Griboedov Monument at Chistye Prudy in Moscow: history, description and reviews

Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov is known throughout the world as a brilliant writer. His most famous play is today included in the compulsory program of all secondary schools in Russia. In many large cities, monuments to Alexander Sergeyevich were erected. Nevertheless, the most famous and expressive monument to Griboedov at Chistye Prudy in Moscow.

History of the monument

Monument to Griboedov on clean ponds
Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov died tragically at the age of 34. In the memoirs of his contemporaries, he is a highly educated and erudite man, pleasant in communication and incredibly talented. We all know Alexander Sergeyevich as an outstanding writer. But in fact, literature for Griboedov was always only a hobby, and the main occupation was work in the civil service. This amazing man was killed by religious fanatics by an absurd accident, during the rout of the Russian embassy in Persia. The monument to Griboedov at Chistye Prudy in Moscow was erected and inaugurated in 1959, on the 130th anniversary of the death of an outstanding figure. The authors of the sculpture: A. A. Zavardin and A. A. Manuilov. The place for the monument was not chosen by chance. For some time Alexander Sergeyevich lived in a house near the place of installation of this attraction. An interesting fact: not even all the indigenous inhabitants of the capital know that once, instead of a sculpture by A. S. Griboedov, a statue of M. Bakunin stood on Chistoprudny Boulevard. However, the original monument did not last long and was soon replaced by a new monument.

Description of the monument to A. S. Griboedov at Chistye Prudy

Metro Chistye Prudy Monument to Griboedov
If you get to Chistoprudny Boulevard from the Chistye Prudy metro station, it will be simply impossible not to notice the monument to Griboedov. The bronze sculpture of the writer is mounted on a high pedestal-column. The figure of Alexander Sergeyevich is made in full growth, he is dressed in fashion of the beginning of the XIX century. The writer has a classic suit and a stylish cloak. The expression on the face of the writer is thoughtful and quite serious. The pedestal on which stands the monument to Griboedov at Chistye Prudy deserves attention. Its lower part is stylized as a stage on which are the figures of the protagonists of the play “Woe from Wit”. Today, a landscaped recreation area with flower beds and benches is laid out around the monument. With the onset of darkness, evening lighting is switched on here.

Monument to Griboedov at Chistye Prudy: how to get there by public transport?

Monument to Griboedov on clean ponds how to get
Due to its height, this monument is remarkably visible from a great distance. On its own, the easiest way to get to the monument is by metro. Very often in modern guidebooks this attraction can be found designated as: "Clean Ponds", a monument to Griboedov. " The nearest metro exit is on Chistoprudny Boulevard. The exact address of the attraction: Chistoprudny Boulevard, 6.

Reviews of tourists and residents of Moscow about the sights

Chistye Prudy monument to Griboedov exit from the metro
Many guests of the capital come to see the magnificent sculpture of A. S. Griboedov on Chistoprudny Boulevard. The monument attracts all connoisseurs of the writer's work, he is also interesting from an artistic point of view. Muscovites often use it as a guideline and make appointments "at Griboedov". This monument is especially popular among lovers. It is difficult to say exactly where the tradition came from to make romantic dates in this place . Probably the reason for this is the very atmosphere of the Chistye Prudy district, which is conducive to walking and talking. The image of Alexander Sergeyevich is hardly romantic. In a marriage with his wife Nina Griboedova-Chavchavadze, he lived happily not very long. At the same time, the widow of an outstanding figure was known for mourning for her tragically dead husband all her life and never met a new life partner. Tourists from other cities and countries who visited the monument to Griboedov at Chistye Prudy note the beauty and originality of this sculpture. The pedestal itself, decorated with images of the heroes of the writer’s ingenious work, deserves special attention. To see with your own eyes this monument is definitely worth it. What is especially nice, thanks to the location of the monument, its visit is easy to combine with excursions to other attractions or an entertaining walk around Moscow.


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