The use of saberfish: one answer from all ills

August will come soon, and with it the healing miracle of nature will bloom - the marsh saber. A meter plant that seeks moisture on the banks of rivers and lakes, marshy meadows and even in the tundra. The leaves are long, serrated, the saberfoot designated its place in medicine as the shape of a flower - a purple asterisk.

saber use

Application area

The use of saberfish is quite widespread: it is famous both in folk and professional medicine. A strong immunomodulator has a hemostatic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Less commonly used as a diaphoretic, astringent, tonic.

Saberfish, the use of which is indicated in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, polyarthritis, hepatitis and other diseases, is a rather amazing plant. For example, a broth for rinsing from saberfish with angina acts as a local antibiotic. The first signs of mastitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis and colpitis require the use of a decoction externally. In the treatment of neoplasms, in addition to the decoction, tincture is also used. It is also taken for thrombophlebitis, internal bleeding, pulmonary tuberculosis and as a tonic for heart function.
Reciprocating Application

For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a complex of tinctures and decoction will help.

Pleasantly pleased by the fact that, using the marsh cinquefoil, treatment can be carried out practically without dangerous consequences.
Alcohol tincture is not indicated for patients with low blood pressure. A contraindication to its use can be called a traditionally encountered allergy, pregnancy and lactation. Moreover, the latter is not due to known facts, but rather just in case. After all, the use of saber is far from fully understood.

For those who want to collect and use the plant on their own, I want to remind you that any self-medication, including the use of saberfish, can be harmful to the body. Especially with an unconfirmed diagnosis. Consult your healthcare professional and experienced homeopath for advice. Also, a distinctive feature of the treatment is the initial exacerbation of absolutely all diseases in which this plant is used.

Folk recipes

Cinderella tincture is sold in pharmacies. At home in a ceramic or glass dish 50 gr. dry rhizome pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Cork tightly and then put in a dark place. Shake for three weeks, then strain. Tincture of high-quality raw materials will be dark brown. Drink 1 dessert spoon twice a day.
Cinquefoil marsh treatment

The use of saber in the form of ointment is very convenient. And cooking it is very simple. For one part of the rhizome ground into powder, 10 parts of pork fat or unsalted butter. Stir thoroughly, and the ointment is ready. It is applied in a thin layer. The exception is open wounds.

For tincture, pour 3 dessert spoons of the upper part of the plant with 0.5 liters of boiled water. You need to insist at least 30 minutes. Rinse 2-3 times a day with pre-warmed warm infusion.

It should be noted that sabelnik has a pleasant taste. For irregular use in the form of tea, you will get a pleasant tonic drink, guaranteed to be beneficial for your health.


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