The pan burned. How to clean? We are looking for the most reliable way

Sometimes little troubles happen in the kitchen. And one of them is the burning of food in a pan. Rarely, but still happens. And then the housewives think how to clean the affected vessel? There are many ways. The most reliable and effective of them are collected in this article. So, the topic of conversation is โ€œThe pan burned. How to clean? โ€

burned pan how to clean
Special tools

Modern industry produces a huge number of preparations for washing and cleaning dishes. Among them, there are those that will help you fight the burnout at the bottom of your favorite tank. It doesnโ€™t matter if the pan suddenly burnt. How to clean, you will find out right now.

  • Means for cleaning dishes. Pour a couple of tablespoons of water at the bottom of the pan, pour a handful of the preparation, rub into the contaminated places. Leave it like this for an hour, and then clean it with a sponge.
  • Gel for dishes and dishwasher. Pour a few tablespoons of this product on the bottom of the pan, let stand for about 10 minutes and brush off the rough side of the sponge.
  • Shumanit . This is a specially developed product for cleaning heavily soiled surfaces (dishes, ovens, gas stoves). This tool is very toxic, so follow the safety measures indicated in the instructions. Shumanit is applied to a burnt place, aged for a quarter of an hour and washed off. If the burning out is difficult, you can use the drug again.
  • Coca-Cola Surprisingly, the fact that this drink cleans the dishes is very high quality. It is necessary to pour cola at the bottom of the vessel and leave for a day. All of the burns will go well.

The pan burned. How to clean with improvised means

Each house has products such as salt, vinegar and soda. Here they also will be very handy if the pan burned. How to clean it using these tools?

  • Soda. In warm water (half a liter) dilute 3 large tablespoons of soda. Boil the solution for about half an hour. Leave the pan to cool completely and rub the contaminated area with a hard sponge. This procedure can be repeated several times if the cinder does not leave the first time.
  • Salt Make a solution of 4 large tablespoons of rock salt and 0.5 liters of water. Pour it into the pan and leave it overnight. In the morning, rub the dirt with a sponge.
  • Vinegar This product will help not only clean the burn, but also remove rust and obsolete grease on the dishes. Pour the bottom of the pan with vinegar, let stand 10 minutes and clean under running water. Perform the procedure with household gloves to protect your hands from acid exposure.
  • The potato . Looking for a way to clean a badly burned pan? Remember how to do it quickly and easily. Boil potato peelings in an dirty bowl for about an hour, cool and discard. Next, treat the vessel with a salt and soda preparation. It is prepared as follows: in equal proportions, these two products are mixed, diluted with water to a thick slurry. Put this product on the bottom of the pan and leave for several hours. Then try using a sponge to rub the dirt. If they are difficult to pour, fill the bottom with water and boil the pan for about half an hour. Now the cinder will move away very well.

how to clean a burnt aluminum pan
How to clean a burnt aluminum pan?

The above methods are not suitable for removing burns in aluminum cookware. It can not be rubbed with a sponge so as not to scratch the bottom. Burned aluminum can be cleaned with toothpaste or toothpaste. Generously coat the bottom of the dish with this product and leave it overnight. Then rub with a soft sponge. The pollution will go away.

You can clean the cinder in an aluminum pan by boiling water in it with lemon (citric acid). Silicate glue and soda are also good cleaning products for soot on aluminum. Dilute them with water (1 tablespoon of soda and glue per liter of water), pour the solution into the dishes and boil for half an hour. Then wash under running water.

how to clean a badly burned pan
Do not be discouraged if your pan is burnt . How to clean it, you already know. There are a lot of ways - and all of them are very effective. We wish you not to get into a situation where you have to clean the dishes from burning. But if all of a sudden, you are already armed with knowledge ...


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