaking began to revive here, and motels and resorts were being built. Gradually, the city turns into a cozy Black Sea resort. Sudak, the sights and entertainments of which are connected with many historical places, today is developing as a center of tourism. Every season there are new opportunities for different types of recreation.

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Sights of Sudak

The long history of the city left a noticeable imprint on its appearance. Sudak (Crimea), the sights and entertainments of which satisfy the taste of any traveler, is small in size, but exploring interesting places will take more than one day. Any tourist should definitely see the following objects.

Genoese fortress. This cultural monument of federal significance was built at least in the 7th century. Although there is a legend that the fortress was erected by the Alans in 212. The structure rises on the fortress and is a complex of two lines of defense. The outer encircled the castle and protected part of the city from attacks by enemies. It consists of a wall, the Main Gate complex and 14 watch towers. The inner one, the citadel or castle of St. Elias, includes an impregnable wall with 4 towers, a Consular castle with two towers and a separate Watch Tower. The fortress is in very good condition, today it houses a museum. You can inspect it in groups or on your own.

Cape Alchaya-Kaya. This unique natural object is striking in its beauty. The cliff 152 meters high above the clear turquoise water looks very impressive, it offers fantastic views. The cape is an ancient coral reef, in its western slope there is an unusual hole - "Aeolian harp".

Interesting resort buildings of the 19th century. Walking through the quarters of a century and a half ago will allow you to feel the atmosphere of a sea resort, a resting place for the Russian aristocracy.

Crimea and Sudak are famous for their unique nature. There are several main routes that allow you to see the main objects: grottoes, waterfalls, bays, capes.

Wines of Sudak are a separate travel theme. You need to visit several objects: a museum, cellar, tasting, it is better to do this as part of the tour, so as not to miss anything important.

The main attraction of Sudak is still the beaches. Indeed, in order to lie in the sun, and most tourists go here.

pike perch crimea attractions and entertainment


The most popular activities in Sudak, reviews of which are always only enthusiastic, are sightseeing programs. There are some of the most popular options. A visit to the Genoese fortress with a guide will be a real adventure. He will tell many stories and legends, show the hidden corners of the citadel and lead to places where the best photos are obtained.

An excursion to the village of New World allows you to see places associated with Prince Golitsyn. As part of this program, it is worth going along the Golitsyn trail, which runs through the territory of the reserve and allows you to see magnificent landscapes, as well as breathe in air filled with juniper resins. The trail leads to the famous Chaliapin Grotto, where the famous bass was once sung. But the main purpose of the trip to the New World is to visit the champagne wine factory. Here you can definitely spend the whole day - so much interesting! An unforgettable experience, according to reviews, will leave a trip to Bakhchisarai - the ancient capital of Crimea. Also from Sudak field trips are organized on the Crimean peninsula. Together with the guide it is convenient to go to Koktebel, Yalta, Sevastopol, Feodosia, in nature reserves and natural parks. The educational activities in Sudak are so diverse that they can spend half the vacation and learn a lot. Seasoned travelers strongly recommend this.

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Active and extreme relaxation

For those who do not like excursions, but are not ready to spend their whole vacation lying on the beach, active entertainment in Sudak is offered. Reviews of tourists about fishing, diving, yachting in this city are the most enthusiastic. The most popular ways of outdoor activities in Sudak are:

  • Yacht rental “Sugdeya” (the vessel accommodates from 4 to 10 people, you can take walks, fish and explore the coast on it);
  • windsurfing - there is a club for fans of this sport, where you can rent equipment, get lessons and chat with fans;
  • diving - the club of scuba divers of Sudak offers the rental of equipment necessary for diving, teaches diving skills, conducts deep-sea excursions to the most interesting sites.

Also, tourists are offered horseback riding, ATV rides, sea fishing, climbing routes. Fans of hiking will find in Sudak many interesting routes of varying difficulty.

pike perch entertainment for children

Vacation with children

Many resorts of Crimea have long been considered the best place for the healing of kids, Sudak is no exception. Entertainment for children is presented here in a huge assortment. The main places to go with the children are the water park and the dolphinarium. Also, children will have fun playing in the playground on Kiparisova Street and in the children's amusement park. Tourists in their reviews praise all these places.

Evening in Sudak

Southern summer evenings have a special charm: the heat subsides and a pleasant coolness sets in. For this time of the day there are numerous entertainments in Sudak. Reviews of the nightlife in the city tell about cheerful discos, restaurants and bars, where themed programs are held every evening. The main promenade takes place on Cypress Street, where in the evenings you can hear music everywhere. Like any southern city of Sudak (Crimea), entertainment in which will satisfy every taste, provides an opportunity to relax in a crowded place and find a place for a romantic date in private.

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Beach activities

All the same, the main thing is water entertainment in Sudak. Reviews talk about the fact that all the beaches have a wide assortment of all kinds of water attractions. The most vivid sensations will bring riding on a "banana" and "tablet", flying on a flyboard, trips on water skiing. On the beaches there are corners for kids and extreme entertainment for adults.

Sudak is a city where tourists will definitely not have to get bored!


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